FFVII has no redeeming qualities

Just finished this for the first time
>combat sucks ass because all you do is spam attack or your strongest magic
>nobody is unique gameplay wise because you can equip any materia on any character
>2D graphics have charm but are nothing special
>3D graphics are ugly clunky and primitive
>music has a few good tracks but nothing amazing
>Party characters like Cid are hardly developed beyond their initial introduction
>Non party characters are flat and lifeless (all the Turks could have been combined into one character and it wouldn't have affected the game at all. Same for the Shinra executives)
>Story is supposedly the best part but is boring and lacks all of the complexity and twists that everybody says it does
FFVII is complete dogshit and overrated as hell

Attached: ffvii.jpg (500x478, 39.36K)

OP you're the lizard and this is me

Attached: rLg1Oz.gif (480x270, 2.96M)

I feel bad for you man

Play FF7R, it's the good version of FF7 that isn't really shit.

You can tell it's bait because it doesn't even complain about how linear and hand-holdy the game is.

>combat sucks ass because all you do is spam attack or your strongest magic
Welcome to JRPGs
>nobody is unique gameplay wise because you can equip any materia on any character
This is a legitimate complaint
>2D graphics have charm but are nothing special
>3D graphics are ugly clunky and primitive
It has aged like shit visually, no one will argue with you here.
>music has a few good tracks but nothing amazing
Matter of taste, I think Uematsu is a master at nailing atmosphere.
>Party characters like Cid are hardly developed beyond their initial introduction
Welcome to JRPGs
>Non party characters are flat and lifeless (all the Turks could have been combined into one character and it wouldn't have affected the game at all. Same for the Shinra executives)
Welcome to JRPGs
>Story is supposedly the best part but is boring and lacks all of the complexity and twists that everybody says it does
No one says this about the OG FF7.

Not all JRPG's have shitty combat. SMT for one is amazing because you have to take weaknesses and debuffs into consideration
Most JRPG's have some party member development (Octopath Traveler and Xenogears)
Even when JRPG's have flat NPC's, they don't try and make a point of just how many "villains" and characters they have, which is something FFVII seems to pride itself on

Remake is better user, this is what nostalgiafags don't want to admit.

All of their coping always comes with the preface "you have to pretend it's 1997 and you have to accept it's an old game". That is code for "this game works off my nostalgia and is complete dogshit without it"

If you do want to play FF7 OG , try the PC version with New Threat and some other mods. It makes the combat halfway decent.

I have to agree. In the original, everything progresses quickly and it makes no sense how everyone suddenly becomes best friends with each other when they have known each other for 10 minutes.

my favorite part of the remake was when sephiroth spoils aeriths death in the first hour of gameplay

Attached: aerith meeting.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Haven't looked into the remake too much but it seems like it would be much more bloated and full of filler than the main game. Is it?

>Party Characters like Cid are hardly developed beyond their initial introduction
Ah yes, because Cid when you first meet him is definitely in the same place character-development wise as the Cid that says this later on.

"I always thought this planet was so huge. But lookin' at it from space, I realized it's so small. We're just floatin' in the dark. ......kinda makes you feel powerless. On top of that it's got Sephiroth festerin' inside it like a sickness. That's why I say this planet's still a kid. A little kid sick and trembling in the middle of this huge universe. Someone's gotta protect it. Ya follow me? That someone is us."

Doesn't complain about the one real gripe, which is the length of the "cutscenes".

>Story is supposedly the best part
As someone that played the original only the TL:DR version was good.
Especially the premise that Shinra build a fucking cannon because they knew what they were doing would awaken some fucking ancient kaijou to fuck you up.
They managed to kill 1 of 4.
Meanwhile their plan is so isolated it doesn't matter.
From here you move on to shit no one cares like war.
Golden Saucer is a fun paradise.
Then you find out Sephiroth's a fucking freak and his mommy wants to kill the world because why not and Sephiroth's a mommas boy now.
Who cares you get to fight weapon.
Now tell me about those summon animations. That's where the party is at.
Oh and uh Aerith dies...somehow that was suppose to be important.

