>Bloodborne boss in the slowest Souls game
nothing personnel kid
Bloodborne boss in the slowest Souls game
This boss has kept me away from the DLC area ever since. I really hate fighting him
Manus isn't so bad.
Sister friede, on the other hand, could easily be put into some Naruto-Ninja-Something tier game with all her 10 hit combos, dodges and projectiles.
>ds 1
>slowest soulsgame
not when ds2 exists
Manus and Artorias are just bad game design. You can't take any build you want into the fight and get away with it. What's that, you're a fat roller on a heavy tank build? Suck my nuts, I'm Miyazaki, you're not allowed to progress past Artorias unless you take off enough weight to mid-roll. INT caster? Maybe if you cheese the game by equipping the best catalyst and a bunch of spell boosting gear like Oolacile headpiece - then I'll let you pass, but not if you play anything normal because Artorias won't let you stop and cast any spells and even if you do get a hit in, it'll barely do jack shit.
I'm memezaki and I demand you play with certain builds.
What's that? All of the base game lets you play any way you want? Fatroll? INT? Faith? I don't give a shit.
That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Every thread must have some retard DS2 hater talking out of his ass.
I've had more trouble against Pinwheel than this guy.
shut the fuck up retard
I beat Arty with a pure faith caster, you shoulda seen those lightning bolts fly.
ds2 is objectively much slower than ds1 in combat
>Sister friede
all her bullshit aside, the fight was fun as hell.
why do ultra weapons even exist in souls if it's just winmore against trash and retarded for use against bosses
I'm kind of triggered by the fact that in DS3 you're better off not wearing armor at all then wearing armor that slows you down even a little. Dodging her autistics spasms being worst offender.
Because it feels good to R1 with the Demon's Great Hammer.
What the fuck is this webm?
Artorias greatshield for maximum turtling but no spear to block poke?
The difference between the two is that you get to dodge Friede's attacks. It's the equivalent to taking R1 or FP spam in PvP. If you get hit you might eat one or two more, but you still have control and you can knock her out of any combo with a single hit. Heck, in the first phase you can even DPS race her pretty effectively.
If you get hit by a single one of Manus's hits in his big combo, you are locked into taking the remainder of it, no exception. Soul of Cinder has an attack just like it.
I like both fights, but they're pretty different.
It's not retard
This boss is really dumb, probably the worst in the whole game.
Stupid easy if you equip full Havel's and literally just face tank and chug.
Crazy hard if you go low poise and fast roll. Very hard to time your dodges and find enough openings to punish him.
>What's that, you're a fat roller on a heavy tank build? Suck my nuts, I'm Miyazaki, you're not allowed to progress past Artorias unless you take off enough weight to mid-roll.
Fucking idiot.
Are you implying this "heavy tank fat roller" you speak of does not have a greatshield equiped?
adp alone confirms it
go back
Of course it does and Artorias is still barely doable, while Manus is impossible.
What the fuck does that mean? If you don't level ADP you'll be slow at some things. Solution: level ADP, you barely have to put points in to reach soft cap anyway. What a weird fucking argument.
>Souls thread
>somebody's gotta shitpost about DS2
>slowest Souls game
But that's Dark Souls 2?
>Artorias is still barely doable
>while Manus is impossible
Did we even play the same game?
>Very hard to time your dodges
You have to know how to play the game just to reach Manus. After you've died to every move once you have no excuse for fucking up your rolls.
Like there weren't a mountain of shit to nitpick in every other souls game, but specifically 2's brand of shit has to be hated and talked about non-fucking-stop.
to this day i dread his spin2win 5-hit wombo combo.
All of the DLC bosses are like that except Kalameet but even Gwyn is really aggressive if you don't parry him.
I was in full havels with the BK halberd and beat this boss in like three tries. I only found out later he was supposed to be the hardest in the game.
I beat arty fatrolling and it was fucking easy
A greatshield tanked all his hits and I only had like 20 end
Artorias is actually really easy to defeat with heavy armor. You can just poise through all of his attacks. There is a famous .webm of the Artorias fight showing how broken poise is.
Dark Souls 2 isn't even slow, it's just clunky
>full havels with the BK halberd
Pretty sure 99% of the bosses are piss easy with this setup.
It's basically cheesing/ez mode.
what's wrong with you guys? all he said was that it's slower, that isn't even inherently negative
also how does "obsessed" apply when it's literally a dark souls thread?
I always thought DeS and 1 were clunky, while 2 was floaty. It wasn't until BB and 3 that the movement itself felt refined.
How is it slower? Just how? Slower compared to a light build with flippy ring in DaS 1 I guess, sure, but that's a stupid argument.