Play literally any MMO

>play literally any MMO
>every dude in the guild enjoying each others company cracking jokes etc.
>girl joins
>everyone starts infighting and destroys the whole fucking guild

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Yeah yeah we've seen this a million times, how mad do you have to be to keep posting this shit

maybe gamers ought to learn not to be a social spergs

That's because women want to make you angry at them and rape them. Is a very natural thing that women respond to but our government really doesn't allow it.

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Not the girls fault. gotta control those sexual urges you incel.

>joining online communities

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There’s a 50/50 chance that the girl is there purely for attentionwhoring for said incels. I sympathize with the girl who just wanna play vidya but let’s be real here: they want all this autism to happen.

What do you even play? Even in Yas Forums guilds I've been in there's always several girls by the time I join, it's just a normal thing that nobody gets their panties in a bunch about. You sound like a child.

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If you put a vagina over a already established friendship the problem lies with you.

I've got a boner now.



clearly we must kill all women so that men will stop being autistic about them existing

I've literally never seen this happen and I've been in plenty of MMO guilds with women. Even when there was a woman slutting around she got btfo by one of the other women in the guild and quit

what does IH have to do with this story? are you larping as an 80-year old?

Do you. Need. To borrow. My inhaler?

>by one of the other women
Multiple women keep each other in check. What OP talks about happens when a complete sausage fest suffers an axe wound.

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sounds like OP's scenario is easily avoidable then

Yeah, you just have to kick out that one wamen.

It's more like a 50/50 in FF14. Instead of all drama queens, sometimes you get girls who like to play the guild mother. Help you do shit, craft you stuff.

>incel larp thread about his fantasies

imagine joining a guild that only has penises in it

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Better go take care of it then

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>also do this
Does that make me a guild daddy? How do I get a guild wife?

>be in any small game community
>"girl" joins
>doesn't even play any games
>never uses voice
>every other member defends "her"
>anyone who doesn't gets kicked eventually
>eventually everyone left also stops playing and either becomes orbiters or the community falls apart
>have had this happen thrice now
>once the community almost immediately collapsed after the "girl" got on voice for once
>said in the manliest voice the guy who told me had ever heard that anyone left in the server was a bunch of faggots and then just left
pretty based in the long run because the communities were already going to shit and it may have taught those people not to orbit e-girls expecting to get sum fuck

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>play Guild Wars
>join a guild
>90% are 40+yo boomers, all the women are married and have kids

It was great. No teen/tween bullshit whatsoever.

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>tfw had a guild leader who was crazy enough to invite TWO girls to the guild
>they both end up fighting in guild chat
>guild slowly dies several days later

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>girl joins
>you immediately know shes a girl because she keeps reminding you of the fact that she's female every 5 minutes

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This. Fucking simps are the worst.

I used to do this on purpose. One dude kept throwing fits, and arguing with everyone in his guild, demoted his officers, then finally kicked almost everyone because he thought he really had a chance with me and he "didn't want to risk someone else beating him to it."

>girl joi-
>*press dat "leave guild" button at lightspeed*
problem solved

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