>several great turn-based crpgs in development right now
the future is looking good
Several great turn-based crpgs in development right now
Realms Beyond is fucking dead though
Wrath of the Righteous is mostly designed as RTWP and Baldur's Gate 3 is gonna be more Larian cringe
dunno about the other two, maybe they'll be good but I would rather play Wasteland 3 or Atom RPG
>Wasteland 3
It looks good, and Wasteland 2 is an underappreciated masterpiece
I can't wait to play a lich. Liches are super cool.
ive put in like 30hrs in to Pathfinder this past week after finding the turn based mod. It makes this game so much fun. I also spent a few hours finding all the battle music files and all the intro and outros and replacing them with LOTR battle music. I had to revert because a few of the areas have dynamic music that changes based on the situation and it was going a bit mental. That's the only complaint I have so far tho, is that the battle music is not great and with the turn based mod, battles take like 10 minutes an encounter. Also stoked for baldurs gate 3. It's the year of the crpg.
>Also stoked for baldurs gate 3.
I'm not playing it unless it has a more tradition itemization, I hated the system Larian used in Original Sin 2
yeah, I'm pretty optimistic
CRPGs have come a long way since the dark ages
wasn't bad if you used the reduced number bloat mod
It does. Loot is static and follows the usual D&D stats, with a couple unique magic effects like being able to talk to the dead.
fuckoff, 2 was good
>people are using the image I made
Interesting feeling.
I haven't kept up with it, what's the latest word?
Right? It's great.
I saved it because I was hyped for those exact games and recognized a poster with good taste.
Not sure about Realms Beyond, last news update was in february, and supposedly the combat demo should've been released for kickstarter backers. Maybe it's been delayed, but I'll only start being a doomer about it once there's been no update for six months or more.
Give me Valerie!
Well, apparently there has been communication, it's just hasn't been officialized as an update.
Also, their kickstarter is supposedly very active.
What! Can you give me cute Realms Beyond wifes user! Can you! You are a good user!
I only want CRPGS if they allow me complete customizatoin freedom (apperance is important) to all party members like Divinity 2. Are Kingmaker or Pillars like that?
Thank you user! You are a good user! You should play Pathfinder Kingmaker user! You should! You should play Pathfinder Kingmaker and romance Valerie user! You should! She is my best wife user and she is my favorite wife user! She is! You are a good user!
I hope in baulders gate 3 we are able to take certain aspects of the premades and use them in our custom characters. In the footage they showed most of the vampire spawns unique dialogue was related to being a vampire spawn rather than the specifics of his past so they could make that an option.
>Baldur's Gate 3
No. Just no.
Kingmaker lets you hire a party of mercs, same for Pillars. Can't customize premade companions' appearance, though.
In kingmaker you have story party members but you can also hire customisable mercanaries to replace them if you want. Only real appearance customisation is in character portraits but it's super easy to mod in any portrait you want.
Kind of.
The pre-made companions are set, but you can hire mercenaries that use the same character creation process as your character.
Solasta's main gimmick is that you'll be able to create your whole party and assign backgrounds and personalities to them.
A custom party of actual companions, that's the coolest shit.
Give me Valerie!
Yes, user! Very yes!
Thank you user! You are a good user! I will create custom wifes user! I will! I will create custom Solasta harem mommy wifes user! I will! I am cute heterosexual human male custom mommy harem wifes wife scholar! I am!
give me Shadowheart
>normies attracted to basic bitch high fantasy elf and dorf shit
As usual.
Oh, for fuck's sake Valanon, just fuck Camellia in Wrath. It's not common nowadays that we are getting a waifu that's actually hot.
Thank you user! You are a good user!
Thank you user! You are a good user! Give me Camellia wife! Give me cute ovulating half elf snake wife with big breasts and fat butt!
I am hyped for Wrath mostly because I can roleplay as a fantasy Doomguy and fuck a cute half-elf noble. That's more then I ever wanted.
Marry me Wife Scholar! I will buy you a pretty dress and do wife activities with you until you have a great soreness! Will you!
You know all these super unique and subversive fantasy settings had their shot during most of the late 2010's and they all amounted to fuck all, literally just different for the sake of it with nothing else to recommend them. The tried and true work for a reason.
Thank you user! You are a good user!
I keep reminding myself that this is supposed to be a Forgotten Realms game and not new Divinity Original Sin. They really need to fire their art director, because Jesus Christ, BG 3 looks almost identical to D:OS2.
I am male!
fantasy settings are oversaturated in CRPGs these days, I prefer sci-fi now
I am slowly starting to think that all the subversive fantasy setting memers are the same people who kept clamouring for an mmo without the trinity system.
Be my wife (male)!
You forgot encased
I actually agree there, but that's a frustration I've had for many many years. I don't know what it is, if devs just have problems balancing sci-fi weapons or what?
Give me Original Sin wifes! Give me cute elf giraffe wifes!
Its a shame you can't really do an underwater setting in a crpg since it requires 3 dimensional movement unless you put everything inside buildings or something.
Underwater settings are kind of underutilised in vidya in general really, we did get an aquaman game but it sucked.
fantasy settings sell more and are easier to market (or at least publishers believe so)
I agree
mark my words my dears, Solasta will be the sleeper hit of all the nu CRPGs, it's not getting much buzz now but I think the quality is already shining in many respects
Also hilarious the lead director is a black guy and not a single peep in the game about SJW shit
Thank you user! You are a good user! Can you give me more cute wifes user! Can you! Can you give me more cute tactical wifes user! Can you! You are a good user!
I guess it's the same shit with fantasy settings. It's difficult to come up with some new and interesting fantasy setting. For every Mass Effect, you have your Anthem. At least with fantasy you can always fall back on trite and true Tolkien. Sci-fi doesn't give you that.
Camellia is a bae
How well does Baldur's Gate I and II work as a 2 player coop game? Is it fun to play like that, or is it just inferior to a single player experience?
Add Colony Ship from the team of Age of Decadence