The Golden Saucer is going to be like 10 hours right?

The Golden Saucer is going to be like 10 hours right?

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Sounds good to me.

>Assuming the Golden Saucer is even going to be in this alternate timeline.

ep 2 is kalm
3 chocobo farm
4 fort condor
5 junon
6 corel
7 gold saucer

so.. about 15 years to wait yet

I wonder how far we will make it in part 2

Why wouldn't it be? Are you retarded?

I dont think they will do it like that...we are getttimg like 3 parts or so

Shadow Sora will destroy it to defeat Zack who is mind-controlled by Genesis

what timeline does the gold saucer exist in?

Attached: WHEN U WALK AWAY.webm (1216x720, 2.8M)

Golden Saucer will be turned into some dull ass realistic looking theme park.

what are you basing that on?
1 city per chapter is the established pattern

user, you know that was an alternate timeline? It's clear by the fact that Stamp was portrayed as a different dog breed.
unless we get some timeline fusion bullshit

>only knowledge of game is what he read in shitposts on Yas Forums
>attempts to contribute anyway
I guess that answers my question.


Because that would take wayy too much time user.

>one example

I'm playing the original and just left Midgard. Was I supposed to be able to enter the Honeybee Inn at some point? I tried at different points and there were always guys blocking the entrance.

>parroting more Yas Forums shitposts
An easy victory, but I'll take it.

episode 1 took 5 years to develop, time is evidently no matter

1 is greater than 0
do the math yourself

you can but it's entirely optional
did corneo pick tifa?

>5 years
the game changed hands mid development, wouldn't be surprised if it got completely trashed
the actual development time was probably more like 2-3 years

Actually it was 2 or so aince they dired the original time and started from scratch.

So you're saying FF7R part 1 didn't end with future ghosts being defeated while showing an alternate dimension Zack being alive as the group vows to combat fate and change their destiny?

Are you denying this?

Time jannies >>>>>> 4chink jannies

well the crux of the argument remains the same
people are willing to wait years and pay full retail price for a single city

we can only hope

>Now let me tell you the secret, Cloud.

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I dont think they can make Kalm a 40 hour game.

>hojo gets fucked by time jannies for fixing a plot hole
hojo did nothing wrong besides wanting red to fuck aerith

2 days ago i knew nothing of CRTs, scanlines or shaders. Nothing.
Today i finally made my shaders just right. Just now.

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those Yas Forums shit posts are a thing for a reson. the second game wil actually be worse than anyone predicted nomuras work always is.

I didn't think they could do it for midgar
here we are

You're actually not a SOLDIER and never was. You are just a guy who stabbed Sephi, my son, and threw him in reactor. Then Mako fucked your mind when you lost Zack and you think ur a soulja boy lmaaaaooooooo HAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU TIME JANNIES

For Midgard I can see it. But Kalm is just a little town.

>did corneo pick tifa?
yeah. Is this random or something?

Gold Saucer is now made of 700 different hallways. It will take approximately half a month to get through them all.
There will be no minigames, however. Those are DLC.

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i know he can pick cloud if your outfit is good enough, but I am not sure if he can pick aerith and if yes, how it works

there's a hard mechanic for clouds "attractiveness" points
base is just the dress and wig, he chooses tifa
getting 2 of 4 extra items, the tiara, the underwear, the perfume and the makeup means he picks aerith
getting everything (or almost everything, not entirely sure) means he picks cloud

the difference is a fighting some of corneos goons
the speedrun chooses cloud because it's faster to get the extra stuff than have extra battles

this is all speculative
I can see it but I wouldn't bet money on it

Its pretty much one disc per chapter so far, therefore there will be 3-4 parts total.
Midgar is the only real city in the world and everything is dwarfed by it so you can't even joke that Kalm town could be the next chapter.

If they make it until Aeriths death it can easily be a 100 hour game wirh all the padding and expansion.

Episode 2 will be the Nibelheim flashback and nothing else

That part was hilarious.

that's conveniently where disk 1 ends
and a quasi sephiroth fight that would actually make some sense

methinks it's too perfect, I expect to be subverted

Maybe. In the ps1 version when did disc 2 end, city of the ancients?

>original game
>sephiroth is this mysterious figure looming, never really see him until later
>creates an eerie atmosphere, come closer, it's like a mystery


the northern cave
disk 3 is literally just the ending story-wise
it contains the side quests too if you haven't done them yet

it's sequel you tard

Would be nice if we could at least reach Gold Saucer. But SE's gonna milk this thing so its most likely gonna end at Junon.

Attached: GoldSaucer_Date.jpg (960x540, 50.58K)

It would make the most sense. Even with the time Jannie bullshit. I expect Cissnei to show up in Gongaga with Zack's parents.

i swear disc 2 ended after you fight hojo, was there actually more after it

If the devs are wise, they don't spend time and resources on an open world, and instead just have a overworld style map like in the original and spend time and resources on expanding all the towns and other noteworthy locations.

So it's not a remake after all huh

>getting 2 of 4 extra items, the tiara, the underwear, the perfume and the makeup means he picks aerith
The fuck? How did I miss all this shit? And what does this have to do with the Honeybee Inn?

>implying Gold Saucer won't be sold as its own full standalone 'game' for $60
M8, at this point, there's a real chance that the Sunken Gelnika will be its own """"""""""expanded""""""""""" game.
Lrn 2 Square Enix. Be prepared to take out a second mortgage on your house if you actually plan on finishing this piece of shit.

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I feel like thats going to he a mistake. Especially how they ended part 1.

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I don't get this meme, why is everyone calling it a sequel? I've been off of Yas Forums until recently because I didn't want spoilers before I finished the game

> Its pretty much one disc per chapter so far
Not even close. Disc 1 ended at Aeris' death on the original.

everybody misses those the first time, they're well hidden
you get underwear and makeup from the honeybee in
and some classic japanese humour

All of them. The world is the same in all timelines. Only the events change.

Imagine not knowing Sephiroth in 2020. Every gamer on this planet know his indentity. Why the fuck would they make the same approach in "remake"

I think that might be for the best but how would they develop the overworld?

What a retarded reasoning
Either do a proper remake or don't bother.
>yeah but uhh you can't do that people already know who sephiroth is!!!
ultra low IQ

I haven't played the remake
how did they handle jenova escaping? are you lead to believe it's actually jenova?

God I fucking hope not. I hate that place.