Attached: Seph e ruth.jpg (1437x810, 176.87K)

it was a big deal when it came out. that game was so ground breaking that to this day people talk it up.

i couldn't imagine being 18 and icing half of a shit about it. it's must look be like me playing zork or something.

i get it, and i agree.

note if you're a 80's or less babby or was great

>"I always thought this planet was so huge. But lookin' at it from space, I realized it's so small. We're just floatin' in the dark. ......kinda makes you feel powerless. On top of that it's got Sephiroth festerin' inside it like a sickness. That's why I say this planet's still a kid. A little kid sick and trembling in the middle of this huge universe. Someone's gotta protect it. Ya follow me? That someone is us."
Turns into an eco terrorist?
Prefer wife beating Cid over another one of these fucks.
At least I'm stealing Materia girl Yuffie has some fucking story to her.

I mean I grew up with these shit.
Was 9 when it was released.
All I thought was great was the limit breaks and summons.
The story was bad as shit.
Then again I was reading stupid shit like Don Quixote, The Count of Monte Cristo, Golden Compass, Ender's game, and other books because I was bored as fuck finishing all my games within days and replaying a game by the 3rd time got boring.

I love FF7 but I can admit that you have some valid points, especially in 2020 (with some not so reasonable opinions, but still valid). What I can’t agree on is the music. Obviously it’s PS1 era MIDI but it still jams hard along with most of the other FF soundtracks done by Nobuo

wow you were a pretentious faggot since you were 9 years old

Did you play the game? Cid has a story retard, or did you just skip through all of the rocket town and big materia dialogue? I don’t care if you think it’s good, but Cid has a story

The exact same shit happens with Aeris and Red XIII. The only character interactions that build up are Cloud and Barret really.

FF7R really just stretches sections out. The shinra tower to the end was literally a quarter of my gameplay time. That’s fucking silly

>wow you were a pretentious faggot since you were 9 years old
I had a lot of free time.
Glad I don't have to stay in school until 5-6pm like kids pre-virus.

>Did you play the game?
Yes a couple of times.
>Cid has a story retard,
Yeah no shit. He wanted to go to the moon and the space division got their funding cut. It's why he's a salty asshole and I love him for it.
>I don’t care if you think it’s good, but Cid has a story
He does but for the most part I don't like his "enlightenment" if they didn't make him sound like Barret it would've been well delivered speech.

>combat sucks ass because all you do is spam attack or your strongest magic
it's a jrpg

>nobody is unique gameplay wise because you can equip any materia on any character
limits, equipment, dialogue. also the materia system is amazing.

>2D graphics have charm but are nothing special

>3D graphics are ugly clunky and primitive
no shit.

>music has a few good tracks but nothing amazing

>Party characters like Cid are hardly developed beyond their initial introduction
Who more development do you want from Cid? He has a dream, he gets his dream. What do you want him to do?

>Non party characters are flat and lifeless (all the Turks could have been combined into one character and it wouldn't have affected the game at all. Same for the Shinra executives)
Completely disagree. They all have their own personalities and quirks.

>Story is supposedly the best part but is boring and lacks all of the complexity and twists that everybody says it does
It's boring? No wonder you think the characters are flat and the stories are undeveloped. Maybe play it again and actually pay attention to what you're reading instead of checking your phone. The complexity and twists are certainly there. You not seeing them isn't the games fault.

Peace out, you dumb bitch.

Honestly, I used to like the original but it's pretty hard to play after going through Remake. The story and characters feel so lackluster now, especially Barret and Jessie. The combat and constant random encounters really don't help either.

me? gongaga

>it's a jrpg
Tales of Destiny

Attached: FF7R becomes Tales of Sephiroth - The 7 Seconds.gif (217x166, 726.63K)

I agree with everything except for the story being boring. Also the music is not amazing as a whole, but some tracks are.

Jessie was never more than a very minor character and Barret’s character doesn’t grow until Corel.

This, fucking idiots lol.. she has like 4 lines in the original

>>combat sucks ass because all you do is spam attack or your strongest magic
>Welcome to JRPGs
I've experienced more complex combat in shitty hentai games.

Characters have their own unique niche, you have to use them effectively, equip items that either cover their weaknesses or maximize their strengths. Keep your healer alive at all costs. Carefully managing resurrections, mana, money. Seriously there's no reason to fuck this up in a triple A game

Well duh. That's why I said I prefer the Remake. Fleshing out characters is nice. Actually made me care when they died as opposed to them being literal whos.