Elder scrolls is absolutely full of racism

>elder scrolls is absolutely full of racism
>normies barely even notice
>no twitter outrage

How does Todd "the godhead" Howard do it?

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You can't be racist if there are no n'wah outlanders around.

It just works.

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>muh razizm

Kill yourself

>normies barely even notice
they'd notice if some online rag wrote a fucking article about it

also called his fans degenerates
this is proof that he's based and redpilled

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Because they're all supposed to be villains (Aldmeri Dominion) or worthy factions where the racism is a conflict point for the player (Stormcloaks and Empire).

How did Todd get away with making the only dark-skinned human race in the universe retarded and violent?

>the leader of the thieves guild in morrowind is a redguard
Todd you've done it again

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Wow it's almost as if context and framing mattered all along and the idea that you can't even touch upon certain topics any more in these politically correct days has always been a massive strawman


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being racist makes no sense

Notice that all your examples apply to everyone other than the person making the claim. Normies are too retarded to notice unless everything is directed at one group. So if the nords, imperials, and elf supremacy fags were all complaining about goddamn bretons, running bretons out of towns, and chaining up bretons to work in the ebony mines, it might be enough for people to notice. But really, it'd probably need to be redguards or dunmer getting shit on for it to penetrate the npc fog

Nords = Republican Americans?
Imperials =America's government/ UN?
Altmer = jews?

>stealing jobs
Thieving is not a job

Hope to God ES6 is set in Hammerfell and they make it baller af like Wakanda and there is some dope ass rap music in there.

It's almost like Yas Forums is the only place where people feel the need to bitch about race.

>a medium has racist characters in it
>this is somehow bad

Todd Howard is a real life example of having maxed out charisma. He can do anything he wants and no one can stay mad at the lovable rascal.

Bullshit. Just because Leftists are horses that need to be led to water to actually notice racism doesn't mean they won't throw a fit if suddenly the Stormcloaks claim Aldmeri wear dresses, Imperial have an inferior skin color, or the word niggardly suddenly appears.

You're one of those faggots who will claim it would be possible to make Blazing Saddles nowadays, ignoring that if a movie came out with sympathetic or comedic white people saying nigger so many times it would sure as hell have a massive Libtard backlash. You assume that because media that has been grandfathered in gets a pass all new content will as well. Fuck off.

Racism makes perfect sense

>Now who's laughing

Mafia 3 had many whites saying nigger and faggots on Yas Forums said that this was leftist and having racism at all in a game even during the 1950s-1960s is leftist

>that picture

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>Bullshit, just because my opponents behave completely different than my strawman, that's actually explained by them being dumb and inconsistent!
No, user. They noticed. It's really, REALLY fucking hard not to notice racism in Skyrim. They just don't care. These people who would throw a shitfit if only they'd realise, hang on, these Stormcloaks are actually kind of xenophobic, I hadn't noticed in all my nine years of playing Skyrim until Kotaky opened my eyes, these people don't actually exist. They are a construct of your mind providing you with a convenient target for your impotent rage.

Todd sacrificed his height in order to ignore cultural whims

it came out just before all the angry lesbians invaded game development

That moment made watching the whole thing worth it.

>personality and willpower -10

oh no no no

not him but
>dude, of course people that are really stupid don't exist! like, people eating tide pods? that would never happen
come on man

why not all in one?

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I know really stupid people exist, I interact with them daily on Yas Forums.

Fuck the empire

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>twitter outrage

Kingdom come begs to differ. The devs were objectively correct, the chances of seeing a person of colour in that region in that timeframe was next to zero but people still threw a shitfit, started a whole online campaign calling them racists.

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That doesn't mean shit considering people are calling Avalanche from FF7 Antifa.

More Rome/French colonial empire for the Imperials

are you legitimately schizophrenic
Like I'm actually asking. I don't understand why you would insist on vehemently defending a pure hypothetical worse case scenario. What do you gain from this complete assumption that somehow reality is definitively stuck in your personalized worst case scenario and anyone who deviates from that script is brainwashed or something.

Dude what is wrong with you

>Yas Forums is stupid
>but other social groups aren't
come on man

Argonians are unironically the best race lore-wise.
They just wanted to do their thing, but the red-eyed niggers and globohomo Imperials were constantly perpetrating aggression.
I'm glad Argonians finally cut loose from the Empire and got their revenge on the D*nmer in the end.

But Yas Forums literally did the same thing with Indivisible and threw a shitfit that the game was focused on muddle eastern and African countries.

>Khajit always complain about being persecuted and stereotyped as thieving drug dealers
>pickpocket them and they always carry skooma

what a fucking stupid image projecting what it wants to see on something too shallow to even incorporate any of those in a superficial way.

Ulfric and Tullius both have valid points, but only Ulfric's is sound.

Which of the three racisms is the most based? For me it's the altmer

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in your example you are the thief and you needed to resort to crime to find out that they even carry drugs, which means the are obviously not dealing, retard.

Skyrim is from 2011. That's a bit before the social justice nonsense infected everything.

Man I loved how these people were grasping at straws

There is nothing wrong with drug use.

