What's up Yas Forums...

What's up Yas Forums? So I made a thread a little while back about doing my first ever blind playthrough of Dark Souls (Remastered). I have to say that the 4 big bad bosses for the Lord Vessel seemed a bit basic and easy to kill. I looked them up on the wiki later to see if maybe I was missing something.
>Seath the Scaleless was only hard because I didn't see the crystal at the back of the room making him immune to damage
>Four Kings was an absolute cake walk. Managed to kill each king as they came up within 6 swings
>Nito was only a bastard because of his friends (that I killed with a divine weapon to keep them down)
>Lost Izalaith was HORRIBLE, it wasn't even a fucking fight. It felt like a bad platformer
General complaints
>There are not nearly enough places to get titanite chunks unless I farm the black knights at the very end of the game
>I only managed to find a single titanite slab and after looking it up on the wiki, there's no easy way to farm, all pure chance
>2 weapons (main and bow), shield, and 4 pieces of armor all need a slab to get +15
Do they expect you to beat the game 2+ times to completely max all your armor and weapons? Why bother? Other than that, Lord Gwynn was a fucking bastard and I ended up just going ham on him 2 handing my claymore (2 swings to stagger) rather than be a bitch behind my shield. I got very good at parrying Black Knights. Lastly, I missed out on the DLC because I didn't know how to access it, so now I have to beat the game AGAIN apparently to find the other gold golem in the lake. I did find the painting though. Killed the furry girl with the scythe. Overall 8/10. Going to start Dark Souls 2 now. I purchased Scholar of the First Sin edition. Tips? General Dark Souls thread?

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Dark Souls 2 is generally a 6 or a 7/10 until you reach the dlc. be aware of that.

yup I was heavily warned in the last thread lol. My friend had the original (non SotFS edition) for PS3, so he let me try it. It was very different looking and feeling than Dark Souls 1 was, but didn't seem completely insufferable. A lot brighter color palette too.

Try to go into the game not comparing it to any other game, really helps with the experience. The game actually really has really solid dlcs attached with it but the base game can be a slog to go through at times, rapier is OP btw.

how's the Claymore? I've gotten really attached to that weapon in Dark souls 1. The 2 handed attacks are heavy enough to stagger while still quick enough to not take forever (like the greatsword or zweihander). It's 1H attacks are great for clearing groups of enemies with the light attack or killing enemies in narrow hallways with the heavy 1H poke.

I ended Dark souls 1 at level 83 by the way.
>30 Vitality
>30 endurance
>28 strength
>40 dex

In 2 it is actually very good if you are familiar with how it moves, though it is going to be a fair while into the game before you can actually get it though.

>before you can actually get it though.
aww. Well that's OK, it was kind of like that in 1. Maybe I'll give some of the 1H straight swords a go. Or the Bastard Sword I kind of glanced right over in 1. Not a huge fan of super slow weapons or poking weapons. I gave everything a try in 1 and Rapiers/spears are just not my cup of tea.

Two is unironically my second favorite souls/bb game...right behind demon souls

I actually think you can get the bastard sword early on, some hollows drop it i think. I was also really used to how some weapons move but eventually I adapted and realized that they are all actually pretty nice (especially in 2 and 3)

My friend said that the game is meh, but the build differences and PvP is quite a lot of fun.

it isn't a bad game, it actually has the best build variety/viability across all the games.

I guarantee I could get used to any move set given enough time. My build in Dark souls 1 was considered a "quality" build is what I'm told. Apparently the haldberd shares stat investment with my type of build, so maybe I'll try that too.

get 24 ADP in dark souls 2 for faster rolling

What's that? I thought rolling was tied down equip load?I was doing medium rolling for all of Dark souls 1. Getting the quick roll didn't seem worth giving up so much armor.

Do actually try experimenting with your build though, could be really interesting if you try something new.
They tied down how many iframes you have from rolling to a leveling stat now for some reason.

I'm like 80% done with my DS2: SOTFS first play-through.

DS2 has more gank enemies that "cheat."

Also, you have to deal with way more hordes of enemies, all that are max agro and will kill you in two seconds unless you try to trigger one at a time. There are some triggers that agro them all when you agro one with a range weapon.

You also have certain areas with multiple casters at once in a lot of areas. Think of the New Londo archers, but twenty times.

Compared to DS1, hordes of enemies are much more deadly. It was hardly an issue in DS1 compared to DS2.

For anyone else, I'd recommend NOT playing DS2 unless you played DS1, just so your can learn what the series is about before dealing with DS2's design issues.

It's still a decent game, but DS2 much more frustrating in certain areas... almost like a chore compared to DS1. They took one step forward and two steps back with DS2.

