Can we have a soulful overlooked games thread?

Can we have a soulful overlooked games thread?

pic VERY related. It is funny how Yakuza gets all the hype nowadays but nobody remembers this gem. It was barely unplayable on PS3 but the PC port is great.

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It has soul but I couldn't make myself play it long enough. It's basically a better Gears of War

Nigga i platinum'd the shit out of it on my ps3. This game pushes the graphics on PS3 to the max before it's the platform's EOL with the exploding robots.
It is much better than Gears. The only problem is the dead multiplayer and bad game creation setup/options.

Binary Domain deserves a sequel so bad.

Got it for free back when I still bought videogame magazines. It had a very enjoyable campaign tb h.

Game is utterly based, wished we got a sequel.

I've got it on my List right now actually. Is it playable PC without the voice commands, or are those just a joke gimmick?

Nah, it's not worth it.

Oh sorry, I meant it's completely playable without the voice command.

Just a gimmick.

Finished it a few weeks ago. Was cool. Didn't get the true ending because I kept choosing the same partners.


Yeah it's fine, they were just a useless gimmick. iirc you just use the d-pad or something to issue the same orders anyway.

>unironicalky uses soul meme

>Didn't get the true ending because I kept choosing the same partners
I was pretty bummed out when I found out the reason Cain didn't join the crew again at the end was because I didn't make buddy budy with the boring british dude.

I am lazy to google pic but everyone should check Observation. Its a god tier game that no one played cause it was epic exclusive. Its 2001 Odyssey except you are playing as Hal

Shame about the fucking glitch that makes the PS3 version impossible to finish.

What glitch? I finished it on PS3.

It's a shitty gook Gears ripoff and fighting robots is lame.

Does this have coop on pc? What are multiplayer mods? Its piss cheap on g2a I might get it

Sequel when

When the game is so good that it takes over the thread

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>using voice command interface in final fight
"Faye, I love you"

ShShut UP! what does that even Matter!
>you refuse to shoot her and
"Everyone! Hold Fire"
>everyone stops
"faye, I love you"
>she starts crying.

seriously, one of, if not the only games to incorporate voice input into the gameplay AND story. like, what in the actual fuck.

>damn straight i made little half toaster babies with that sexy chinese toaster.

Best giganigga bro

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Rare shooter with proper boss fights, and multi-stage bosses at that.


Big Bo is best bro

Binary Domain > Vanquish

I liked this game as much as Vanquish. The gunplay and the way your team mates react to your actions is fucking amazing. One of these days I'm gonna replay and try the voice commands (they're probably a clusterfuck but should b fun)

>these niggers won't say I love you to Faye and Bo which is the best combo

Loved this on pc back in the day can't wait for a seque... Oh
>Binary Domain > Vanquish
Fuck yeah it is.

It has some coop horde mode maps. Dunno about multiplayer but I doubt anyone would play nowadays

vanquish is mid I don't know why it is so beloved

>shoot half the spider boss' legs off
>it stands up straight and starts hopping after me on it's one remaining leg
It was so stupid, I loved it.

You now remember the gorilla boss fight.