What video game character do you love?
What video game character do you love?
Make a guess.
Hint: It's you!
>That reisen autist
>That lucina autist
Who win?
Lucina autist comes in posting hard, but Reisen autist just posts "I love Reisen" and leaves securing a swift victory.
Reisen you dumb fuck, the other thread hasn't even hit bump limit
I love Byakuren!
I love Reisen!
I hate Reisen!
I love Reisen! And yet, I hate Reisen!
Canon Reisen is the ultimate patrician 2hu, fanon Reisen sucks donkey balls
I love Reisen!
>Liking characters with almost no real personality
I love Marnie!
Tertiaries get punished.
The best character in her game!
why does reisen seem smaller in that image?
her portrait is cute but her overworld sprite is hideous.
Have fun dying of radiation poisoning.
Okuu canonically doesn't emit radiation, otherwise Reimu & Marisa (Literal humans) wouldn't have survived TH11
obviously they just dodged the radiation like it was danmaku baka
>mikos so OP they can dodge literal atoms
holy shit
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
Not strictly a video game character but close enough.
I'm trying to 1CC UFO
ask me anything
Reimu dodged Yumemi's laser and photon-based attacks in PoDD, that's not surprising.
How do you feel about Byakuren?
>t. reisentard
a simple reminder about the rabbit soup incident is enough to shatter your delusion of reisen being a """""""""deep""""""""" character
It’s only 3.6 R, the equivalent of a chest x-ray
Anyone have the most recent mega link
it's an obvious choice, really
extremely genki girl who can't make facial expressions is peak moe
Arigatou, Eirin.