First time playing this, which origin should i choose?

first time playing this, which origin should i choose?

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dwarf noble is the best followed by dwarf commoner, human noble is alright, dalish elf is trash. if you don't want to play as a midget or treehugging faggot then i'd go for human noble. also shit in this game is absurdly unbalanced. constitution is worthless for tanks because the gains in health from it are tiny and you get more health when you level up regardless go str so your tank can wear massive armor and then pump dex. mages are op af. rogues are fun. spirit warrior or whatever the fuck its called is op as fuck. mana clash shouldnt be used since its basically a kill all enemy mages cheatcode but yeah have fun nigga

Male human noble and female city elf
Dwarf origins are both nice but dwarves are shit

City Elf rogue

Great intro to the game and rogue class is great for persuasion skill

the one you want to you fucking brainlet they're all good depending on what you want to roleplay

why you so mean

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dwarf mage

First play through of any RPG must absolutely be default male nobility warrior. Subsequent games can be whatever

the uninstall one

you're literally missing the point of an rpg if you just ask someone what to play

Human mage who tells Jowan to fuck off at every opportunity.

Doesn't matter, they're all trash.

>first time playing this, which origin should i choose?
Human noble or human mage

>even once

Literally the City Elf

Because your cousin gets raped and mindbroken in the prologue

templar hands typed this

Also Qwinn's FixPack is a must-have mod. Not only it fixes a mountain of bugs, it also restored entire dialogues and dialogue trees; fixes some of the bugged spells (like Mana Clash, which works the exact opposite it should); fixes some of the choice consequences; bugged epilogues etc.

If only user, if only

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a human male

1) Better than elf
2) Most fun class to play

it's very, very fun

The most fun I've had in DA is Morrigan+Wynn+Alistair+A human mage with the Spellsword spec

You absolutely delete everyone and everyone can heal, stun, or debuff enemies

spirit warrior also is boring as fuck

Dalish is obviously weaker, because it doesn't comes up excpet meeting Tamlen after attack on camp. Even in Witch Hunt the ruins doesn't play a huge role because DLC ending at Mother's nest

>it also restored entire dialogues and dialogue trees;
Likre what?

Dalish Rogue is my favourite origin but other races generally do get more contextual nods. At most you recall the eluvian, the dalish recognize you as well as velanna in awakening. I know the epilogue is nothing but a chunk of text but it really felt nice getting the Dalish lands for themselves.

>Dalish Rogue is my favourite origin

Human noble seems to have the most story impact and reactivity, so there is that. The mage is also pretty fun. Dalish elf is lame and you get no story content out of that.

Circle Tower....home.

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Where is your sword and armor?

>top tier
Human/Dwarf Noble
>good tier
Dwarf commoner
>meh tier
Elf commoner
Dhalish elf

Human and dwarf nobles have the best plot Integration if that’s what you’re looking for.

I'd say either dwarf or human noble for most story impact.
Most fun class to play is mage though.

Actually I should bump elf commoner up a slot, solely because of the opportunities you get to talk shit to the nobility and get away with it