Trials of Mana thread

Trials of Mana thread

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what's a good class for Angela in a supporting role?

Soulless remake
Only being shilled because barry hates FF7R being better than XV or contrarians
Offers nothing than upgraded graphics
No reason to buy this game at all since the original exists and plays better
Truly a example on what Yas Forums thinks a remake will be, and be surprised it fucking flops in sales

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>Reisz tries to impale some poor schmuck
>Hawkeye has to hold her back again
This is my favorite running gag in their route.


>Offers nothing than upgraded graphics
Good remake then
>barry hates FF7R being better than XV
FF7R is fine, two great remakes
>No reason to buy this game at all since the original exists and plays better
The original literally does not play better. I've already played and loved the original. It's great to see it realised in 3d

What's a good way to manage Angela's mp in the early 20's? I just got her 2nd class and went Dark. I have enough points in Spirit for the 2 mp recovery per kill, but it's kinda lacking for how much MP I use. Is that 6 point Strength mp recovery skill worth the points?

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I don't care about FF7, didn't play it as a kid and have no desire to play it now. I played the demo for this and liked it, there's nothing more to it.

Nice anti-shill you faggot.
Go back to your FF7R thread and eat an entire barrel of Nomura's shit.

>Hey you going to Valsena
>Get in my cannon and I'll shoot you there
>The only other way there is to take the golden road, shit's dangerous with monsters n shit
>So yeah get in my cannon
>Objective- Take the golden road to Valsena

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you mean reclaim? yeah, it's very much worth it. There's also reclaim 2 (which does the same for 2MP), and both stack. So with every power-attack you regen 3MP.
Unless you're spamming attacks against a boss, you'll never need Walnuts.

Any advice on finding the cactus? I feel like I've already missed him more than I've found him.

Guzzle nuts like the two-bit mana whore she is
Also yes Reclaim is good, there's a better version later. Int and Str overall are Dark Angela's best stats since she doesn't have much in the way of MP conservation
You probably want Luck too, especially if you go Rune Seer, since it ups her status effect chances. So far I haven't seen statuses work on bosses at all though.

Angela is hot

>Charlotte- dark/dark (entirely for coomer reasons)
>Risez- light/dark
What should I make Kevin.

How faithful is this remake? does it have multiplayer still?
I havent tried the demo

depending on your route you should get the water claws right before the fight it makes it much easier

You already have a Mana thread dedicated to shitposting, piss off back there retard.

every day until you agree

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FF7 is gonna forever ruin the meaning of remake isn't it?

Should I bother with Children or Heroes after Trials?

i agree. So glad to see people enjoying one of my favourite jrpg's ever

So faithful that it actually hurts the Game a bit.


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I'm about to start this game soon finishing up witcher 3 rn
never played this game before, who should I pick as my party members for a first run?

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are riesz's summons worth it?
it needs a ton of points in INT and I've got 0 so far

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>constant urge to fap because I can't take my eyes off Riesz's butt

I should have done the all bros team first...

Children of Mana was an OK dungeon crawler I think, it does get repetitive but it should be fun in small bursts.

My only genuine gripe is that you can't use items out of your inventory directly when you're not in combat. Everything has to go onto your wheel first.

Towns - One Lil Cactus
Dungeons or Paths - Two Lil Cactus
Areas you can't revisit - No Lil Cactus

will leotards finally make a comeback?

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Always assume he's being an asshole and hiding in the most obnoxious spots.

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The only other Mana game worth playing imo is Legend but it's really different, not everyone likes it

And in zones you have 0 reason to go back to otherwise

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