Korea time: grand final

we're finally here lads, the final of ASL9 is today
get in, get comfy and get ready for some brood war


get fucking hype
youtube.com/channel/UCK5eBtuoj_HkdXKHNmBLAXg (no direct link yet)

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definitely feeling a strong 8

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I'm ready

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We've got this one in the bag zergbros, right?

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I can't remember, did we get a SINGLE Rapid cast this season?
I don't remember ever turning off the stream because the commentary was so atrocious, so it looks like we're going to make it out unscathed.


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>youtube.com/channel/UCK5eBtuoj_HkdXKHNmBLAXg (no direct link yet)

It's up

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tfw don't know who to root for. I love watching Zergs play but also want to see Light finally become a hero.

Tastosis have been stuck in South Korea the whole tournament so there was no reason to bring him in.
This was truly a blessed tournament


Inner Coven!

Fuck yes!!!!!!

Light already has his gold. Zero is eternal runner-up since 2009, give man a break

despite being intentional meme map it turned out to be pretty good

Queen played against Flash and won. I feel like he deserves to win this TvZ too.

What was everyone reaction to the Creator incident?

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I'm so excited for Inner Coven, we haven't seen in a couple weeks
I can't believe how many amazing games it's given us

I missed this season but I'm here for the final
Who's this Queen person again?

Can't wait for all the "WHY DID I MISS AN HOUR BROOOOOS" posts

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>This was truly a blessed tournament
I miss the live crowd and the cheerfuls. And the fans chanting for their players aat the game start.

It's not as bad as the WWE with no live spectators, but even in SC the crowd reaction adds a lot of hype to the game

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Zero changed his name.
Watch the rest of the season later. It's a good one.

Its zero under a different ID. He beat flash in Ro4.

did flash lose? months since I joined korea time

Lmao yeah, RIP those poor anons. I almost forgot if not for based OP.

Flash got third place, and he is switching to Random next season.


who here /scv/?

I still think he's bamboozling us, like with the whole "not being gay" thing

I didn't go to sleep last night to make sure I wouldn't wake up three hours late
I will not be cucked out of my Gookclick ever again

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This is how Queen looked like when Starcraft came out. Feel old yet?

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I want Light to win. I think this could be really close but Zero will end up taking it.

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The difference between Artosis streaming
and Tasteless streaming
is so fucking funny to me
Tasteless jokes around with chat, laughs, has a good time while Artosis literally looks like he's about to kill himself or his family at a moment's notice
I can't get over it

>WWE with no live spectators
jesus christ


>he is switching to Random next season.
I usually just keep up with SC2 and catch the odd SC1 tourney when I see it and have nothing to do, but if he's legit bigdick enough to pull of going random then I'm in.

Time for some good old m&m wrecking zerg scum.
and maybe some meme builds but please no goliaths into bio

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keep your nonsense out of korea time

>he is switching to Random next season.
Unlikely. Maybe he'll go Protoss to protect his wrists and to bamboozle ASL for picking maps that aren't Terran favoured but him going random is just wishful thinking.

Tonight is the night we see ghosts, I'm feeling a solid 9

Yea Artosis is a miserable prick when he isn't casting. Based Tasteless Chad just loves the game.

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the virgin terran and the chad toss

How do they decide the order of the maps?

What the hell is happening in Artosis' clip? I can't figure it out.

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

>meme builds
you will see 7 games and 1 build


I summed it up when Tasteless first came back
>Artosis loses 15:1, doesn't look at any replays calls all cheesers fucking idiots. His entire family has to walk on egg shells after his stream
>Tasteless embraces the cheese and counters, watches the replays and invites his BF over for a romp.

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Yeah WWE and AEW are completely unwatchable now. It's fine when AEW has wrestlers at ringside but not the same.
It really sucks that the best fuckign season of ASL has had no live crowd

WHAT THE FUCK is going on with this live band playing

>get boring

they lick stargirls pits until she cries from ticklish laughter. once she finally stops they pick one of the remaining maps at random and adds it to the list.

