Game has a female leader

>Game has a female leader
>She's a ruthless killer
When will game devs make more believable villains?

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>and she's incredibly cute

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Did Kimjong un really die?

He isn't dead you fucking drones

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Fire Emblem Three House

proff ?

She looks reptilian.
Anyway, she's a woman, so if she does take charge she will likely sell North Korea to burgers.


Proof that he is?

hasn't appeared for ages

proofs that trump isn't dead?

Kim is brain dead after an aneurysm
NK tried to cover it up, but the news has broken now

Last time I got excited over a new leader in best Korea nothing really changed, so I'm not caring this time around either. She's probably just going to execute all the women cuter than her while all the high ranking military officials actually run the country so it's business as usual.

>A couple of weeks is ages
America did this whole media circus the last time he didn't show up for a parade too, dumb zoomer

I wonder if she has nice feets OP?

Until you hear it from North Korean officials it's just a circlejerk of propaganda rumors and news articles that has circlejerked itself long enough that people are starting to believe the complete lack of anything concrete.

user said believable villain user. Nobody could be as retarded as Edelgard.

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I wonder if she'd have a harem of handsome young men who try to impregnate her on a daily basis so she could have a child to carry on her name.

If you've not seen someone for ages, it doesn't necessarily mean that this person died, it just means that you've not seen someone for ages.

>North Korea Officials

Can't wait for Kim to walk out on stage with two middle fingers in the air as Lil B blasts on the state speakers next parade

I doubt she'll become the next leader. Can't imagine a military state full of male generals taking orders from a female.

He's dead because if he wasn't they'd have shown proof he was alive the second the rumours began circulating


Why do east asian tend to eat bread while going to to do their own business?

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Is there any porn of her yet?

That isn't how this works and it's never how it has worked in the past

just another gook bug

>those milk white legs
>that perky, firm looking ass

wtf else do you expect? a bowl of cereal?

>implying they don't have a dozen of lookalikes just for that occasion

I'd tap that butt ngl

She's just gonna be a figurehead for a bit and then replaced with a counsel of a bunch of old men. No fucking way a society as patriarchal as North Korea would let themselves be lead by a woman.

no this is some sort of "epic meme" by Yas Forums and the alt right similiar to voting trump to office

A bowl of rice actually.