Xbox Series X will have NO exclusive games at launch.
All games will be cross-platform until 2022
Xbox Series X will have NO exclusive games at launch.
All games will be cross-platform until 2022
And that is a good thing
No. That means games are STILL being held back by the fucking Jaguar. 7 years later and we still can't get away from it. What a dumb fucking decision.
please explain
That means I don't have to buy an xbox
Damn, is Sony smear campaign failing hard or is it just me, these posts are sounding more and more desperate every day
i thought microsoft gave up on exclusives. the xbone doesn't have any exclusives right?
Xsex needs exclusives if they want PS4 gamers to switch
I mean there are the halo ports, uhh.. Sea of Theives, Crackdown 3, and that killer instinct game.
But they are all on pc though so whats the point?
And? From the obvious example of this gen, only Nintendo exclusives were worth their exclusivity. Sony has one exclusive deserving the praise and everything else just has the naughtydoguesque Sony cinematic experience pass.
meanwhile ps5 has the following IN ITS FIRST YEAR
bloodborne 2
god of war 2
resistance 4
final fantasy 8
afrika 2
ape escape 4
horizon 2
uncharted 5
lair 2
castlevania (japan studio)
heavy rain 2
littlebigplanet 4
dreams 2
demon's souls 2
demon's souls remake
flow 2
flower 2
uncharted lost legacy 2
tearaway unfolded 2
ico 2
heavenly sword 2
syphon filter 7
metal gear solid 6
jak 4
nioh 3
playstation all stars battle royal 2
singstar 2
god of war 4
spider-man 2
motorstorm 4
last of us 3
legend of dragoon 2
gran turismo 8
Socom 5
medievil 3
tourist trophy 2
the order: 1887
journey 2
speed punks 2
siren 4
eyetoy 2
beyond: 3 souls
ratchet and clank 15
folklore 2
knack 3
starhawk 2
concrete genie 2
parappa the rapper 3
locoroco 3
super rub a dub 2
the getaway (reboot)
infamous 4
until dawn 2
white knight chronicles 3
croc 3
killzone 5
days gone 2
doki doki universe 2
buzz: the big quiz 2
persona 6
echochrome 3
deracine 2
everyboy's golf 7
death stranding 2
driveclub 2
p.t 2
8 days
wipeout 9
ghost of tsushima 2
mlb the show 2
dogs life 2
patapon 4
littlebigplanet karting 2
sotC 2
silent hills
twisted metal 8
detroit 2
sly cooper 5
Last Guardian 2
Gravity Rush 3
Its will never have exclusives because they are all on PC.
>patapon 4
>90 percent sequels
no thanks
>playstation all stars battle royal 2
>every game publisher, we go crossplattform for two years
>xbox, yeah we too for a year, but you will still get the next gen version, with smart delivery
>hurr durr no exclusives
You still can‘t play it on playstation user. Also first games in the gen never look much better than games of the previous gen. Also this means on xbox, you likely won‘t have remasters remasters remasters shit.
Less than 10 of these will come out for the entire next gen. Feel free to screencap this.
>in its first year
too bad it's coming out over half a year after the XBSX and will be weaker
I want the XseX to succeed but this is just sad
What's the point of a ps5 if godfall is coming to pc? I already have a heater, i don't need another.
Held back in what ways?
Held back in the same way forza horison 2 was held back for also being on the 360.
Meaning, it wont be.
Plus the smart delivery feature.
Snoytard coping with their future 1440p machine.
OH NO!!!! that makes literally no difference to me. Who cares if it has exclusives or not?
>first year
You mean at launch. In a bundle.
This. Horizon 2 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the difference is them literally closing off some areas and scaling back the graphics. It’s not like it’s being developed for the Xbox One, but Snoys are so used to have to pay for different versions of the game that they don’t understand basic logic. It’s why Cyberpunk 2077 will be free for people who buy it on Xbox One because it’s essentially the same framework, whereas snoys will have to pay for it again.
why do you feel the urge to post the score next to every game ?
Their games aren't on PS4 though so that doesn't matter. They need to produce good AAA games though. Ones that arent the tired Halo, Gears, Forza combo. Ori got a 90 metascore but I doubt a 2D metroidvania is turning any Sonybro heads.
Is this a retro nostalgia thread? Exclusives aren't system sellers anymore. Do you think anyone who bought the current gen systems did it for exclusives? The average console player only takes into consideration the price of the system when buying their Madden/Fifa/CoD device.
Who cares about Sony walking sims when I can have better performance on multiplat games and backwards compat on thousands of games?