What do you think the Roxas segment in Kingdom Hearts 2?

What do you think the Roxas segment in Kingdom Hearts 2?

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Too long but has some kino moments
Roxas should have been the main character of 2 instead of brain damaged Sora

absolute kino

it's probably shitty or boring but it's like nostalgia cocaine so I can't tell
god why can't we have an action game about hanging out with your friends in a comfy town and shooting the shit

Wasn't it Nomura's initial idea?

Comfy as shit.

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Can't wait for him to save Cloud in FF7R2

Made me hate Roxas and finally controlling Sora again even more enjoyable.

Loved it, just like the time on Destiny Island in 1. I'm still mad 3 didn't have anything like it and spat on Twilight Town as well.

The last thing 3 needed was more padding for its story

Thats not happening

First time, neat.
Multiple playthroughs, it's a drag

>I'm still mad 3 didn't have anything like it and spat on Twilight Town as well.
It had it, it's just that they sold it independently

This is why you keep a save file for right before Sora wakes up

The 0.2 Fragmentary Passage thing should have been the equivalent of the Roxas in Twilight Town segment for 3 in my opinion, but oh well

One of the best intros in any game. Loved it.

Not comfy enough. Should have been training with Lea as Kairi.

It also needed less Disney stuff, so that would've worked out much better than starting the game in fucking Olympus

It wouldn't have been padding because it would have been about the OCs Nomura loves so much.

My favorite part of the game. It made me hate Sora.

Bet you thought Time Jannies wouldn't happen either

I have never played or never will play a kingdom games but it there a reason why the sword are keys? Do they unlock something special or they think it look "cool" ?

they can unlock any lock which could be a cool super power
Planets have hearts that keep them alive and they are locked, once found the lock can be opened by the keyblade, hearts inside people can also be opened.
It sounds metal and cool and I wish another franchise took all the ideas from KH and made it edgier

Roxas reminds me of AC Cloud.

They can lock/unlock anything in the universe, but that's only really important in the first game
Sora uses it to seal the keyholes at the heart of every world to stop darkness from entering and corrupting them

My bestfriend died when I was 8. After his funeral his dad gave me his huge ps2 collection and in it was KH2
It was my first kingdom hearts game so I didnt know who Sora was. I was in the exact same position as Roxas.
Who was this guy sora? why am I dreaming of him? why is there a restoration number going up?
It was awesome though. It was a real mystery, slouthing around this sunny town with friends finding out all the mysterious. When sora woke up and roxas said " you are lucky. I guess my summer vacation is over"
It was a very powerful moment. After that Soras story was about losing his friends and having to find others. It was all very relatable at the time
so yes I like the roxas segment. I love the down to earth stuff like skateboarding and doing jobs for pocket money to afford a trip to the beach. Its like a little life sim but with crazy mystery and great combat. I legit thought I had beat the game when Roxas was over, it took me 6 hours since I was taking my time. And then there was 20 more hours

didn't like it as a kid on my first playthrough but now i think it's kino and KH3 is lacking a good beginning like this. it's not too long either if you know that you can just skip the minigames and don't need to collect the money. if you do collect all the money it probably drags too much, haven't done that since the game came out.

Best part of the entire franchise.

The thing is it sound cool and all and im sure it a fun game to play but i just cant get over the fact you have Disney character all over the place. Sure i liked the movies as a kid like anybody else but having goofy and donald as your side kick just look to stupid even for me

That works too

This is everyone's first impression, even 6 year old me thought it was fucking retarded when i watched the commercial on TV despite liking both Final Fantasy and Disney. Only played KH1 because it was on sale and i was allowed to pick a game with my aunt. You get over the silly factor pretty quickly and it has its own charm

You get used to it it has its own charm that's hard to explain

An amazing setup story-wise but gets really tedious especially on a replay

It only takes like 20 minutes on replays and you have 2 flashy bossfights in there

that's everyone's first impression until you realize most of the cringey stuff actually comes from the FF shit, not the disney shit

I love in kingdom hearts 1 the disney characters have squash and stretch and there is typical mickey toon shenanigans such as donald being flattened by a door Leon opens, that happens less as it goes on