Xcom Spyware Squad

So Take-Two collects your data in XCOM® : Chimera Squad™ using the launcher to sell it to other companies, which is why the game is so cheap. This may violate EU data security laws.

Attached: EULA.png (390x491, 126.32K)

Every company does this now, have you been under a rock?

>Every company does this now
There are limits as to how much data you can collect due to laws, Take-Two is ignoring those limits, which could make it illegal.

worth to replay enemy within on a harder difficulty or just go to 2? like does 2 replace the game completely

Gameplay wise it's mostly the same but Turtlewatch doesn't work anymore.

Who cares? Only pedos with cp worry about this shit.

good game tho

>meanwhile, in China


what else is new?

You mean 2K, retard. How do people still fuck this up?

And everyone fucks your mother but that doesn't mean I'm ok with the same happening to mine.

Are you retarded?? Take Two owns 2K.

>Who cares when corporations steal data about me!
Enjoy Google knowing about your STDs then, faggot.

Attached: Google.png (1161x114, 28.69K)

Are you? Why would you blame the parent publisher for what the actual publisher of the game is doing, you fucking brainlet neanderthal?

If someone got your order wrong do you blame the person who took your order or the executive?

Take Two owns plenty of publishers, they don't involve themselves with the affairs besides making profits are doing well. You're probably one of those dumbasses that give Rockstar a pass on shark cards even though they're self-published and the ones who did it, not their parent company.


Nothing to hide nothing to fear.
Stop being a criminal because crime is for niggers.

>using google
>being american

Attached: 2B5E54BA-4268-46F9-8297-8387EFAD6942.gif (728x408, 3.82M)

wtf tripfags are based

I'm not the one installing chink botnet launchers and using proprietary OS's then complaining on the internet that my data is everywhere for these people to see, we are far past the point to start complaining.
You can thank Apple for this, fuck you Bill Gates!

>Take-Two owns 2k
>In the picture of the EULA of the game that OP posted, it says to visit Take-Two's website
Based user, not understanding how companies work.
I guess Gearbox and Rockstar isn't owned by Take-Two either.

>making sure profits are doing well
And how do you think they do that???

What search engine am I supposed to use?

What kind of information will Google get from an empty box, again?

charles manson didn't kill anyone he just got a bunch of roasties to do it for him


Yandex is good for reverse searching images but awful for everything else
Duckduckgo is better

>Why would you blame the parent publisher for what the actual publisher of the game is doing
you have no idea how ownership work on a legal level do you ?

Tell that to Facebook.

lol no. Yandex is the place to go if you want to find the torrent or mp3s you’re looking for. Duckduckgo and google is for finding the CNN and Buzzfeed article related to the search topic you entered.

sounds like something a pedo would say

>Using Google
You don't need to use Google, they are taking your data from hospitals you visit.
Third-world brainlets know nothing about data security clearly, they can barely afford a laptop.

>Every company does this now on steam, egs, uplay and origin
Fixed that for you buddy.
That is why I only get games on gog.

Again, who cares as long as you’re not a pedo?

DuckDuckGo for search engine. And Brave Web browser. Brave is just like Google Chrome but it runs faster, has a built in adblock, a TOR VPN, and it doesn't harvest your data for selling.

>trusting gog