Lion head, goat body and snake tail

>lion head, goat body and snake tail
What the fuck were those capcom japs smoking when they came up with this shit haha

Dragon's Dogma thread btw

Attached: dd chimera.jpg (500x338, 39.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i think it was volcanic crag funes

Attached: jiggle-.webm (1920x1080, 2.62M)

It's just a manticore variant, retard

Attached: - (1).webm (512x288, 2.85M)

it's not unheard of in european mythology

Attached: - (2).webm (512x288, 2.49M)

Actually, it's a chimera. I'm the retard here and need some sleep

What's a better spell list for my mage pawn? I don't like grapnel + legion staff meme.

>big guy with one eye
lol japan you're so weird

I swear it's exactly the same design as the three-part emblem you have to assemble in Salazar's castle in RE4.
That's pretty neat.

>American education

>people don't know what a chimera is
Do americans really?..

Attached: 1587760900090.jpg (2270x2270, 3.65M)

Attached: DDDA_rollan.jpg (1920x1080, 559.33K)

>one of my nieces has a stuffed animal thats a manticore/chimera
>everyone just calls it a dragon and say its because it has wings
>try to tell them what it actually is
>they say they never heard of it and I have such a wild imagination
What the fuck.

Attached: when-he-was-indeed-just-pretending-to-be-retarded.jpg (735x613, 48.38K)

The american education system is nothing but brainwashing that theyre the best and theyre number one.

>chimera and female human

Attached: you just know.jpg (751x1110, 55.79K)

nice bait mat8

give me something cool, I need to have some fun

>trying to dunk on americans while falling for the most blatant bait ever

This board is something else.

Attached: 1554233293738.png (500x372, 220.35K)


Attached: 1564307413954.jpg (581x544, 47.94K)

>not replying to obvious bait to bump the thread

you need to make a spark to get the fire going

it's called a joke, you dumb retard

I know its a bait thread and I'm neither of those posts but there genuinely are people who know nothing about any type of culture outside of their countries. It's not just an American thing either.

Almost like chimera was a thing for ages

wow, nothing slips you by, eh

It's not fucking bait, it's called a JOKE, people used to make these all the time before everything became shrouded in 10 thousand layers of fucking irony.

if it don't make you feel smart, and it don't make he feel smart, what's the point?

>Big Flying Lizards
lol, Japan u so weird

Attached: Triggered.webm (640x360, 1.88M)