Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3. Is it decent? Is it as long as the second one? Asking since its 50% off now and its this or Fallout 76... (Dear lord..)

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Amazing gameplay, awful pozzed writing

If you have no other choice for this, choose 3. Genuinely an okay game. Expect reddit humor and some cringe shit along the way. The game is actually kind of long though, maybe a tiny bit longer than 2.

the writing will give you cancer
but gameplay is fun

how have you not made up your mind yet

it makes me happy that now that the game is on steam there's a lot of interest in the game
but you guys keep opening a new thread every fucking day
unless it's randy shilling again
theres a general for a reason

>is the game good

tldr yeah
gameplay good
story bad

pirate it and test it by yourself
super deluxe keys are going for 30 dollars
do not give gearbox any money, they do not deserve it
i'd rather buy some pajeet fuck a curry dinner than give randy any of my money

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Gameplay felt a little more boring than 2, story and writing's shit as always. Game's pretty long from what i hear though

Sketchy companies, full priced games and other awful things. So little interesting out there atm...

It's pretty fucking long. There's also the player character banter from Pre-Seq that make the game more amusing, to me anyway. The villains aren't bad at all, unlike Yas Forums thinks, however the "protagonists" outside of the player characters absolutely are zoomercore betamax garbage.

The gameplay's more of the same, though there's some nice little additions like slide tackles and power bombing, also the vehicles actually have more weight and better feel to them.

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Mayhem 2.0 is fucking terrible prove me wrong

I can't, you're right.
But then again you're kinda playing the game after completing the story and DLCs, so it's your fault.

I'm half tempted to ask for this for my birthday just because there's only a week left, everything's closed and fucked up because of the pandemic, and even asking for something ordered online probably wouldn't get here in time. Not all that thrilled but I did enjoy Borderlands 1 and hated Borderlands 2, so maybe 3's better. Maybe they removed all that raid boss shit and legendaries drop super easily again and it's a good "Zone out and shoot things and watch numbers get bigger" game like the first was and Randy won't ruin my manchild birthday.

Guess I could ask for Mountain Blade Butterlord instead, even if it won't be worth playing for another 10 years.

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I have never finished a borderlands game even though i have all of them except 3

>super deluxe keys are going for 30 dollars
Where the flip

3 is just more 2, you probably wouldn't like it

Well fuck. Thanks for the heads up at least.

>legendaries drop super easily

That's at least one wish granted, legendaries drop way too fucking often, if anything.

>ask for this for my birthday

You're sounding kinda sad there user, sheesh.

how old are you user

Does Denuvo fuck up my hd?

This kinda betamax?

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Can someone post the archive of the recent BL3 shilling, we had the same thread over and over
And NO game not even worth a pirate

>ask for this for my birthday

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why do people say the writing is shit as always. if you were there when the games first came out you would realize, hey theres a difference between the devs trying to be funny or just made characters that were fun and ultimately had fun with its ridiculousness. currently the 3rd game lost whatever former inspiration it had and appeases chinese drones that stem off from league of legends where cliche needs a new word to describe things that can't even get more cliche than they have been. anyways borderlands 3 was trying to be funny and neither was funny or fun writing

Got the game yesterday, I'm level 20 and swimming in legendaries, is it meant to be like this? Not that I'm complaining, BL2 was way too stingy with world drops and the only way to get legendaries was to farm whatever rare mob dropped a particular one.

Shill thread

Does the Denuvo remain on pc after uninstall?


Legendaries drop easily in 3 because the annointments are more important. 2 was about the grind for the legendary itself. 3 is about getting the proper anointment on the proper legendary.

Why does this game run like shit? I can't hold 60fps @ 1080p on a gtx 1070.

Does DX12 run any better? What settings impact performance the most?

Gameplay is better but the writing is fucked beyond belief.
Holy fuck I haven't met a worse character than Ava. It makes me glad Salvador and Axton just don't appear at all.

It's faggot shit.

He's here, what do you expect?