What video game character do you love?

What video game character do you love?

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Make a guess.
Hint: It's you!

Attached: Touhou.600.175468.jpg (600x394, 52.28K)

>That reisen autist
>That lucina autist
Who win?

Lucina autist comes in posting hard, but Reisen autist just posts "I love Reisen" and leaves securing a swift victory.

Reisen you dumb fuck, the other thread hasn't even hit bump limit

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I love Byakuren!

Attached: __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_myon_artist__61b15150ab8eb2bb375e6705f1dc2003.jpg (1748x1181, 726.68K)

I love Reisen!

I hate Reisen!

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I love Reisen! And yet, I hate Reisen!
Canon Reisen is the ultimate patrician 2hu, fanon Reisen sucks donkey balls

I love Reisen!

Attached: 60475271_p0.jpg (1440x900, 279.68K)

>Liking characters with almost no real personality

I love Marnie!

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Tertiaries get punished.

Attached: __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_poronegi__bc9f9bcf3c2c57229d50cc33ba281a22.jpg (753x1063, 184.59K)

The best character in her game!

Attached: Gao 01.jpg (800x1450, 123.88K)

why does reisen seem smaller in that image?


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Attached: re.png (800x280, 85.03K)


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her portrait is cute but her overworld sprite is hideous.

Have fun dying of radiation poisoning.

Okuu canonically doesn't emit radiation, otherwise Reimu & Marisa (Literal humans) wouldn't have survived TH11

obviously they just dodged the radiation like it was danmaku baka

>mikos so OP they can dodge literal atoms

holy shit

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 98.51K)

Attached: mb_warband_2020-04-05_15-00-10.png (1115x575, 653.66K)

Not strictly a video game character but close enough.

Attached: om.jpg (2560x1440, 898.93K)

I'm trying to 1CC UFO
ask me anything

Reimu dodged Yumemi's laser and photon-based attacks in PoDD, that's not surprising.

How do you feel about Byakuren?

>t. reisentard
a simple reminder about the rabbit soup incident is enough to shatter your delusion of reisen being a """""""""deep""""""""" character

It’s only 3.6 R, the equivalent of a chest x-ray

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Anyone have the most recent mega link

it's an obvious choice, really

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extremely genki girl who can't make facial expressions is peak moe

Attached: b5552f3624ee23b4351e91efc96876af.jpg (1158x1637, 1.47M)

Arigatou, Eirin.