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Omega 41.. Home
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this is now a making fun of chris roberts thread
Irradiated systems causing continuous hull damage was such a shit mechanic.
>this was ever an issue
Its like 1 damage every 30 seconds its absolutely nothing
>tfw backed star shitizen because he said it would be freelancer 2
>then i find out he actually got fired from freelancer's development for doing the exact same bullshit he's doing now, adding endless features
If you're just visiting, sure. Try actually exploring the system and becomes a problem.
The soundscapes in this game were fucking legendary
No other space sim even comes close
Comfy system for grinding credits.
Oh boo hoo you big baby. Just hit your nanobots hotkey or get a better ship that doesn't have such shit healthpool.
I still don't think that's ever a big issue, the late game ships have plenty of nanobots
>bh ships
Based taste
From the amazing boxart this game has. When i saw that vertical design i knew i had to get it.
The Chad Trent vs the Virgin Tekagi
I owe this to this character my taste in leather jackets.
>Make sure he lives, he owes me some credits.
What a goal-getter!
After so many years I've kinda given up on finding a newer replacement for FL, nothing really comes close. Anyone got any good mods?
>Rush home from school
>Hop in teamspeak with the lads
>Get on the only server hosted in my country
>Know the wormhole routes like the backs of our hands
>Run contraband without a fuck to give
>Ambush people trying to salvage rares from shipwrecks
>Kill hundreds of Nomads until we have enough weapons to kit out an entire ship
What I wouldn't give to go back.
Try evolutions. It tries to stick with the original feel of the game and doesn't add too many "fan" created ships that don't fit the original vision. I dropped it because The Orca being the best very heavy fighter in the game felt wrong. I always thought that bounty hunters sacrifice damage for range and armor for turn speed and that beast has too much.
Freelancer may just be the most fucking overrated game in Yas Forums's history.
It wasn't great. Visually it was hideous, the story was absolute garbage, especially as a follow-up after the remarkably good Starlancer, the space and the simulation was actually really weak, the art direction was fucking hideous and makes even the X series look tasteful, there really wasn't much of a depth to it, and my god was the actual flight model absolutely fucking horrendeous.
It ws baby's first space sandbox with "epic storyline" and mechanics dumbed down enough so that every casual could get into it. It even sacrificed good flight model for being playable with M+KB because of that.
We had tons of better space-sims out at the time. X, Tachyon and Terminus all had far better worlds, economies and sandboxes, Freespace and Starlancer were far more fun as campaigns: Freelancer was this really awkward messy mix of those that did none of it well.
I guess the multiplayer was cool, but as a single player game, it really wasn't very good.
For me, it's Omega space
You didn't earn this (You)
Almost all of your criticisms are legitimate but I still disagree. I know this is lazy rebuttal, but it is what it is. Freelancer is somehow far greater than the sum of it's parts, and a much better game than it has any right to be. It's a prime example of SOUL.
The Discovery Mod is by far the most high quality lore friendly mod out there, but its RP only and has a gigantic inital grind, so playing online can be pretty cringe. It's pretty fantastic just to see the new systems and ships though. They put so much work into the nomad worlds.
There were a couple max and after story ending anyway
damn Starlancer was such a great game
I still remember torpedoing a big enemy capital ships egnies in the mission where you had captured enemy bombers
I played so much Freelancer back in the day, but all of this really flew by me. I never really played multiplayer games back then, I wasn't even aware it has such great multiplayer until it was already dead.
>mfw landed on the planet of the apes
I can't believe someone with such godawful taste exists
>Visually it was hideous
First of all this is purely subjective, and I think you're wrong, Freelancer is a beautiful game and stands out amongst its contemporaries.
>the story was absolute garbage
The story was campy and fun, the only legitimate criticism I would give it is that it's too short. Are you seriously implying there are better stories out there in the space sim genre?
>especially as a follow-up after the remarkably good Starlancer
>remarkably good
>the space and the simulation was actually really weak
Another completely meaningless subjective statement, what does this even mean? It was never supposed to be a straight up realism simulator, its a third person dogfighter with arcade controls.
>the art direction was fucking hideous and makes even the X series look tasteful
Or you just have shit taste, I'll go with that
>there really wasn't much of a depth to it
Another completely meaningless statement. What do you even mean by this?
>and my god was the actual flight model absolutely fucking horrendeous
The worst complaint of all. You have fucking GARBAGE taste. The flight model alone is what makes this game so legendary. The way the controls function and the way ships fly is the one thing people have been wanting in space sims ever since this game. People have even gone as far as recreating the system in the Unreal engine. The simplicity of Freelancers controls is its best point, it doesn't require you to learn rocket science just to play the game, its intuitive and easy to pick up. But at the same time it also has a very high skill ceiling and a great amount of gameplay depth.
How is it possible for one person to be this wrong and retarded?
The MP is actually still fairly popular, but unfortunately all the popular servers are "RP" which are invariably run by autists who think role-playing means you have to do exactly one thing, always respond to every situation in the exact same way, and never deviate from a 400 page long book of rules.
So much fucking this, finally I found someone who agrees
I want to play Discovery so bad but every time I do it's so fucking gay. Last time I played I was just playing a freelancer (because its the only "role" you can actually play the game as intended) and trading across the map for fun. I got all the way to Omicron Delta and some faggot roleplayer pirate came up and started doing his rp chat bullshit. I sent him a pm saying dude just let me sell this shit I'll even pay you half, just fuck off. And he blew me up and reported me for not rping with him. Lol
Ultimate faggotry.
Crossfire mod is such a bizarre creation
The amount of clashing assets and beyond-retarded mission design isn't even offensive, its just bewildering
400 page long book of rules which is placated outside of Manhattan so you see it everytime you enter space
>I sent him a pm saying dude just let me sell this shit I'll even pay you half
That's even a deal someone would cut with a pirate in a role playing environment that allowed for even a modicum of creativity and interesting interaction.
Fuck RP servers are always lame.
imagine having this level of autism and shit taste
This sort of thing happens every time I try to play. The game is so much fun when its just a group of bros fucking around and talking casually about the game and fun things to do in it, rather than LARPing as some made up character all the time.
Oh also I found my way into the admin system once and the admin sent me a bunch of angry messages warning a ban. That was pretty funny.
>damn Starlancer was such a great game
Yeah. Freespace 2 was objectively better game, but Starlancer had absolutely fantastic settings, atmosphere, art direction, even characters.
So a person who literally does not understand what mechanical depth is, and unironically claims Freelancer had good flight model thinks he gets to judge other people's taste?
I mean: Self-awareness, kid. Do you have it?
>The simplicity of Freelancers controls is its best point
You are LITERALLY making my point: it was the literal baby's first space game for retards too stupid to know how to rebind keys. I get it that it was the best YOU could ever manage to play, but for fuck sake get some perspective: just because every other space game scares the everliving SHIT out of you because the key-binds can't be fitted on a greeting card does not mean it's great. It just means it's the only one catering to people like you.
It's bad if you compare it to ther space games that were out there at the time. And if you can't do that, than maybe the problem is with your frame of reference, not anyone else's taste.
So many words and still unable to formulate a single argument