>Your behavior is hurting yourself and your family please, understand you need help if you don't want to do it for yourself neither us do it for your sister, she loves you and she wants to have a brother along her side when she grows up, you mean everything to her please, don't do this to her, let us help you.
Your behavior is hurting yourself and your family please...
>Humor is an expression of good faith. You're doing something for others' benefit. You contribute. There is no good faith to be found here, anymore, and it's not just Yas Forums. It's the internet at large. The massive inflow of new users meant, practically, a hard reset for internet culture. And them being firmly tethered in real life, through social media, smartphones, work, and such, means it's never going to resurface.
>It's not eternal September. The game's changed. There's a new equilibrium. You won't see a mode of communication evolve to suit the internet, now that it's just a part of real life. It's over. Trying is outdated. Trying (to be funny, etc), means that you can fail. Which is why OC is dead, and why people only ever talk shit about things. Because they have no way to positively interface with the world anymore, without making themselves vulnerable, and so they settle for posturing as being oh-so above it all. Or spam their forced memes and settle for negative attention when they're feeling snubbed. They're not going to learn to leave their ego at the door, as we all had to, there is no door. The internet is now something you carry in your pocket and interact with using your full name, in front of all your real friends.
>As for the reddit-esque spam, that's because they're status-whoring little bitches. They don't care about being funny. They're not jokes. They're shibboleths.
Is this about video games or the printouts of Wojak edits you keep handing out at the dinner table?
>people out there love and care for you
>your sister
I WISH I had the chance to impregnate the person I loved most.
>yfw have a sister
>>The problem came to a front in 2015 with Yas Forums's 'take back' campaign.
>>You see, the Yas Forums way of memes was that they were contextual to something, the interesting OC gained popularity, and then went away as some new context was created along with the next meme, creating that cycle of endless OC.
>>The problem with what Yas Forums did was that they broke that cycle by 'taking back' pepe and wojak, instead of letting the normalfags at reddit take them like was the case for everything else in order to create new content in their place. This helped to suffocate new OC.
>They then also opened the floodgates to reddit who then proceed to not only steal everything that wasn't nailed down but shit on OC creators thinking they needed to hate everything to fit in, causing further damage to OC creation.
>>Today under reddit chan, the memes aren't contextual, they are the culture itself. It's why you see a newfag defend cancer like pepe and wojack as 'chan culture'
>>And because the concept of a forced meme was lost and newfags just regurgitate what they see thinking they need to, to fit in. It creates even more cancer. Take the boomer forced meme. In golden age Yas Forums this would have been called out and mocked relentlessly. In reddit chan people started using it themselves and making content around it.
>And it's only getting worse since as long as you force something long enough, newfags will start posting it as well.
>>So if you really want to know why things are shit? Newfags from the past 5 years who don't know any better because they never lurked moar, along with cancer like pepe and wojack.
what the fuck is happening in this thread. i feel like i turned up into a manic house
>noooooooooo you can't just try to shoot yourself with your late dad's gun what would he think of this??!!
I want to kill myself by jumping off a parking structure
>what the fuck is happening in this thread. i feel like i turned up into a manic house
Ban wojak faggots
Why are white people so obsesed with incest. This is why your women are interbreeding with other races, your genes are literally BEGGING for some diversity. You brought this on yourself Alabama man.
>maybe if I act retarded people will laugh and like me
>your post
>Ban wojak faggots
أنت تعرف ما هو مضحك؟
يمكنني التقاط وقتل كل مقيت الأم في هذا المنتدى إذا التقينا IRL.
بجدية ، فكر في الأمر. كنت قد سحقت القصبة الهوائية وحفر عينيك قبل أن تعرف حتى ما يحدث.
أنتم يا رفاق تتحدثون بشكل كبير. راقبوا أنفسكم.
But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
anybody else genuinely pretty happy with their lives, and who they are?
>But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
I try. It's not easy, but I try.
But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
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>File: soy009.jpg (8 KB, 250x242)
>8 KB
>Anonymous 04/26/20(Sun)03:11:47 No.505135330▶
> >Your behavior is hurting yourself and your family please, understand you need help if you don't want to do it for yourself neither us do it for your sister, she loves you and she wants to have a brother along her side when she grows up, you mean everything to her please, don't do this to her, let us help you.
>Anonymous 04/26/20(Sun)03:13:23 No.505135436▶
>File: 1586919642312.gif (62 KB, 570x537)
>62 KB
> >Humor is an expression of good faith. You're doing something for others' benefit. You contribute. There is no good faith to be found here, anymore, and it's not just Yas Forums. It's the internet at large. The massive inflow of new users meant, practically, a hard reset for internet culture. And them being firmly tethered in real life, through social media, smartphones, work, and such, means it's never going to resurface.
!But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
If you greentext this post you are a faggot, if you quote it in any other way you are a gigantic faggot
>!But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
But really though globally banning Wojak (and maybe Pepe) would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
How do you achieve that? Xanax? Marijuana? LSD? Opium? Cocaine? Beer? Draught? Whiskey? Vodka?
>!But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
>If you greentext this post you are a faggot, if you quote it in any other way you are a gigantic faggot
>Old Yas Forums good
>New Yas Forums bad
Yeah yeah yeah...
Was doing pretty well until about a week ago, now I'm spiraling back down but nothing has even changed. It sucks, man
Jesus did somebody actually write that shit? Just take a minute to listen to yourself
>But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!
meditation and accept who you are, daily sit and write what you want to do in the future that will help you
>this but Trump
>But really though globally banning Wojak and maybe Pepe would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
ha ha
People who respond to more that 3 posts at once >>>>>> soijak posters
Doujin user here, mods finally caught up to my shennanigans and temporarily blocked me from posting images on Yas Forums via celluar data.
You wojakschizos may have won for a couple of weeks, but I'll be back to purify these threads.
>Wojacks are low-tier reddit garbage and you deserve to watch your parents die slowly from COVID-19.
It absolutely would
>But really though globally banning Wojak (and maybe Pepe) would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
Only jaded newfags pretending to be oldfags hate new Yas Forums, if you didn’t find the Shia Labeouf Yas Forums heist funny you don’t have a sense of humor
>But really though globally banning Wojak (and maybe Pepe) would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.
>But really though globally banning Wojak (and maybe Pepe) would probably improve the quality of Yas Forums.