Hey Yas Forums , my daughter is coming of age (13) and I think its time to introduce her to video games. Can you list some vidya with strong good influence female characters?
Hey Yas Forums , my daughter is coming of age (13) and I think its time to introduce her to video games...
Fire Emblem 10
just go to steam or something and look for the tag 'female driven' or whatever it is called
Just let her play Mario and gage her preferances from that.
Fire Emblem is trash. Maybe Sengoku Rance if she likes strategy
women life games like sims and animal crossing not games with female protags also you have to start them on games earlier
Dating My Daughter, you can find it on F95.
Send us some photos please
>indoctrinating your child
Let the kids develop interests on their own, retard.
any except Other M
for the first two games, you probably want remakes
Bayonetta, unironicly
Yeah 13 is a strange time to start.
Why VH of course
The strongest female lead you're ever gonna get
just keep her off retro games, discord and chinese cartoons and she'll be fine
Super Metroid
Discord is actually fine
you think she'll be more drawn to video games with female characters?
you wanna walk me through your train of logic here?
If I was you, I wouldn't let her on the internet, I would home school her, and stick to the 4th generation of video games.
>good influence female characters
cooking mama
>Trying to push a hobby on to your child right as they start to develop independence.
This is some good bait.
Let her play stuff like Baldur's Gate (2), Fallout, Dragon Age 1 and other cRPG games and let her decide for herself.
While we're on that, also give her Starcraft, Age of Empires 2, Pharaoh, Caesar 3 and Sims City 4, to jog creativity and long-term planning skills.
Throw some Jedi Knight, Grandia 2 and Ocarina of Time in the mix, to round stuff out.
Once she's around 15, let her play through Silent Hill 1-3. That builds character.
There are lots of incel games in your list
Street Fighter 2 / Alpha / 3
Drill Dozer
Mischief Makers
Donkey Kong Country trilogy, especially 2
Pushing hobbies on them is the best way to raise children. If you let them run free, you get the generation of useless rejects populating this website. Children don't have the capacity for independant thought, long-term planning or conscientiousness. If you want to make something of them, nail them down and push them to actually stick to shit.
For that matter, I sure as fuck hope you've first gotten her to stick to sports, an instrument and some kind of logic building activity OP.
The power of self identification is strong.
never mind then, I'm sure you're a busy person
maybe next time
Don't blame good works for failures flocking to them.
13 is too old to start getting an interest in it I guess. She will most likely find it boring due to being into intense drama with schoolmates and terrible social media interactions.
Otherwise I'd suggest point and click such as DotT. Laverne is badass.
Hit the pipe Merry
Some sort of Zelda game. Link is technically male obviously, but he's intentionally androgynous to make it easier for anyone to self-insert
Just buy her a year supply of condoms instead lol
I...Don't see how my schedule has anything to do with my post but ok.
(If by busy you mean working, yes I do have a job despite the quarantine)
obvious bait
>on their own
>they're gonna get indoctrinated by corporate hivemind networks into being a mindless thot
better him than someone else
Tomb Raider
>Let your kids just pick up any random shit from their idiot peers and shilling
Worst advice.