No we didn't, we were upset that an originally planned character was cut for being white.

because it's subtle
the presentation of the world and the sweet exploration feeling is about the only thing TES (and especially the flagship Skyrim) got right

you don't really play Skyrim for the VERY ENGAGING main quest or even the faction wars and shit, you play it because when you go from point A to point B, you stumble across a dozen small ruins with their own little thing and it's fun to explore them and see little details in the world
it's made much better by the fact that mods add even more of those

Skyrim is not a good game, it's a fun one because it does ONE thing very good

Is there any quick rundown / outline of how that played out? I ignored it as it was happening but would like to read about it now.

>Argonians are unironically the best race lore-wise
No way in hell are they the best race
Why would you ever think the scalies are good
At least Orcs and Khajiit are civilized
How could you ever think this way?


>khajit did not do nothing
>khajit simply keeps bottles of skooma for personal use
>why you persecute khajit so?

>doesn't even smile afterwards
he really meant it, didn't he?

>Rome/French colonial empire
From a historical appearance's viewpoint, yes.
But from the current political viewpoint, no

Oh fuck off you lying nigger people were upset that there wasn't enough whites and that the main character wasn't white. The shit with Vasco didn't happen till long after the game was funded. Kys

>It's subtle

degenerate cat

>The devs were objectively correct, the chances of seeing a person of colour in that region in that timeframe was next to zero
Well, a historian specialising in the subject of black people in Medieval Europe begged to differ, and after the devs said he didn't know what he was talking about and that black people are evidently incompetent because they need whites to make their games for them, THAT is when people started calling the dev, who is also an open member of a right-wing political party, a racist.

>stating literal facts
fucking liberals need to die

It's not, but the most prevalent reasoning I see is that including racism in media "normalizes" it.

Which is a fucking baffling claim, since most often these depictions of racism are there to vilify the characters who are being racist.

is Elder Scrolls Online worth playing as someone who just likes playing Elder Scrolls games to explore and do fun quests?

Based house Dagoth

Look, I see massive examples of stupidity every day on Yas Forums, whereas these outraged leftists who would be really angry about Skyrim if they hadn't been living under a rock for the past decade, I have literally not seen a single one, and I'm pretty sure it's something made up by the massively stupid people on Yas Forums.

>literally came from shit

>degenerates druggies and thieves

Just because Argonians live in swamps, doesn't mean they're uncivilized.


The Elder Scrolls games (even Skyrim) came out before the whole "if you write about bad thing then it means you support bad thing" insanity really started.

Nothing wrong with skooma if you can handle it which the other races can't.

xenophobia sounds based desu

No the gameplay it's somehow even worse than skyrim

>muh racism
>in a universe of constant war and genocide and slavery
I'm so bored of this shit.

Nobody cares about plot in skyrim
And people who do care about plot just play Enderal

The truth is racist, goy, therefore it needs to change.

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>a historian specialising in the subject of black people in Medieval Europe

clearly an incredibly biased person with a political motivation to lie and skew facts. I could be a historian specialising in the subject of white people in Medieval China to demand representation in more historical asian games and films, but don't.

These conflicts are talked about in game, and at no point are they portrayed in a positive light.

>and after the devs said he didn't know what he was talking about and that black people are evidently incompetent because they need whites to make their games for them,
The devs were objectively correct.

>i don't experience something
>that means it doesn't exist
come on man

>you stumble across a dozen small ruins with their own little thing and it's fun to explore them and see little details in the world

ahhh yes, I surely do enjoy delving into yet another nord ruin filled with draugr and shaped like a hallway

I always thought that khajiit == jews. Am I retarded?

>Well, a historian specialising in the subject of black people in Medieval Europe begged to differ,
you call that retarded tumblr blog a fucking historian?
you are as retarded as that thing is

These are all correct

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It's pretty fun. There's a lot more build variety than you'll find in most MMOs. The quests are skyrim tier mediocrity, but there are some hidden gems here and there.
Don't go in trying to play it like skyrim though and just mash LMB though. You have to use the abilities, or you won't do jack shit for DPS.

TES is quite literally Rome in a fantasy setting, with a few cool elements to make it stand out
Nords are Barbarians who refuse Roman culture and cling to their traditions and blood, like the Germans tribes
The Imps are Roman conquering tribes and assimilating them to their Empire
Talmor are arguably an original concept, but can also be compared to the older Roman Empire who did a 360 on their integration policies and started to use one Barbarian faction to destroy the other one.

for most videogames it is, as it's presented without too much bias and judgement is left for the reader
it's a copypaste of Rome, which sounds more original than a bland copypaste of Disney medieval fantasy

i never said it was objectively "good". In fact it's very repetitive. But it's a formula that works, somehow.

There's nothing subtle about it. Normalfags and SJW's just make an exception when the races are fantasy or sci-fi.

Why do real life facts anger the lefty so much
darkies are dumb but strong
white smart and balance
yellow quick smart but tiny pp

>things that never happened in any large quantity

the existence of racism in a plot isn't outright banned by normies, and its not like a particular racist is presented as being correct.

I thibk he's saying it may exist but 99.99% of the time Yas Forums is making a mountain out of an anthill. Remember how some Yas Forumsermin said Black Panther was supposed to bomb or western civilization was going to fall?