>"What hobbies do you have?"
>"Surely you do something other than playing those video games"
You have other hobbies right Yas Forums?
"What hobbies do you have?"
la creatura...
I don't even play Video Games anymore. I just come to Yas Forums to complain about them now.
Is masturbation a hobby?
I shitpost about games more than I actually play them now. Otherwise I would just be shooting stuff if the range was open.
I play bass
"sorry i'm already taken"
well do you OP?
apart from spending your time making shitty useless threads, i mean.
I draw futa porn for follows on Twitter
Why is an ethnic daring to speak to me?
I draw and record very shitty songs.
>"What hobbies do you have?"
>"Surely you do something other than watching netflix and going to parties"
>I do not like memes.
I don't even play videogames anymore, my only passtime is shitposting. I tried playing guitar, being Yas Forums, draw and making maps for old games. Nothing worked
are abortions a hobby?
Why is a goblina talking to me? Fuck off, thot.
I watch movies too lol
i guess he hates himself then
I masturbate to tomboy doujins.
I like taking walks
yes i edge to loli games for several hours every day
Yes ma'am I drink, smoke pot, and masturbate every day. Don't you?
i noticed a lot of the youth in my area use expressions like "habibi" and "i kiss your eyes" or "yalla". i think when the alt-right claims that muslims are taking over there might be some truth to it. not as a "planned" thing but it just happens naturally through assmiliation (though it's the other way around from what should be)
video games just make me feel angry and upset
I don't have anyone to talk to
what do I do
Yeah man, I'm a scandifag and I even hear white zoomers saying shit like "wallah" and "inshallah". Fucking cringe desu
Meditation helps a lot.
I'm not doing that
Why? it's not like you have anything to lost.
because I don't want to
it's simple
how do you do that? You just sit on the floor and calm yourself?
I'm normally not like this, but if I imagine she is in fact a he and is hiding a limp, cute small penis between his thighs... then the image becomes 100% hotter. why is that? ps: i am not gay
Nope, video games are it. I started learning magic, but it's something small, not something I dedicate much time to.
I realized I can't keep trying to make other people happy, it's ruined me because every twist and turn in my life has made me just feel like I'm not worth someone elses time when really I just don't fucking care.
I make comic books
yeah you sit on the floor, relax and massage your prostate
There's plenty of apps, youtube videos or, you know, these things called books. Lurk moar.
Yes, I also kickbox. But I always start with vidya when I tell people about myself because if I can't connect with someone over vidya, they are already pretty much dead to me.
Can we see it and laugh at you?
why are you gay
famous boxer, but what would u know about it? u fucking bitch
Meditation is classic confirmation bias. You want it to work so "it does". There's no difference between meditation and taking a nap, with the latter being more productive. You people pretend to be all spiritual and shit, cite quack studies, give anecdotal evidence about how your hemmeroids cleared up after sitting on them for a few weeks or some stupid faggotry. You're all smug, insufferable cunts who get off on feeling like you're superior because you can sit and pretend you're getting in touch with your self or whatever. Like yeah dude, meditation is SO helpful that's why it's so popular and everyone in the first world does it. Fucking hell I hate you so fucking much every time you mention it like it's some kind of actual answer to any problem ever.
Painting warhammer miniatures and masturbating not necessary at the same time
I would spend all my time cooming and playing games if I could. Not sure how I'm supposed to answer these questions.
It improves your concentration.
I like reading about history, politics and shitposting on imageboards.