Do you prefer games with western art styles or eastern art styles?
Do you prefer games with western art styles or eastern art styles?
West has better writting
East has better art and character designs.
Just a reminder that looney tunes is the best animated series of all time and anime is yet to surpass it, but it will never do it.
>West has better writting
>West has better writting
>West has better writting
The west used to have better writting but all the good writers realised that studios will never allow them to produce their visions so they all went to write novels
Now neither can write for shit, but the japs still make gameplay fun and the west is infested with sjw morafag tranny bullshit.
Yeah uh... superior writing there weeb.
>West has better writting
Looney tunes
arguments in 2020
It's all a samefag no worries.
>West has better writing
>West has better writting
>West has better writting
>draw some arbitrary lines and call it a design philosophy
>West has better writting
>West has better writting
i mean, i'm not saying animus have good writing, but western is worse
>western art styles
Tom and Jerry classic is the GOAT only rivaled by Popeye
>watching visual medium for story and lore
>eastern styles
Why not all three?
alright go watch a transformers movie then you brainlet
Name one Japanese game with writing as good as Planescape Torment's.
oh yeah, animu is way better
>Steven Universe put on the same pinnacle of excellence as Mickey Mouse, Simpsons, and Spongebob
That is some serious shit taste you got there
Glad you agree
Japanese devs trying to emulate western art styles is objectively the best
Final Fantasy 7 remake
Persona 3
Sorry, a Japanese game with a story that bad doesn't exist.
faggot stop trying to pretend 90% of anime doesnt look like that, hell every single anime smug girl you faggots post look exactly like that
>West has better writing
Silent Hill 2
Is there any way to have a debate between entire regions of media without every argument sounding like cherry picking?
I guess it's a bait so big it can't fail.
weebs always reveal themselves to be hypocrites in the end
>West has better writting
no, not really
even if you can generalize, the other guy WILL cherrypick and viceversa