What the fuck happened?

what the fuck happened?

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White people want sophisticated games. Japs are coomers that just want to jerk off to their games

Well ones a gruff dude and the other is a girl. What's the problem?

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west doesn't care about good character design

They're both garbage in their own way.

>Japs are coomers that just want to jerk off to their games

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Left is more realistic, making it the superior design.

I know, its great.

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How the hell did the gaming industry which was pretty much a male only hobby get infested with these blue haired sjw feminazis?

OP is a retard who made this thread on Yas Forums LMAO

woah... christian white males bad... such sophisticated work of art...

>Yas Forums is better at discussing vidya than Yas Forums

What the fuck?

you did this


Here man, get your superior gameplay

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it's how capitalism works

why do they look like that

>White people want sophisticated games.
Mutt people want propaganda games. Fixed

>not a single black, asian or non white, only a few goblinx
Ironic that the average "hateful" gamers lan is more multicultural than those piece of shit.

That's a fucking good deal

>Left is more realistic, making it the superior design

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>sophisticated games
> Last of Us 2

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left soul right soulless

What am I supposed to be outraged about here?

marketing divisions happened and grew, while the technical side of things stayed the same.
When a game reaches 100 millions+ in dev costs half of it is marketing


The world would become a better place if everyone who believes that the left is acceptable would get their heads hacked off with a fire axe.


Left looks better

idealogues like to infiltrate any industry with cultural relevance

I like how they used some concept art to make it look worse than it actually is, when the character model is out there for everyone to see

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isn't left from a postapoc game
she's not going look as good

Wasn't this the same argument for why there were so many tropey big titty women characters in games? Because it sold well? That's just business isn't it?
And now what, it's wrong to appeal to people for money? Are sexualized characters wrong too?

Deep involvement in the gaming industry has always been reserved mostly for losers, even if some of them have blue-haired vaginas.

No outrage, just laughing at how even a minor side character is more interesting and easier to symphatize with than a MAIN CHARACTER in a westshit game. God, western game devs need to be lined up against a wall and shot until there’s not one single cultural marxist left.

No it doesn't not in any sense of the word

>Mutt people want propaganda games


Easy. Western media is becoming more puritian and inclusive by the day. There was a time where 'inclusion' wasn't a dirty word.
Where we'd get well written female characters, minorities, etc Whatever.
Now its everyone needs to be included or its not a game at all. Which is fairly stupid. When you try to appease anyone you appease no one.
> Sadly..
People will still buy it. You can always tell shitty western games. The moment you say anything negative they always call you a incel, bigot, racist, etc etc. I've set my expectations so low with western games after Bioware's fall from grace and Naughty Dog wanting to make children lesbians a feature in their game.

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>making excuse for SJW shit in vidya
Kill yourself and join the 40%, tranny.

when will he be done transitioning

How can you tell all that from a character model?

Despite living in one of the most pos'd cities on Earth, NYC, for 20 years I've never seen a dyke who looks like left, while right is a relatively normal fashionable slut.

>interesting and easier to symphatize

Yeah so interesting

>I like pretty girl
>nipponese make pretty girl
>I buy nip game
and a good unga bunga too you too

Left is a realistic style, right is not.

>half of it
That's actually way more optimistic than reality. The original FFVII cost under $50m to make, but its marketing budget in America alone was over $100m. Marketing has eclipsed development for over 20 years.

Right is a character from a dystopian slum.

>No it doesn't not in any sense of the word

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Why are you defending SJW propaganda? Are you a cuck, roastie or a tranny? Kill yourself.

I swear the time is ripe for the euro jank invasion.

Her face doesn't look bad here, greasy hair is gross but understandable given her living conditions. However, the rest of her looks like Sam from Uncharted 4

American hipsters dont represent all whites

Kill yourself, tranny.

What went wrong with nerds

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>interesting and easier to symphatize with
Being fuckable isn't interesting or sympathetic.

I'm honestly kind of convinced that white people are all really gay.
Only way I could see anyone finding that 14 year old boy on the left attractive.
Does any non-white exist who isn't a literal fudgepacker who unironically thinks that dyke on the left is better-looking than the cute Jap on the right?

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Games are entertainement. Masturbation is a way to entertain yourself. What's the problem?

That face looks like shit. Kill yourself, tranny.

Are you so incapable of making an argument that you immediately jump to buzzwords and name calling?

This is... better?

Still ugly

>Japs are coomers that just want to jerk off to their games
Western developers wishes guys and gals would *SLUSH* and *FAP* to their games. Sex sells, always has, always will. And is not inherently a bad thing. This whole movement is a farce anyway. It's not about female representation, good story telling or even game design. It's about....


Do you think EA or other big western publishers give a flying fuck about your feelings or whatever else? No they want to slap a story together with so much inclusion hoping said member of group will buy the game to identify.. even if they don't play it.
"Bullshit game A sold 2.2 million copies after we added the GAY CAPTAIN and the Trans 10 year old!"

We're doomed.

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Kill yourself, tranny.

Why do weebs think that masturbatory character designs make a game good?

Congrats, you just learned that capitalism has no allegiance to any values and just does whatever's easier to sell.

Why do white people think attractive women are "masturbatory character designs?"

She looks human and is more feminine, the one on the right is a weird blob of random curves that doesn't look human. Imagine a real person look like that, it would be the uglies bitch to have ever lived

Video game allows us to transcend reality and create perfection, so why settle for anything less than pefection?

No argument?