>get boring

Disgusting accents why even sing it in english

Which one of those girls is Kim Yo Jong?

>the audio is completely different to what the percussionist is playing

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Tasteless is based as fuck. Our guy.

>WHAT THE FUCK is going on with this live band playing
It just some kind of asian thing. Don't think about it too much.

Get wild and tough

I'm here to watch gooks play SC not sing

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I haven't been able to watch any koreatime now that I have my new job during the day, but I'm staying up to watch the finals with you fellas

Hey folks. Here to watch my human player destroy the dishonest zerg.

every build on inner coven is a meme build so we're getting at least one

any bw bros know how to open up the afreeca stream onto mpc w/streamlink?

you're a good lad, we're glad to have ya.

This is worse than Churches at the game awards lmao

At least it's fair

damn he got fucking fat

Creator got ZUCC'd.

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S t a r g i r l

He said right after that if he had those 3 Vultures that was a game winning moment
He was extremely tilted after this and just lost his shit

Korea honestly has a pretty cool metal/rock scene.
My personal recommendation is Jambinai which is a post rock band that features a lot of traditional instruments.

Dishonesty predictions?

The band sucks but the grill on the left had nice thighs so at least that was something

I know this question is taboo, but does /korea time/ actually play stracraft remastered?
I even made my post with a pepe image so you can damage control and pretend you don't want to answer because of it

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Dang that's awesome. Did he get cheesed?

wouldn't be korea time without obligatory terrible kpop. Least they learned their lesson and don't have 30 mins of it before every finals


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You won't regret it
Best ASL Season hands fucking down

He took his later loses a lot better.
Probably thinking of quiting from the looks of it

>tfw no Tasteless bf that cheeses you every game and cuddles you to calm your Terran rage after

Shoulders out. Kino finals confirmed.


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I played that co-op version of the campaign with my nephew

No, he got outplayed.
He also left the building after that.

get hype boys! first time i'm catching korea time with you guys all season, I've watched every minute but always had to be later... 4am finals HYPE

this has been a fantastic season though and I'm so happy to be watching with you Yas Forums

I fucking told you fucks that were crying protoss is OP and had zerg figured out and was the best race and >BW will be a Protoss game in the upcoming years

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cool, gonna check em out.

>Shoulders status: On full display

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These shoulders are hinting me towards a Light victory but my body wants a Queen win bros
I'm scared

look at that triangle bros, imagine kissing her on the vagina

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What percentage of dishonesty do you think we'll have this game? I'm expecting anywhere up to 30%

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I believe they do.

>no toss
100% honesty

Do you by any chance know the vod of that tournament?

If you want something more on the heavy side, check out Time of Destruction by them. If you want something chiller, Connection.


what happened?

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Shes pregnant btw!

Dishonesty is the only way Zerg can win against terran.
I expect 50% Zerg dishonesty rate and perhaps ~10% terran dishonesty


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this fucking intro


I play couple of times a week
In C

Apparently Flash is going random next ASL

Larva is a bad zerg. I could beat him ZvZ about 30% of the time.

I can't believe Flash is fucking dead.

he disappeared...

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Dem lights. Nice production.

>Light show
The Terran bias is disgusting.


>Apparently Flash is going random next ASL
That's either going to be fucking next level or a mkp level disaster

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Where are my respondbros at? Who you rooting for tonight? I'm on Queen's side.

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>Flash has left the game.

Will we get a nuke from Light?

I play for fun casually against the computers on BGH
I've long since accepted that I'll never be good good at the game but it's sitll fun to spread creep everywhere, cannon rush computers, or just mass nuke computer bases

I hope you're all watching this in bed with your gf while eating McDonalds as well :)

they will be fucking blind for the first 2 matches

>tfw IQ too high to win the match