Are you a Yenchad or a Trissvirgin?

Are you a Yenchad or a Trissvirgin?

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For me, it's Shani.


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yenn is literally perfect. triss' hair looks dumb

For me it's that Skelligirl that you have to beat up before she gives you her pusy. I want to marry her and live in her comfy shack and go fishing every day.
Triss > Yen btw

confirmed virgins


Not even once.

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Ciri chad

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>autist vs rapist
I will just tour brothels with Dandelion and Zoltan if you don't mind

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I don't remember this scene

fpbp, witches should be burnt at the stake, for the greater good

>liking that dopey bitch Yen instead of a real strong Stacy nord

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literally who?

imagine being this sjw
amnesia doesn't take away your ability to consent, and Geralt and Yen have fucked other people while they were in an active relationship with each other

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So they basically had open relationship, right?


Yen is canon, Trisscels are coping

let me jog your memory bro

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Brunettes sux.

I'm only up to the swamp of the first game but so far I have disregarded thots except the whore at the docks and intend to continue doing so through all 3 games

>are you a masochistic cuck or someone who wants a stable, calming relationship?

if you like women treating you like shit and cheating on you that's your business, but don't act like better adjusted people are somehow beneath you

>NOooooo you're supposed to be a filthy manwhore and put your dick in everything like the rest of us!!

But why? Thots are fun and break up the dreary game world

Get your eyes checked, user.


Not him but the "romance" is extremely shallow and gets boring/pointless after a few times. It's obvious from the first "flirting" dialogue option where its leads/ends up to, the screen goes dark and that's it. But to each their own.

but you get naughty sex card, it reminds me of my days of getting nudes from sluts online

>ITT: Virgins

>and Geralt and Yen have fucked other people while they were in an active relationship with each other
And they were both furious about it. Geralt nearly killed the guy Yen was fucking on the side once, and when Geralt ditched her out of nowhere one morning Yen refused to even speak to him for years. It's a really shitty relationship


I guess if you're a completionist, you have to fuck them.

they're fun...

The dryad on the swamp has a really nice card though.

>triss' hair looks dumb
They should have stuck to her book description, it was a lot better

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the best cards are from the random npcs

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