this game convinced me that all men are not created equal
This game convinced me that all men are not created equal
This thread has convinced me that OP is a fag.
Care to elaborate?
You literally see people of different height, weight, color, intelligence, etc every single day. If you honestly ever believed in equality you are an absolute idiot.
Also League of Legends is fun and by far the best in its genre.
multiplayer games are the biggest proof of IQ research being right
>League of Legends is fun and by far the best in its genre.
>tfw 106 iq
i will never amount to anything, i dont understand why was i even born if i am such a midwit
true, you really need to be subhuman to play that game
Evolution is the story of "good enough". You were born because nothing killed off your midwit parents.
some of them are korean
100/97 is the average, so 106 isn't that bad user
well that was more of a hypothetical question but yeah technically you are right. still very sad realisation and it probably stunts my cognitive ability since i approach problems with apresupposition that im too dumb to even solve them. jdimsa
>don't play for a year
>come back
>do a quick blind pick
>opponent are 3/5 diamonds
>still won the game by off-carrying
This """game""" is just garbage
Correct, but about the Koreans(Asians in general)... they thrive on the non-creative aspect of this fucking game, anything creative gets shut down with patches because they are deemed "game breaking". China and KR are the top dogs in this scenario... EU had been in 2 finals (2018/2019) with their "lul random" gameplay but were crushed at the finals, yes twice.
Would you play a game that punishes your creativity?
Meanwhile DotA with more tactics and styles is dominated by the West.
PS: Bait thread but whatever
No you just can't make retards follow your direction.
Of course 100 is the average. That's how it works.
my crush rejecting me and fucking Chad the very next day convinced me that all men are not created equal
>Also League of Legends is fun and by far the best in its genre.
You mean, it destroyed its genre.
Mobas has become a waste of time due to it's constant stream of new characters and reworking mechanics and the core gameplay... I feel bad for the people who didnt get to play the original DotA
>Play adc
>Struggle to get out of Gold 1
>Literally 51% winrate
>Play jungle
>Get to Diamond 2 within 2 weeks
Literally the only roles that have any impact on the game anymore are mid and jungle, toplane is only relevant once every 5 minutes when his tp is up, and botlane are completely dependent on the success of the rest of the team.
I love LoL mechanically, but it's balanced by a bunch of fucking retards, at least CertainlyT moved to TFT so there's some consolation.
if baby thinks leagues alright idc u still die for banning and reporting mhy accs tho
IQ is nothing but speed user. There's no such thing as a hard cap on understanding. It might take you longer than someone with an IQ of 120 to "get" something and professions which require constant and fast evaluation of constantly changing scenarios and information like doctor or lawyer aren't possible, but that's really about it. You're a normal person and what you described is a terrible outlook to have.
Explain to me how the fuck can gooks and chinks dominate lol but get absolutely dabbed on by EU in dota?
Is the farming simulator race meta still a thing?
because sc2 and lol are all about mechanical skill and 0 strategy, that's why gooks can't into dota
>Meanwhile DotA with more tactics and styles is dominated by the West.
wasn't always the case; didn't the chinese scene basically sabotage itself a few years back and never recover?
It's the thing that made me realize how much of a loser i am litterally put in years of my life and never managed to leave gold.
I have 135 IQ and your only problem is thinking you're capable of less than I am. You're actually capable of more. I can't bring myself to do half the shit you find acceptable.
this is what you fucking get for ruining your brain with shitty Yas Forums content.
I'm not kidding at all.
If you were just peacefully oblivious to all this IQ race war phrenology tier eugenics shit then you would just try shit without this dumb cerebral anxiety apprehension
stop destroying your own life and go do something jesus
I mean you'd have to be really low iq to let Yas Forums influence you that way ;)
DotA requires a brain, not just autistic math and piano skills. If you can't tell the difference, you might be a fucking slant eye yourself. Try having a soul and entertaining a creative thought once a year.
Because while there is mechanical skill required, Dota (unlike LoL, don't know about SC2) is fundamentally a game about creativity. This is why gooks cannot into it and why Dota will always be the white man's game.
M8, I haven't played a moba since 2015 and I would just ocasionally watch Worlds or TI. I am so far behind that I'm certain that my knowledge in dota is outdated as fuck.
>white man's game
How many Singaporeans have won TI?
>tfw 5'4"
Life is harsh and unfair
Just date a girl under 5'4", it's that easy user.
>No denmark
I call bullshit, danes were autistically obsessed over Dota, HoN and Dota2 besides CS.
Just gotta run baby
>this is what you fucking get for ruining your brain with shitty Yas Forums content.
This is the mindset of a twitter NPC. Remove yourself from this site before you become what you preach.
League it's only fun when winning or even, if you are losing it becomes an experience of being raped endlessly for 20 minutes
But the chinks have been winning consistently too, and they're even more soulless than the gooks.
The only reason why they aren't competitive in it either is because they don't even play it, Dota never took off there.
>Anonymous 04/26/20(Sun)11:40:35 No.505146821
>1527468527284.jpg (21 KB, 500x500) google yandex iqdb wait
>21 KB
>You literally see people of different height, weight, color, intelligence, etc every single day. If you honestly ever believed in equality you are an absolute idiot.
>Also League of Legends is fun and by far the best in its genre.
girls don't care about your height , get it out of your head, it's all about your personality
m8 if i see you hanging around my local kindergarten one more time im calling the police
thats my hustle
Nah, the meta was slow as fuck back then. It's unreal how fast paced the game is now compared to how it was until TI5 or 6.
>took a 2 year break
>get filtered by all the champs i dont know, excluding reworks
>finally learn again and become ok
>depression soars, yet i think about the game constantly
i can play games w/ my normie friends again but at what cost
nothing beats coming back from defeat
i won a game yesterday being down 30 kills
shit was mint
ok that's cool dude but did you have anything to say that isn't gay
I miss this about Dota.
99% of League games are over at the 15 minute mark and there's nothing you can do to comeback.
Oh please Dota 1 sucked. Dota was at it's best during one of the 2 patches, I forget which one but hero variety was at an all time high and there were no grossly over powered heroes. It was some point before they added the talents and all that other bullshtit that changed stuff just to make changes. You are right that constant updating ruined it.
I see reddit has arrived
oxytocin vitamin d and cbd oil supplements cure ur "depression" (love sickness, or get somex)
What does niggers, kikes, trannies, sjw and jannies have to do with my post?
Your posting formatting is really strange at any rate, seems like you don't really belong here.
An extraordinary amount of smart people are fucking lazy. I knew a legit genius that just could not handle things/responsibilities, didnt want to go to public school, got tutored instead. In Darwinian terms, he is bottom of the food chain: Hikikomri tier
basedjak isnt a personality trait
I was largely shitposting with the "white man's game" comment but the last time a Chinese team won TI is in 2016 so maybe there's some truth to it. I wasn't joking about Dota being a fundamentally creative game and I suspect that this is at odds with the Chinese mentality of precision autism trying to predict and control for all scenarios.