Animal Crossing

Who is the cutest villager on your island?

No human villagers allowed

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anybody have any yellow rose seeds i can buy?

no fat chicks

Probably Skye. Why does she need to wear that floral shirt? ugu....


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I have let rain water my plants without any wierd crossbreeding patterns and I have a blue rose today



Whitney, just got her to move in after trying for so long


No, fat chicks.

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Probably Flurry or Clay

She's perfect

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she looks like she fucks humans

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Either Penelope or Agnes.

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god I want her bros


Alice, she's imouto tier


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>want Cherry to leave
>get this in the mail

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What are you guys getting Katt for her birthday tomorrow (the 27th)?

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an invitation to live on my island


This should be a thing

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>wanting Cherry to leave
Fuck you

Good luck finding anyone wanting to get rid of her.

My favorite.
Love her dumb unibrow.


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Anyone have a picture of Agnes' non-DIY house? I'm tempted to mindwipe her and reinvite with amiibo

>reddit watermark
And back you go

anyone have a whimsical/magical type of path pattern with like stars and a black/blue/purple type color gradient or something

Whitney is crafting birdbaths
Come if you wish and leave


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>Could have had Katt move in a couple days ago from campsite
>Didn't know how reset strat worked so would have only been able to swap for Beau

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As well as crafting multiple of the same item at once

Can anyone get this shit to work on ACPatterns? It keeps coming out all retarded.

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>tfw you will never have this thick and stacked hamster
>mfw she never shows up on island tours

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Only really attached to her and Kyle.

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Would be dope. But probably out of the realm of possibility for this game. Honestly, though. Messaging people with the nook phone about little things like weather and shops is fine. More in-game player to player engagement the better.

i needed some forever, finally got some when leif came to town he sells a shit ton of flower seeds
honestly this much flowers just starts to feel like clutter unless they're really laid out in a really nice pattern

>How long did it take you to get the rocks to spawn together?
Not that long. Rocks need an unobstructed 3x3 space to spawn so just block all such spaces except the one you want. You can use pieces of fence or the water/cliff landscaping tool to put a single tile in any potential 3x3 spot. Flowers, funny enough, do not count as obstructions so they will gladly plop in the middle of your flower beds if there's even a single free tile in a space not otherwise obstructed. Took maybe 30-40min to figure out all the spots on my island they could spawn and patch them up.

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She's gross bro. She's like a creepy gyaru

I love Beau

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I had her move in via amiibo card since everyone seems to like her, she's pretty neat, probably gonna be a permanent villager for me now.


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Best villager to coom to

So my Marshall just asked me to move and I said okay should I just let him go free or do one of you fags want him tomorrow my only condition is that you can't do gay shit to him

Looking to trade for some DIY cards - Specifically Wooden Bookshelf, Bamboo Speaker, Bamboo Lamp, Shell Partition or Garden Flat Rock.. anything interesting just reply with it and we'll see!

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I hate him. Cucked me 4 times out of 50 tours today trying to find someone else.


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an engagement ring!

Garden bench DIY any day now.

>Source: my ass

just make it by hand, you should be able to eyeball this