Let's settle this bros. Who is bigger hack Kojimbo or Fuckazaki at least kojimbo is trying something new fuckazaki keeps making same fucking games forever.
Let's settle this bros...
miyazaki tries something new ONCE and wins GOTY, he's going back to souls with elden ring because he knows he would hurt kojimas feeling if he kept topping him
>Story vs Gameplay
Neither are hacks. Both make some of the best games out there.
Nomura is a hack though.
Gameplay? lol fill map with bosses and r2 spam fuck off you stupid dumb fuck
Both are hacks who spawned terrible trends in videogames and who should be punished with death.
Two nukes weren't enough.
Don't fall for OP's poor falseflag attempt to get two fanbases to fight each other.
Kojima because all he cares about is using budget to meet some shitty D tier actor while tweeting food like a fucking millenial. Miyazaki just makes a game.
This is it
The other one keeps making rehashed shit i would say they both are hacks but for different audiences.
All games these days are rehashes. We still buy them because that's what we want.
No jap has ever in the history of anything on God's green earth has ever made anything remotely good.
They are both hacks. Autistic ching chong manchild shit is not art.
Only one of those guys makes games
Miyazaki has done nothing but try new things every single time. That's why combined with actual talent, he always makes a 10/10 game.
Why do you think only kojima makes games?
Miyazaki had literally never rehashed shit a single time, retard
Wtf are you talking about are you fucking blind? Did you play any of his games?
0/10 bait
The is no person in earth left who doesn't see Kojima for the hack he is. Meanwhile Miyazaki makes GOTYs and GOATs
la creatividad vs la dificultad artificial
real question is whatll happen if they collaborate on a game
Clearly you didn't, troll. All of his games are very different from each other, always full of completely new things and taking place in a new and unique world each time
Hahahahha lololololololol you delusional retard
Miyazaki tries to make something new at least and the other never made a good game in the market. IDK why normies liked the former when his games are run of the mill mediocre generic trash that shouldn't have a fanbase.
Looks like we got a triggered Kojima cultist here boys
Truth hurts eh
Neither are hacks but one wants to make good video games and the other wants to make good movies, so you have your answer to which is the superior director.
This. Kojima used to make good games but it was mostly because he was riding the coattails of more talented people and stealing credit.
At least Miyazaki always makes a unique game every time and innovates and tries new things.
Lol kojima also gets goats and those dorito boys awards why awards are that important to you?
Hahahha omg
>be Kojima
>intentionally make last metal gear game shit so you can be free of it
>finally make a new game
>its fucking shit
It would be shit because Kojima would want to write it, direct it , add his Hollywood male escorts to 2 hours cinematics before every boss fight and demand to add a dozen "novelty gameplay ideas" that would turn gimmicky poorly implemented shit.
I miss his personal tweets.
Kojima has only been (allegedly) responsible for one true masterpiece, snake eater, and otherwise has done more harm than good via dissapointment of fans, false marketing and rampant misuse of publisher's money and resources.
Miyazaki has put out two masterpieces (dark souls 1, bloodborne) despite having a fraction of the resources at his disposal and he is extremely humble and honest about the rest of his work.
You tell me.
I laughed at the chance of that but desu it's so very possible, the bastard was tired and Konami keeps pushing him to it