>Do actually try experimenting with your build though, could be really interesting if you try something new.
I was considering a dual wielding build. My friend showed me "power stancing" and apparently you can use a weapon's full 1H move set even when it's in your left hand. He showed me his dual sword build. I personally liked the mace.

I see thanks for the tips. Maybe I'll carry my shield then. Towards the end of Dark Souls 1, I barely used it at all.

To add:

NPC invaded... an annoying amount of them. As many as it would to take for you to think it's annoying and not fun.

Also, it's like they dumbed-down the level design and just tossed into more enemies.

Some enemies rubber band during attacks to always hit you. A lot seem to have infinite stamina and poise. Some have one-attack instant kills.

Like I said before, DS2 has more "cheating" in it. Just be aware.

hmmm. That sounds like a shit show. Definitely going to carry a ranged weapon of some sort then. Now that I'm considering a strength based build for dual maces, I was thinking of using a crossbow instead of the longbow I used in Dark Souls 1. The only issue with crossbows it seems is the inability to aim manually with them. Has that changed in 2?

Towards the end of DS2, you need to primarily dodge because blocking just rapes your stamina, and again many enemies will drain all your stamina in one hit and their unstoppable second attack will nearly kill you.

I prefer melee, but I was forced into using ranged bows for the DLC and other parts to trigger enemies in a hope to handle them one at a time.

Overall, you'll feel more annoyed with DS2 than you ever might have with DS1.

They sacrificed aspects of DS1 to make DS2 more of a "game."

well it will definitely be an experience. I was using my bow to pull enemies one a time in the first game. Especially all those Taurus demons down where the lava used to be, so pulling like that won't be new to me. It seems the general opinion is that Dark Souls 1 is the best for environment and overall feel. Dark souls 2 is shit for all of that but PvP and build differences are something else. And Dark Souls 3 is linear but the combat has been changed for the better.

I dropped the game after I got the lord vessel

the best part by far is the world design and exploring it for the first time, discovering all the reas and how they're connected

once you reach the second part and you realize everything takes place in these self contained shitholes like new londo ruins the game collapses, it simply cannot be carried by its terrible combat

That's why dodging is crucial compared to blocking and parrying in DS2.

You can block one dude well enough but when two other enemies are hitting you from the sides when two casters are hitting you from the back, it gets annoying.

You can go without ranged weapons for a while, but later in the game you need at least a bow to try and ago them one at a time.

As with a DS games, caster/ ranged builds have it easy.

DS2 is far from a bad game, it's just more annoying and feels less fare than DS1.

... but New Londo Ruins connects with the valley of the drakes after you drain the water. It's a great area, actually.

Demon Ruins is alright. Lost Izalith is just lazy. I killed all the Lava T-rexes just out of autism. I would advise most people just run past them.

>caster/ ranged builds have it easy.
I found pure bow was boring and I felt like I was cheesing certain encounters with it. Like those stupid fucking undead dragons. It was too much of a pain in the ass to try and get close for melee while they're spewing toxin. As for casting, I didn't even know how that shit worked until late game. Apparently I need to invest into attunement" to get slots to equip spells and miracles. That's something I want to try this time around. Some sort of weapon buff or miracle. So many choices! Is there at least a way to respec my character in this dark souls if I don't like my build?

I stood on top of one of the sets of ruins and aggroed them with my bow. When they're on top of each other, they can hurt/kill one another with their jumping crashing attack. 2k souls each is pretty good for kills I don't have to work for.

Yeah, I never do spells and shit, just melee and bows.

A ton of YouTubers are casters for a reason. It's a lot easier than melee.

You can tell certain parts of DS2 were basically meant for you to summon people for help (NPC or real people).

I never summoned anyone in DS1 because I didn't really need to, but in DS2, so far, I did once or twice for bosses.

The DS2 DLC areas have a smaller section meant for co-op... so they place many many more enemies in there, go solo is a chore to say the least and the reward isn't worth the effort. The main/ normal parts of the DLC is good though.


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Melee and ranged weapon of some sort seems like the way to go honestly. I've seen so many videos of people who lose their shit or the fight becomes super hard for them because their buff ran out. Or a certain enemy is resistant to their damage type (magic/lightning). Meanwhile I'm just cranking out plain Jane, reliable, physical damage.

Yeah, plus I never really understood why a cloud of "dark" isn't considered "magic?" Why isn't generating lighting or fire out of thin air magic either? DS's magic and spells system is just a bit too obtuse for me to really care about.

Splitting some enemies head open with a halberd, now that's something I relate to.