Dust has settled

>Yas Forums is crazy hyped over this game
>game comes out
>Yas Forums raves about how it got shit scores
>no one talks about it
>some youtube reviewers say it's incredible
So is it good or not?

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>no one talks about it
it's good then.

Fun low budget game/10

the people who actually care are too busy playing it

its good but not $50 good

third post best post

Steam version is ~22$ for me.

Imagine tortanic shitposting a low budget game like this. Was it FF7R's fault?

started with cyberpunk (but that's real), and got even worse with the new Half Life [because of one (1) retard spamming it]

What team do I pick to get all the post game dungeons

u dont get all of them with just 3, u need to do newgame+ with the 3 u didnt play with the start. my first go thru was with the 3 boys now im doing 3 girls

I'd like to introduce everyone to my wife

Attached: my wife.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

So it's not like the original where there's three routes based on one of two characters you pick, but two "routes" based on which three you pick?

>no one talks about it
Literally every time I open Yas Forums there is an active thread about it.

yeah hawkeye is pretty hot


From the demo it appears to be a game made for babies. Probably perfect for game journos.

PC cucks and Gabendrones trying to defend this baby game because they can't play FFVIIR lol

Theres been 40 fucking treads.

It's great get for pc or switch. Both are fantastic

If you own a Pc, you own a console. Its just preferable to play on the Pc. I dont know anyone who just owns a Pc, unless youre a kid.

It honestly looks low budget enough that I don't want to buy it at $50
I'd rather play the original on the Mana Collection

It's quite alright, it's really nice to see how they have gone through the effort of translating the environments into 3D. It doesn't knock it out of the park in any aspect which makes the price point high, but it makes it there with the nostalgia factor for me at least. I really love how faithfully they made the models for the bosses.

Ìf you don't care about nostalgia/seeing the game in 3d, but you actually want to experience a proper action jrpg, is it a good game?

It's good and all but like with FFVIIR it just makes me wish they had made an entirely new game with this level of care.

How broken is Kevin this time?

I'm only in the early game, and the options have not really opened up for me yet. It's a very par for the course hack and slash game play so far. Story is very basic. If you're not in it for the nostalgia and honeymoon period conversation, then I'd suggest waiting for a sale.

It's a fun action JRPG.
Cliche as fuck but in a fun, cheesy way.
Avoid english VA like the plague though.

>Is it good?
>Is it priced correctly?
Fuck no, same as Secret of Mana. This is a $30 game with an inflated budget because bean counters realized that there was no way they'd sell a bunch of copies, so it's better to bilk the few people who do buy it. If you want a properly priced ARPG go pick up .hack Last Recode (it's on a deep sale right now) for a fairly poor game with tons of content or KH3 for good combat but a fairly shit game.

>inflated budget
*inflated price tag

>same as Secret of Mana.
This is a good remake though, unlike secret of mana's.
Still too high, but far more deserving of it.


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Secret of Mana's remake is fine, just grossly overpriced. It's the original game in stylized 3D. People forget that SoM wasn't a looker (no, the concept art doesn't count) and it was kind of a clunker of a game.

Coomer game, people loved it because it was a faithful remake.

At least till they realized it was goddamn boring, needed the FF7R treatment. Literally just play the SNES version if you aren't a giant coomer.

Use the bypass method.

Apparently the game is on the newest version of Denuvo. I wouldn't expect a crack at least until August.

nice game, pretty faithful remake, not worth $50, get it when it's like half the price

Attached: Capture.png (636x195, 118.88K)

the what?

>People forget that SoM wasn't a looker
It honestly looked pretty ok, the remake is just pretty poor and the transition to 3d isn't the best.
Unlike trials.

It takes 18 hours to finish it?

>needed the FF7R treatment
>everyone who played the original hates the retarded changes by nomura
I mean, the FF7R treatment would have ended the game the moment you get your third character.

Why don't you play it and find out? It has a demo.

yeah, postgame included, didn't go for 100% though

>Good combat
WTF hell fucking no it has good combat

get the .exe from the demo and use it for the main game

Download the demo version off steam and download a steamrip of the full game and just replace the demo pak file with the full game and launch it from steam. the only downside that there's no day 1 patch applied iirc.

with postgame? Dang that's pretty short. If one were to do the main storyline only, how long would it take?


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I thought it was easy but it definitely gets harder. The fucking WALL and on hard is ridiculous

One playthrough is around 20 hours.
The whole game with all three is probably around 40-45.

probably like 16 or so, postgame is pretty short


I'm about to go to the store grab some lard-boy snacks then buy the game and marathon it. I hope it doesn't suck.

I disagree, it looks pretty good for the spec it's going for (low poly 3D), it's just a budget game. Trying to compare a full price big budget SNES title to a low budget low poly 3D game by the standards of modern 3D is disingenuous.

Compared to this and .hack? Yeah it does. It's just that most of the game is ass.