If you could change only one thing about this game, what would it be?

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20200413021204.jpg (960x540, 158.28K)

fire nomura

Change all forced walking segments so you can run still

Also, a friendly reminder that the jannies (on Yas Forums) are deleting threads for Cloud's voice actor, but not for Jill's new face actress.

Attached: hi wanna play fortnite.jpg (640x960, 75.69K)

No time ghosts. Ok, fine, change the story if you want to, but don't make a meta-commentary about it. Maybe still give the characters a glimps of the OG timeline if time-traveling Sephiroth still has to be a plot point. I really don't mind the changes, but the ghosts are overkill and too in your face. It's not like anything makes more sense because of them.

ability to flip the bird to whispers every time they show up

>english VAs
Not vidya.

I would tell sephy not to spoil Aerith's death in the first hour of the game

Attached: aerith meeting.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Day 1 PC release so other people could at least change a few technical stuff about the game

Everytime a faggot cries that he is being mistreated, a little tear of happiness falls down my cheek.