Did you actually read all of the books IRL?

Did you actually read all of the books IRL?

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No. I don't know where you'd find the books.

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>website's asking for me to allow notifications from something shady when I click ANYTHING

Just ignore it, they probably do it to keep the website afloat.

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Alright. Thank you for the link user. Here's hoping I didn't just get aids from the download like a retard lol.

No problemo.

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Currently about to read the first one: No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. Seems pretty cool desu

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You are in for a ride. The protagonist is a piece of shit but i can't hate him.

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Is this thing good ? I'm not a waifufag, but the main character is a cutie and I'm a bit of a /lit/ fag. Does it actually have an interesting story ?

If you're the kind of person that likes taking online personality tests, this "game" is right up your alley. It's literally the same thing, except fused with an extremely dumbed down version of Cookie Clicker.

The waifu is cute, but she doesn't have nearly enough interactivity or lines of dialogue for it to work as a waifu simulator.

From what I played so far, it has a good story. It seems as though you affect how she feels about things. You also supposedly find out more about yourself if you answer the questions honestly.

I'm not a /lit/huanian but i do consider myself a philosophical person and i enjoyed it. I was also not a waifufag before playing it, but Es just clicked to me and now i am just obsessed with her.

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Stop shilling this shitty game, your waifu isn't enough to salvage it.

Thanks guys. I hate mobile games but it is free so I might as well check it out.
May be a nice time killer between reading and playing vidya

library genesis

get help.

>and playing vidya
Fucking degenerate.

The book in a nutshell
>self loathing
>act dumb to make friends
>self loathing
>getting drunk
>self loathing
>attempted suicide
>self loathing
>getting drunk
>self loathing
>meet waifu
>wtf my life might finally go back to norma-
>getting drunk
>waifu gets assaulted
>self loathing
>get drunk
>get addicted to drugs
>I look like an old man even though I’m young
>person who knows me says I was actually a good person all along and was nice to have around

Only the ones that she's been "lending" so far. I can't remember how many years it's been since I actually read a book, but here we are.

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Got this from here.

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I read the little prince and the methamorphosis years ago, little Prince was meh, Methamorphosis I guess works good and is memorable but it was a slog to read through.
Anyway, finished the game yesterday and got the Ego Rex ending, tried to restart for a second one and I got that very same ending, not sure what I'm doing wrong I thought I was picking the right answers, is there any answer list online? I couldn't find it

There isn't a guide out there, but i think to get the true ending you need the ID ending as well.
Just be a centrist, i'm sure that is the way to the true ending.

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True ending unlocks after getting both "bad" endings. Just do the opposite of what you did so far to get the other one.

Oh I understand now, still weird it defaults to Ego Rex though

Finally did it.

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Actually reading all of the books is hardcore mode. Not reading the books and just clicking on the screen is casual mode

I don't read books.

I'm not big into books.

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