I want to play only one MGS game

I heard these games are good, so I want to play one, but I don't want to play more than one.

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you might aswell just play the first one, autistic freak

I want to get into 2nd but I find the controls dreadful.

I'm an autistic freak because I don't want to play an entire series?

3, just make sure it's the Subsistence edition or you'll get the retarded camera angle they were going for from MGS1 through 3

If you're looking for something new, V is good too.

The series is highly regarded, so insisting you "only" want to play only one game is a little autistic. Just ask what's the best one and leave it there, then have anons argue with eachother and not you.

coin flip: MGS1 or MGS3

But I don't want to know what the best one is, I want to know which one I should play alone.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but you should probably play 3.

Attached: MGS3 boxart.jpg (266x375, 32K)

Play metal gear acid.

The problem with autists is they don't want to admit their ways are autistic. I'm afraid this will be your final bump I'm giving you user, do well and listen to the anons in the thread.

And I'm saying that just because the entire series is good doesn't make me obligated to play all of them.
I'm sorry if I offended that one video game series you're such a fan of.

Hey just because every day of life can be good doesn't mean you should live them all
Do us a favor and kill yourself

>You don't like my super important video game series enough! Kill yourself autist!

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you fucking imbecile

Play MGS 1.
It's all downhill from there.

Play 3 on the PS3 HD version or the vita

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Metal Gear Solid 1. Any other answer is a pleb. Also, only playing 1 is a pleb move.

you're a dumbass for deciding that you only want to play one game in a series even if you end up enjoying the first game you play


If the story takes multiple books, the author conned you.

If you're only going to play one then you shouldn't play any

But I want to play one.

>only playing 1 is a pleb move
It's a patrician choice.

How many times have you made this thread?

1 is the most consistently good one, it's the one that doesn't suffer from some of the problems the other games are infamous for (extremely long cutscenes, imconsistent tone, downright bizarre and surreal events), it has simple controls (contrary to for instance the weird first person aiming shit of 2 and 3), it has very good carpenter-esque music, and it's the most comfy one. Just don't play Twin Snakes.

>people actually saying 3 instead of 1

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They're short games, might as well play 1-4. The first game is like 4 hours.

Further proof Yas Forums is filled with zoomers obsessed with graphics

>I want to play only one MGS game
No, you do not.
You NEED to play them ALL, in the RELEASE ORDER.

If you MUST sample just one, it NEEDS to be the MGS1. It is a crucial chapter in the story, and a magnificent game.

You're practically asking "which book of the Lord Of The Rings should I try, because I dun wanna read an entire trilogy! :^)))".
AKA: autistic as fuck moron.

>I want to know which one I should play alone.
NONE OF THEM, idiot.
It's a linearly progressing series, with each new title assuming that you have played the previous games already, and only building on top of it.

>each new title assuming you have played the previous games already
That's a lie user. 3 is almost removed from the overrall narrative.

You do not get it.
All the MGS are more or less fine games as-is, but the real reason why the SERIES is so beloved is its decades-lasting lore and re-occuring elements between the episodes. Not only are you following some legendary characters go through some crazier and crazier events as they grow older, but (You) yourself travel with them, with your own actions becoming part of the experience.