Who is ready for the king to reclaim his rightful throne?

Who is ready for the king to reclaim his rightful throne?

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Silvermoon is rightfully his to rule.

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I'm ready for you to dilate

Wrong thread, final fantasy tranny.

Warcraft ended when arthas put on his new crown. Everything else has been varying degrees of retcon and horribly shitting writing.

not that guy but post the new body shapes and skin colors

And who do you think is on that throne right now? Genuine question.

All MMOs are for trannies

No, but apparently they are living rent free inside of your head.

People who make these threads are old WoW players who know its dead but want to meme and post about it to try and rile up other old WoW players.

What covenant should I choose for my shaman?

Is this UNJUST Kaelthas?

>WoW not being the king of Furry & Futa
Bwahahahaha good one faggot, now go dilate before your wound closes.

You are the tranny here, thinking that every game is automatically for your disgusting kind. Do your parents a favor and drink bleach, tranny.

>Kaelthas comes back
>sees his blood elves living with mudhutters
>immediately kills himself

Venthyr. Best looking mail set and so far best shaman ability, but there's no telling how they're going to tune these for balancing before launch, and we know almost nothing yet about Souldbinds, which si the other half of Covenant choice that impacts gameplay.

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No, double CORRUPTED and you have to defeat his shade to uncorrupt him.

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>spend 2 months grinding for the backpack in current content
>find out these types of back pieces exist for next expansion
i want to kill myself

do you have the QT asians?

Why does this retard carry a gravestone around?

Everyone on Alpha is waxing poetic about Torghast as best feature added in over a decade, and it does look fun but I just know they're going to ruin it with inane grinds for keys.
And although they'll never be able to balance Covenants and people have been saying that since the reveal at Blizzcon, they're going to shvoe it down everyone's throat "just see where it goes" until 9.2/9.3.

Revendreth is purgatory, filled with souls being punished/repenting for their sins, lugigng around chains and a tombstone inscribed with their sins in life.

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>Who is ready for the king to reclaim his rightful throne?
Its: Who is ready for Blizzard to retcon is retarded lore

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>inane grinds for keys
Even then they will probably slap on some limit how many times you can enter it within a week once it becomes apparent that insane grind isn't an effective deterrent for those who want to play it.,

Already confirmed to be placeholders.
BfA Alpha was filled with silly placeholders too, it's the devs fucking with dataminers.

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It's really confusing. On one side they keep releasing their chronicle books trying to keep the lore together, then ingame they do everything to tear it apart.

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Diminishing returns on rewards would be a more elegant solution.

who looked at wow and was like.
>you know what this game needs? a nigger elf

Only this is kinda placeholder (even thought they said only forsaken is out of place, rest stays mostly the same) retconing of teldrasil burning and rest, stays the same.

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>retconing of teldrasil burning
What kind of bullshit are you on about, there was another thread yesterday spouting this shit.

I start to think they just outright hate lore, because after cronicle came out they retconed parts of it few months afterwards. Peak incompetence

He can attach a handle to it and swing it like a hammer. He hunts werewolves with it.

This has to be a blizzard employee or shill

Cute feet

So no.

Read the fucking post with red shirt guy's info. They remove all instances of everything that leads to BfA. Burning of Teldrasil and the rest.