Bethesda did a lot of things wrong with this...

Bethesda did a lot of things wrong with this, but I'd be lying if I said that they didn't do a good job on the worldspace. It feels absolutely immense and packed with detail. The transition between the city, the suburbs and the outer wasteland feels natural and organic. I also appreciate how they chose to block off some of the city streets with rubble so as to force you to find an alternate route around it within the metro system. This is an extra level of effort that wasn't essential but they did it anyway. There were also plenty of other huge locations that they finished but were cut late into production to ease the strain. I wish they had employed this same level of effort into Fallout 4. That game's map is so boring that I can't even force myself to do a second playthrough.

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>Fallout 3
Best atmosphere
>Fallout: New Vegas
Best story
>Fallout Shelter
Best Bethesda mobile game
>Fallout 4
Best gameplay
>Fallout 76
Best worldspace

kys reddit

Fallout 1 and 2?

Not him but definitely atmosphere. That ambient soundtrack is amazing.

Those were made pre-purchase so it’d be unfair as to count them

They didn't chose to block of areas and utilize the metro system. They had to.for consoles the area beyond the rubble is actually an empty cell. That being said, I don't really dislike the Metro system it makes for some surprises as to where you might pop up.

The world in Fallout 4 could have used some more metro tunnels or sewers, that's for sure, but the problem with the world is something else and I can't quite put my finger on it what it is. Most of the locations are uninteresting and irrelevant - they're only there to provide you with more wonderglue for your trash legos. Then there are countless boarded up homes and the glowing sea, while a cool idea, feels like another wasted potential.

Doesn't there not being anything beyond the rubble imply that it was their intention to begin with as they would have never seen any reason to actually make that part of the map.

I mean the first 2 games weren't perfect either and in itself F3 was a good game with tons of content plus it resulted in New Vegas right?

Yep, you're right.

>Fallout 1 and 2?
Best games overall, hand down. Additionally, I'd award Fallout 1 for writing, character, atmosphere and 2 for side quests and more polished gameplay. It didn't feel much at the time, but it's when you go back to 1 you realize how much Fallout 2 actually improved the game systems. Companion management in particular is incredibly frustrating in the first one when you're used to Fallout 2 system.

>do a good job on the worldspace
That's literally the only thing they do well though.
I'm not sure what you dislike about FO4's map. Could it be better? Sure, especially the fairly unthreatening glowing sea when contrasted with the oppressive feeling it has, but it's still a great map and the verticality is almost seamless and way better than I expected Beth's attempt at it to go.

It's also why I find the braying for them to stop using their shitty engine laughable. The whole fucking point of their games is that they have great maps with plenty of space and that they're incredibly moddable. Take mods away and a good 80% of my enthusiasm instantly vanishes - who tf would give a single fuck about Skyrim in 2020 if not for mods?

The map in Fallout 4 is atrocious in a way that I cannot truly describe, similar to . As I said, it is the only Fallout game that I cannot bring myself to play a second time. I feel as though I already know where everything is and that there is not true purpose for exploration beyond just checking locations off of a list.

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>>Fallout 4
>Best gameplay
this makes me more angry to read than you can imagine
kill all fucking gunniggers, fallout 4's meleeweapons and unarmed is absolute fucking dog SHIT and i hate all you retards that don't do anything but point & click so you don't even know

Yeah, why did they nerf melee/unarmed so badly? Using it also feels so unappealing. I used a rifle in my playthrough and used melee very rarely, but I can only imagine that a melee only playthrough would be a horrible slog.

Metros are dogshit and most areas are just shooting galleries, barely even any terminals or notes to find lore. Gameplay and weapons are also 3x worse than NV

I recently played the game to completion and dont see why people always say "better world bro!". Is it just because they got that filtered by cazadores?

That's why I didn't make any mention of terminals, lore, gameplay or weapons. I spoke of the map design and layout.

>It feels absolutely immense and packed with detail
No it doesnt its empty and green
>I also appreciate how they chose to block off some of the city streets with rubble so as to force you to find an alternate route around it within the metro system.
Thats their pathetic way of "padding", to force you down dark shitty linear tunnles to make the world seem bigger

>"better world bro!"
NV had large stretches of fuck all. Granted, it's much more realistic (believable?) but spending 15 minutes just walking through deathclaw country that has literally nothing of interest just isn't that fun.
FNV's map isn't bad by any means, but FO3 simply had more exploration to do, and open world design (and thus exploration) was always one of Bethesda's biggest (only?) strengths.

Worse than oblivion in every conceivable way, from the leveling system, to the rpg elements, to the story. Bethesda should stay the fuck out away from the Fallout franchise because it is obviously their kryptonite.

Calling it empty is simply incorrect. It is packed with locations to discover. I don't care if the metros are "padding" if it extends the run-time in a way that's fun and atmospheric.

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That's why I didn't make any mention of the leveling system, or the RPG elements or the story. I spoke of the map design and layout.

>fallout nv has 33 unarmed weapons
>fallout 4 has only 6
I guess having a lot of special moves is neat. Too bad you get blocked all the fucking time.

>disarm raider
>he can now block my super sledge with his bare arms
It's like they didn't test this shit.

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i never heard of fallout before and rented fallout 3. played it on the hardest difficulty and actually had a lot of fun with it for 1 playthrough.

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All of the "special moves" in Fallout 4 are merely cinematic finishers. Only in NV did the special moves have impact on combat.

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Well they're shit as well. It's literally one biome.

I couldn't get into either FO3 or FO4, honestly. I've tried multiple times but I just can't bring myself to care.

That's incorrect. Give credit where credit is due, otherwise it seems like you are criticizing the game merely for the sake of criticizing it. The worldspace is undoubtedly impressive.

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>It is packed with locations to discover
Yeah the same copy pasted rusting tin can shit with the lamest of NPCs and themes
The only locations worth shit B\besides the two small lame towns is Tenpenny towers and little lamplight
>in a way that's fun and atmospheric
But thats exactly the opposite of the metros
Metros are just the oblivion gates of Fallout

If you are going to say it's incorrect, at least provide a counter example of why it is incorrect, instead of gushing over the game. But seeing your previous posts in the thread, you're not going to do that.

I suppose we just have different perspectives on the matter.

>praising the cut and paste metro
Now this is shitposting, no one has ever enjoyed that part.

>It's one biome.
City, Suburbs and wasteland outskirts (that's three). The city is cramped and cluttered with destroyed buildings, forcing you to navigate throughout the metro and sewer system. Suburbs is more open but still allows you plenty of opportunities to explore abandoned homes or factories. The wasteland outskirts are open and empty, as Fallout 1 was.

I think New Vegas is superior to Fallout 3 in every way, including the map. But as I said previously, credit is due where credit is due.

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Pretty sure all metros are similar in design, even in real life.

No, it's really not. It is still one biome: apocalyptic grey wasteland. Stop being disingenuous.

Fallout 3 had no atmosphere unless you're talking about the green hue and concrete everywhere. It's a forgettable world. DC was cut into sections connected by subway tunnels and there was almost nothing to explore.