Which armor does Yas Forums prefer?

Which armor does Yas Forums prefer?

Attached: file.png (653x166, 8.94K)

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legion plate because it lowers dps.
Everything else is trivial.

>have 1000 hp
>enemy hits you for 2000 damage

>have thief clothes / glittering jacket / wooden mail
>evade or block the attack

>have 1000 hp
>enemy hits you for 1000 damage
>evade/miss/block doesn't proc
>heal doesn't proc cos ded

>have based plate armour
>take only 750 damage and live

they all do the same thing

>have 1000 hp
>enemies deals 2000 hits of 1 damage each
>die regardless of choice

Holy Robe. It looks cool and comes with an animation.

>being a lucklet

>heal doesn't proc cos ded
It does not specify that it won't proc when you are dead, congrats you beat the game, you have discovered immortality... Lets just pretend you cant go negative health.

Glittering jacket > thief cloak objectively. It's the same evasion bonus but applied to the whole party.

Whichever looks the best
>Muh stats
Git gud

anyone who chooses wooden mail is an absolute retard

You get the block animation though

By Diablo 2 rules:

>Holy Robe/Wooden Mail
Vendor fodder since they have animations which will bug out your attacks.
>Legion Plate Armor
Very excellent, DR% is a rare property and 25% is a decent amount.
>Thief Clothes
Pretty worthless, evasion only applies while moving and it is really bad for Amazons since it has an animation.
>Glittering Jacket
Bretty good, -AR% is usually only on skills so having it automatically is convenient for melee. This is the best choice in most situations.

They're all identical so it doesn't matter, any other answer is just autistic retards building up a game in their own head when no such data is given. You cannot discern any mechanics that would put them apart from the information given.

At most you could extrapolate that Thief's Clothes or Glittering Jacket are the best since there COULD be post damage effects (e.g. poison) which would affect you if you're hit at all.

>At most you could extrapolate that...
HAHA you got sucked into the 'tism
you're one of us now

>have 1000 hp
>enemy hits for 1001 damage
>evasionvirgin have 75% chance to die while legionchad has 100% chance to survive

don't know why I enter these threads anymore, they are just the IQlet filter for the rest of the board, a board that is already an IQlet filter for the rest of the website, which is an IQlet filter for the rest of the internet

Heal would save you, assuming it always does the minimum of 1 hp.

Now that the children have posted, which armor does Yas Forums prefer?

get a load of this absolute chad

Straight guaranteed 25% damage reduction is the best. Other options are either gimped versions of it or rely on RNG.

why would you assume that

What's the difference between thief clothes and glittering jacket

Attached: 1578228832699.jpg (1000x1000, 102.07K)

In a fight that will mathematically kill you, Luckchads will still be able to RNG their way into a win

One is for thief, other is for gay thief

And they will still die more often because their defense works only 25% of the time. Relying on RNG is for shitters.

None, armor is for pussies.


jacket or legion are the best at low levels
thiefs is the best if you stack evasion at higher levels

>th-th-th-this one time... s-someone else...
Shut the fuck up, kid.

Dumb 30yro dog

I come bearing the truth

Jacket debuffs the enemy so it's the best because armor and thief fags could get debuffed and cancel out their effecs
Mail and Robe are shit because they animation lock you

Attached: 1529723122669.gif (160x160, 177.62K)

Wear the Thief Clothes, put Glittering Jacket over it

"wooden mail" op a retard

well I can just combine plate armour and holy robe.

Attached: 1507983636972.jpg (2010x2821, 3.18M)

I prefer to sell all that armour for 10 gold.