Really hopeful about Halo Infinite

>really hopeful about Halo Infinite
>hated 4, enjoyed 5 a bit even though it wasn't what I wanted, LOVED Halo Wars 2
>Infinite is slated to release in Fall
>everyone working on the game is completely silent
>news is solely through leaks from fucking MEGA BLOKS
>what is shown looks really hopeful
>343 promised every Halo would have a proper beta
>no sign of beta or even a fucking trailer
Please 343 I just want Halo to be my favorite shooter again. I know a couple of you fucks probably browse this place, I'm dying here.

Attached: 5118ebed-e949-42e3-80de-37502cec73a4.jpg (1920x1080, 497.57K)

Its gonna suck ass or its gonna be amazing. There's no other reason for them to not market it at all

Beta’s in May or June.

source on that?
A bit too close to the planned release since Halo 5 had a beta in late December-early January and 5 came out in October

Jez, Shinobi602, Klobrille

I've been a halo fan since day 1 of CE and from how the series has gone over the last 5 years I can tell you right now it's going to be the biggest shit heap and probably cost Xbox console sales. Look at the MCC literally games they already made and launched and they still managed to fuck it and take 3 years to fix. As much as I want halo to be as great as it was in the past, 343 just can't deliver that quality

I'm optimistic. Halo 5 was disappointing as a Halo game, but Wars 2 was great and I feel a genuine want to deliver something everyone will be happy about in Infinite.

You must be retarded then

I just don't feel blind hate for game studios user.

I don't hate 343 but every halo game they've released has been trash. Why would you expect any different with Infinite?. That's just retarded