Why was he so small?

Why was he so small?

Attached: 1587865835622.png (976x934, 757.69K)

anglo genetics

Look at the size of that boy's head.

Attached: It's like an orange on a toothpick.jpg (1920x1080, 253.77K)

>mom says it's my turn to be the mass effect

He's a small guy

Canadian soiboiz coping with their unmasculine genetics.

Ryder is an oblong-headed fuck.

Google figure proportions in art, right is actually closer to real life human proportions, left is an artistic idealisation of a heroic figure.
I’d post the loomis chart, but I’m range banned from posting images, fuck g00k

>right is actually closer to real life human proportions

>but I’m range banned from posting images

Attached: 1585565991276.png (1129x1129, 1.26M)

Attached: 1587848647477.png (976x934, 830.09K)

a human's like 7.5 heads tall, this dude's barely 6
ok polykleitos

>I'm range banned from posting images
Why is that.

Because the last faggot who said that after saying some dumb shit like you did said he was posting mpreg, so you probably deserve it you stupid faggot.

for you

Left is the result of toxic masculinity and that is problematic.

The funniest thing is that even with all the padding and armor of his outfit he still looks like an absolute starving skeleton.

Attached: 1586965151776.jpg (1920x1080, 232.76K)

>Console games are extinct in ME. Best future.

Is this real? I haven't played ME1 since release.

Note that the perspective is also different, with the dumpy guy’s horizon line being placed above the nipples, and sheppard’s being below the sternum, making the dumpy guy’s legs shorter and head bigger

Attached: 64217056-0A06-4125-A9EB-E23060DE5E7A.jpg (1139x977, 296.1K)

we want the soi audience

>ywn cuddle with Ashley as she tells you about the evils of vidya and how you should be reading poetry with her instead

when will they ever learn

>Note that the perspective is also different
Mate, look at the proportions of his body, to those of his head. His head is as big as Shepard's and everything else it tiny. He's a midget. Look st this dude.

Attached: 1587857775025.jpg (384x768, 167.02K)

Attached: More Ash.jpg (1050x830, 359.87K)

Shepard is an idealised version of the tall hero in shinning armor, and he's already pretty much top of his class before the game begins
Ryder is the everyman whose sole qualification is to be the son of someone important

>top of his class before the game begins
>has major issues keeping his aim straight

I feel bad for that guy. He's obviously worked really hard but his body structure is just fucked so he still looks not that great.


Attached: 1587881939012.png (976x934, 923.87K)

Yeah well, nobody wanted to go to andromeda or play as ryder.

to be fair, shepard must have a really small head if it's that small relative to his 6'0 body

Attached: 1567976461935.jpg (1920x1080, 1.74M)

I genuinely think Bioware was trying to make some kind of anti-beauty statement with the character designs from Andromeda and Inquisition.
Like they thought the usual heroic and pretty characters were promoting unhealthy and unreasonable standards of beauty.

Im glad all these SJW games have been crashing and burning. This post modern ugly=good shit really needs to fuck off

Hell, it's a miracle that anything by them would be straight.

Attached: paste.png (532x1025, 53.16K)

He's small so the best girl can carry him more easily.

Attached: Rumdowo1_1280.png (850x1294, 511K)

Bioware is definitely getting reamed for it, but the question is can they swallow their pride and stop doing it or even recognize that having ugly fucking characters is driving people away from their games?

That's not fixed.

That’s literally what I posted

Attached: 80190DF9-6257-4EE0-A33A-F8C4094EBC1E.jpg (1139x977, 183.25K)

Different design style gives different proportioning.

>right is actually closer to real life human proportions
If you're a manlet, that is true. I look like left in terms of proportions. (6'4)

Nah, I think it's just a matter of too many cooks and no real direction. You look at the individual elements of a character like Peebee and you can see how she was supposed to be cute. Big eyes, pudgy cheeks, plump lips. All the ingredients are there. They're just not arranged properly. It looks like someone made a decent face, then a bunch of other people tinkered around with it until they found an awful compromise.

Here's a little 2017 for you.

Attached: 1488159546622.jpg (802x712, 413.77K)

This but unironically and if you don't think its harmful take one look at r9k and the people crying because they are not 8'9" gigachads

post body, words are cheap

They had to send all the manlets and womanlets because the regulars were fighting a war.

Maybe I'm foolish

I simply added the size to add to my argument. I don't give a shit if you fags think I'm telling the truth.