What's the most aesthetic STG and why is it Darius Gaiden?

What's the most aesthetic STG and why is it Darius Gaiden?

Attached: 24925-ingame-Darius-Gaiden.jpg (704x480, 116.21K)

I've watched you attempt to create this thread or a variant of it for days. Why don't you make a SHMUP Discord server? Then we can just talk about our favorite ones there? Inb4 >Discord

I've tried everything, I was trying to be genuine at the start but the only way to get replies is to be a shitposter
A discord might be alright, but I really just want to have a thread about a niche genre on Yas Forums to get its quality up a tad

who the full calls them STGs?

It definitely looks better than Dariusburst, but Burst's gameplay is way better.
Hellsinker is the most A E S T H E T I C though.

Fuck off.

Well if you ever make one, I'll join and help out.
You think this site is good for discussion? Fuck no, besides, what else is there to use? Skype?

The struggle's real, ain't it user?
Also I dig Bullet Hell Monday's abstract look a lot, and especially how it's pushed further in Black. Makes me want to ser an outright surrealist themed SHMUP.

There's something about those PS1 and Saturn shmups that just make me like them way more than arcade titles

Darius Gaiden was an arcade game though.

O shit

Discord will be fine if the server doesn't populate with clingy insecure-about-their-gender teens or clingy insecure-about-not-getting-to-yell-slurs-or-post-pepes teens

Also without /vg/fags like /shmupg/ who literally don't play

>join a niche gaming general/discord when you don't play games in that genre
Why? Is it to put on airs that you're such a cool guy for liking a genre that isn't for zoomers? No-one cares nearly about shooters as much as they would God Hand or DMC, you'd be getting clout from nobody

>trying to comprehend the mind of mentally ill /vg/faggots
By the way God Hand kicks ass mostly, although it's clear Yas Forums hasn't played it beyond maybe stage 1

Does anyone else make their own shmups?

I knew a guy from school that made a shmup, so he's being more productive than I've ever been

I've made a couple demos of different projects. Now's been a good time to get back into gamedev with the quarantine

They're generally pretty easy to make, user. That's part of the reason why I've made a few.
I'm sure it's more difficult if you want them to be good, though

>Discord will be fine if it isn't populated by the people who use Discord

That's not Einhander

Attached: Einhander.jpg (385x381, 23.13K)

Where were you in my Einhander thread huh

Maybe discord is the way to go...

Are there any good scrolling shooters for the Switch? Is Sine Mora any good?

Sine Mora sucks

Isn't that what effectively killed the shmup general and in turn, turned 70% of shmup threads on /vr/ into shitposting?

Should you credit feed a game to the end and then start practising a 1cc?

Nah the shmup general was already godawful before they moved to a program they claimed they hated

The Japanese. ShooTing Game.

Several: ESP. Ra.De Psi, Rolling Gunner, and some old classics like In The Hunt and most Psikyo games. I don't really like the switch for shmups due to its input lag.
Also, Sine Mora sucks.

It's something I would like to do, as it seems like its be fun to try and expand on such simple mechanics.

I wanna get gud at Ketsui, got a 1cc recently. Looking at ura 2-all runs on yt on only saw Tiger Schwerts, is it just better for scoring? I prefer playing the Panzer Jager.