What are your expectations for the new Tintin game?

What are your expectations for the new Tintin game?

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SFM porn

why does his suit have a dick

That we'll never get one.

is nothing sacred :c

Not seeing it tbqh

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>he doesn't piss on the moon
you are bitch ass motherfucker

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Same reason Snowy's suit has a tail

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I'm expecting a shitty uncharted clone

i wonder if they're going to keep the ligne claire style.

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Unchartintin. Red Rackham's Fortune

A Teesside edit within a reasonable amount of time.

It better have Jeroen Tel doing the music or it'll be a flop.

Was Hergé the peak of western comic aesthetics?

hoping for a point and click
expecting a generic over the shoulder cinematic action game

i remember the snes game, everything hurt you including drops of water! it was bad

The movie tie in on PS3 was great.

source for news or it didn't happen faggot

Someone Photoshop this pic with a black face and extend the dick pocket

>mutt's law

Lurk moar

wew lad


Definitive Tintin game, made by people that give a fuck for once.

Fuck off, Tintin has had endless adaptations, mostly good.

>Release commercially successful film
>Never release a sequel

Ten thousand thundering typhoons, why the devil not?

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What's wrong whit prior games?
I didn't watch it, is any good?

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Uncharted style Tintin game, co directed by steven spielberg like the cg animated movie

everything tintin is good

Never seen the film but I've seen the trailer for this a thousand times and I don't get why they made haddock seem retarded in this. Yeah he's headstrong but he's not going to light a fire in a boat what the fuck

>Yeah he's headstrong but he's not going to light a fire in a boat what the fuck
He literally did in the book. I'm looking at it right now. In Crab with the Golden Claws on page 19 he starts a fire on the boat after getting drunk.

Wait, I thought the sequel was in the works?

>After getting drunk
Anyway, why was a man of his age and wealth still single?

He gets drunk in the film too

It is, it's just Jackson and Spielberg have been busy the past decade

he didnt get the money until he got the treasure
im not gonna spoil it more than that so fucking read the comics or watch the cartoon

hopefully they include this scene in the game

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I have the comics and he always owned the mansion since the beggining, I don't remember him being not a richfag.

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