Video game webm continued

Video game webm continued.

Attached: truepain.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: wide load.webm (1706x720, 2.74M)

Attached: twerking simulator.webm (520x620, 1.93M)

Attached: notspy.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>those graphics
>no hats
Things were better then.

Attached: skipping_track_not_laps.webm (711x400, 2.75M)

My pingas bingas is long scong lemi lemi long time long time fucky fucky sucky sucky one time hong kong hong kong

Attached: 1587629851381.png (354x406, 183.17K)

Attached: ctrending.webm (480x254, 776.89K)

Attached: 1573767553662.webm (662x800, 2.85M)

That is literally a 1:1 copy paste of a Mario kart Wii track. It's literally shameless

Attached: 1587632677582.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Not to shit on the game but this has to be one of the funniest webms I've seen in ages.

Attached: WOWEEE.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

wat game?

You just can't make this shit up.

Attached: 1572039509940.jpg (1166x755, 188.2K)

Gravity Rush, okk.
Looks really fun though. Should I try it?

Attached: ETGVH8dXQAAz4BH.jfif.jpg (1036x790, 106.13K)

Of course you should.
Just play the first game before the second, otherwise you won't be able to stand it.

>game that game out 2 generations before the Wii copying a Wii track

That’s a remastered version of the Nitro Kart track from 2003 you retard.

Is the sequel bad?

Which one? Because unless it was in SNES or 64 this game's track came first and I don't recall a single track like this from those games, pretty sure you're talking about the Wii one. I know being a Nintendo fanboy means you have to be completely fucking retarded but cmon man.

Attached: Texture Filtering.webm (1440x1080, 633.31K)

No. In the contrary.
It's a big major improvement compared to the first game in many aspects.
Playing the second game first will make your experience with the first game feel slower and more tiring in comparison.

ah alright

Attached: 1.webm (1132x956, 769.28K)

How shameless of Nintendo to copy a track from CTR.

for me, it's nearest. Why do those last two vaseline filters even exist as options? Were they made as a joke?

Is the Gary's Mod?

Attached: 1557835712403.webm (960x540, 1.75M)


the sequel has better movement options and multiple maps, but the quests are awful and the "combat" is boring. By the time you get lunar style and the game improves a bit, you probably have dropped the game already.

Yeah. Telling you this from experience. Although I finished the game, but that's because I am a devoted Kat lover.
Many times it felt very long, slow and grindy; for the former because there are no power ups to make travel more agile, and the cities' layout feel more narrow-ish than the second game's, making it a bit of a pain to travel them unless you head out to the skies or the limits.

i came into this thread because OP webm reminded me of the same track. Haven't played MK in years, memory made it seem much more similar.

Slap some penis music on top of it.

Jesus fucking Christ look at those compression artifacts.
What made you think making a 20 second 720p video was a good idea?

Gonna have to replay this game soon. Hooefully, after Xenoblade, there's a long enough gap for me to fit it in.

Despite the compression, I think showing the momentum beforehand was necessary. I wouldn’t have thought it was such a huge deal without the speed beforehand.

that was satisfying to watch


Naughty Dog invented time travel?

Also, that's literally not how literally works.

I'm not complaining about the length. You shouldn't go full retard on the resolution when you're making long videos, it just ends up looking worse when you've ghosting all over the place, 32x32 solid blocks of color. You can't make long HD videos under 3 fucking megabytes.