Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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your parents for conceiving you

Where does COD, CSGO, and R6S fit in this?

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>Witcher 3
In one game you're a chad that fucks any woman he meets and the other you can literally tie a feminist up and feed her to crocs.

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>no tutorials
cuphead had a tutorial, that a game journalist couldn't finish
hollow knight also had a tutorial, it's just that it was integrated into level design instead of god knows how much text

COD is for chads, CSGO is for manchildren and R6S is for kids.

Poland for creating wojak

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He thinks the left picture is millennialcore. The state of conzoomers holy shit.

>made by passionate independent developers
can you at least try ?

kill yourself faggot

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>8 bit 2d games
>cuphead graphics

The descriptions are bunk, and zoomers were in their diapers when terraria came out, but every game on the right is unironically better than every game on the left.


Minecraft is millennialcore.

The games in the left are newer than the ones on the right.

>He thinks the left picture is millennialcore. The state of conzoomers holy shit.

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lol zoomers don't like the 2d retroshit on the right, they can't even think in 2 dimensions

Thats not how you wojack

Millenialcore is N64 and PS2 two of the best consoles ever made. Seethe harder that you missed the golden age of gaming conzoomers.

>COD is for chads
cawwadoody babs getting uppity

Zoomers always spam wojack when they can't formulate a sentence.

>Thats not how you wojack

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> Cinematic Heavy vs. Gameplay Heavy
Depends on the game, can think of a few series where the latter is better but usually a balance of both is best
> Handholding vs. Throw 'em to the wolves
Neither, the traditional gameplay integrated tutorials are always best although I'd probably be more annoyed by the former than the latter
> Grounded vs. Fantastical
Fantastical is generally more interesting although there are cases where Grounded with a bit of the fantastical can work really well.
> QTEs
It really depends on the integration, the player could've just controlled Leon like normal instead of having a QTE for the boulder chase in RE4 and it would've been better off imo. Although having the QTE in say Triple Deluxe's final battle between Kirby and Sectonia beats it just being a regular cutscene. It really comes down to what the QTE is replacing.
> Big Companies vs. Indie
Both sides have made good and terrible games, I think because of how AAA markets their games the failures become all the more obvious whereas the trash from Indies can be often completely missed unless there's a big controversy like the Digital Homicide shit or when a crowdfunder's involved.
> Propoganda & Forced Diversity vs. No Politics
The latter is definitely preferable although when you have a game that more so asks a question rather than trying to force an leaning can usually be more distinctive.

Also what would be the boomer one then?

>westerncuck games

>Shovel Knight

good one

>free of politics
That alone will get you to the bump limit because of how full of shit it is. Life Is Strange belongs with the Zoomers, by the way.

sad thing is, its true

You, for posting Wojak garbage

boomercore are those 2d retro games on the right

boomers can't handle 3 dimensions, that's why there is a market for those games and that's why boomer critics love those games