Indie game

>indie game
>it's actually good

What's her name, Yas Forums?

Attached: crosscode.jpg (1136x640, 570.66K)

Azusa 999

>early access

Bizango Blast

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I got the game i lil while back and am waiting for my new PC. should i just say fuck it and play the game on my macbook or wait till i can play it on something good?

it runs on a browser, not sure how hard of a time you'll have

hotline miami

Hollow Knight Treasure Trove with all 4 campaigns and Battle Mode is my game of the generation.

I see this same thread every week, stop posting it you turbo autist

crosscode is one of the worst indie games ive played to date
if it looks like some retarded tranny made it, stay way from it

Bloodstained is mine GOTG.

>Hollow Knight Treasure Trove

It was a bit more puzzle focused than I would like but gameplay was pretty slick

>the retard who can't write proper English has that piece of dogshit Bloodstained as his literal game of the generation

Not surprised one bit.

Super Meat Boy

Thea: the Awakening

Rabi Ribi was quite good. Even the lewd designs and fluffy storyline you'd expect to be trash is quite interesting.


looks like a tranny game

Sometimes being pretty really is enough.

Oh oh let me try. This game looks reddit cuck cringe soulless seethe dilate normie tranny peeepee poopoo son of a bitch bad game. Did I do it right?



>22 posts in
>nobody mentioned the GOAT

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go back

I've been liking Invisible Inc. recently

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mountain blade
star sector

Oh that's one I forgot sorry. I also forgot autism and shill.

Space Pirates and Zombies. Made by two guys and it was fun.