Granblue Fantasy Versus

Where are the patch notes!?

Which top tier is going to stay top tier?

Which bottom tier is going to stay bottom tier?

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I wish potatoes were real.

Gran and Katalina are getting buffed and Ladiva is deleted from the game.
Trust me, my dad is Cygames.

Zeta got enough to climb once the top three get nerfed. I don't know what they'll do to Lancelot. Kat's going to remain good because her tools are just good all around but her damage needs to be the compromise for that. Gran is going to lose tiers.

The interesting one is what they'll do to Ferry since her entire kit is very delicate and easy to fuck up. She can easily fall down to bottom tier if they approach her wrong.

make them bigger (hitboxes)

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Lowain will become the best character

>tfw she doesn't have nearly enough high quality doujins

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remove niggercat mario party
remove ferry
make lancelot have actual recovery
buff bubs and soriz

>buff soriz
should stay memetier

I wish dorafs were real

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Djeeta's going to be TOP tier!

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too honest for that, she has some cheap stuff but not cheap enough


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What does she have that's cheap? She's doms me pretty hard in the corner but I'm new.

Tier lists don't matter

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Fuck that smug old man.

Tier list from rank 1 Percival Niga aka Xeph.

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>another goku

seems very accurate to me, although i think a lot of players would put ferry at SS too

>Ladiva over Charlotta
I don't understand

Also should be noted that he meant for SS, S, A, B, C and not what is pictured.

>Ladiva not in D

>B shitter thinks he knows something that the ranked 1 player doesn't

>ladiva puts you in a blockstring off her far as fuck far m button
>you now have to deal with ex headbutt memes and you're about to get 50/50d
>you guessed wrong and are now in the blender
>you die
ladiva may struggle a bit to get in due to not having a projectile or good forward moving move (lariat is too risky most of the time), but her normals and frame data are really good for a grappler and she doesnt even need a knockdown to start her 50/50 bullshit, she can also easily 2-touch you due to her high damage combos

list seems spot on. Percival is probably number one after the top tier nerfs.

I played this game for like 2 hours before getting bored and going back to Street Fighter 5 but before I quit I had a good fap to Narmaya's fat titties so I guess I didn't completely waste my money


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I think while she has obvious flaws, Metera's strength are just too good and she's going under the radar

i hope the next pass is all homo angels. Hopefully lucifer will trend again and they will give out more free stuff.

give me your best unga strats/tech

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yeah, i main metera and i dont really think she needs any buffs, especially if the top tiers will receive small nerfs next patch

her biggest weaknesses are probably her weak aa game (cause 1h/2h isnt air unblockable) and low damage midscreen combos and low damage punishes on a lot of stuff, and her being in the corner obviously

Just terminate your combos abruptly by ending on a 5L or 5M then do a universal overhead. Works everytime.