He fucked a moogle?
Moogles are mole-bats, not rabbits
you wouldn't
They sure look like rabbits in xii
Would you?
>MC wasnt important to the plot
never a good sign to the game
>never a good sign to the game
Absolute nonsense. A narrative structure where the MC is a simple, no-nonsense person surrounded by greater people and caught up in great deeds is absolutely fine. There are several points in the story it's used to great effects, where Vaan speaks for the audience, he's the voice of plain common sense. Also he's basically just Aladdin, and who doesn't like Aladdin?
Would I?!
i would too
because actually pull off require a good writer to pull it, or else it will fall flat
so it either amazing , or shit
and we all know how good SE writer is
the more years that go by without knowing to the touch of another female the less picky and pickier my standards get.
you bet your goddamn ass I would.
Hiroyuki Ito is furfag
Not only a rabbit
I dont know. After 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. I kind of liked how vaan didnt have a stupid plot twist showing how special he was and tied to the main story in some convoluted way.
Bullshit. Even tho we know he was crammed in last second by SE suits, Vaan does represent a very unique style of protags. He is not special, he doesnt have snowflake powers, he is not charismatic, women are constantly sucking his dick; he's a character that would usually be the main character's best friend. He's there as a voice of normalcy among princesses, nobles, and army legends. He's there to keep the party grounded in reality and to be a listening ear to their much bigger problems; as a supporting shoulder.
He's a subversion to the usual mary sue/gary stu JRPG protag and it does work.
*women are NOT constantly sucking his dick
egregious typo lol
A million times yes. I hate that there's no porn of XII's moogles. The little that exists is only those bulbous head ones from VI.
Literally everyone here, and most people in general, would have sex with a Viera.
>that one moogle who thinks you want to propose her with the Toad Ring
m'yrn was cuter
You would too if you had a chance with Fran.
Rabbits are shit pets.
Which one, guys?
Luckiest man in Ivalice
Hmm, not sure. Gonna have to sample each for a more decisive answer.
make left shit coom
rape and kill middle
love, marry and respect right
love me some chocolate bunnies
imagine if FF12 had visible clothes for jobs