Magnum opus thread. in the fourth chapter now...

magnum opus thread. in the fourth chapter now. i feel like now i'm able to at least start getting an idea how to build these things as soon as i see the product, at first i had some difficulty. still not the best, but i'm solving them. post solutions

Attached: Opus Magnum - Warming Tonic (240G, 77, 52, 2020-04-25-19-22-27).gif (826x647, 2.01M)

just did this one. started out doing okay, and then started having trouble once i had to actually place it in the hole

Attached: Opus Magnum - Stain Remover (425G, 165, 88, 2020-04-26-02-04-23).gif (826x647, 3.04M)

this one gave me trouble. glad i did it, but can't help but feel ashamed of how clunky it is.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (405G, 239, 85, 2020-04-25-02-54-47).gif (826x647, 3.1M)

no one into this right now?

Attached: Opus Magnum - Litharge Separation (405G, 147, 61, 2020-04-25-23-28-22).gif (826x647, 3.05M)

I would contribute some gifs, but I deleted them a long time ago and would have to reinstall the game to get my solutions out.

I'd post some of my own but I barely started the
game. Got nothing all that flashy to showcase.
You can have this silly gold machine, I guess.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Refined Gold (80G, 88, 8, 2020-04-26-02-29-03).gif (826x647, 1.07M)

seeing that reminds me i've got to do the gold level with glyphs of purifaction. goddamn, i am not stoked for that actually yes i am

Attached: Opus Magnum - Seal Solvent (210G, 169, 53, 2020-04-24-23-19-28).gif (826x647, 2.39M)

This. I went balls deep into minimum cycles and it ate 2 weeks of my time. But since I pirated it I wouldn't even have a way to get my solutions. This is all I have left aside from the memories.

Attached: 1509745859305.webm (986x1378, 318.35K)

I remember this one being the first one I was actually kinda proud of

Attached: Opus Magnum - Stain Remover (2018-01-22-20-40-02).gif (826x647, 1.67M)

oo that's pretty nice. i guess i don't have the brain for it ;_;

Attached: Opus Magnum - Stamina Potion (130G, 90, 42, 2020-04-24-04-57-35).gif (826x647, 1.73M)

When you get a solution that's under the top percentile, then you can be proud.

Attached: Screenshot_20200426_101211.png (279x392, 91.36K)

just tried tightening this one up a bit. still shite, but meh

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (565G, 166, 81, 2020-04-26-03-35-42).gif (826x647, 2.64M)

>not artisinally crafting all your products

Attached: Opus Magnum - Water Purifier (50G, 425, 32, 2020-04-26-03-48-01).gif (826x647, 3.61M)

about as tight as i can make it without starting from scratch i think

i think this could still go a lot faster if you use a six arm windmill, no?

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (570G, 145, 85, 2020-04-26-04-11-07).gif (826x647, 2.58M)

It's basic, but I like it.

Attached: 1572580371250.gif (826x647, 1.26M)

I said ARTISINAL. These elements were hand-raised and lovingly assembled only under the experienced grabber of an arm with decades of knowledge.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Explosive Phial (70G, 172, 15, 2020-04-26-04-16-52).gif (826x647, 1.72M)

that's pretty aesthetic. min was nowhere near as nice.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Explosive Phial (120G, 120, 41, 2020-04-26-04-35-18).gif (826x647, 1.48M)

Anyone played molek-syntez?

I played it by beating everything with minimum cost
never finished because the command lines got absurdly long and I didn't want to abandon the goal

i'm a clunky dumbass when i play this game
but it gives me a sense of accomplishment when i do finish one no matter what

Attached: Opus Magnum - Waterproof Sealant (135G, 54, 17, 2020-04-26-11-17-28).gif (826x647, 957.79K)

one day i'll go fast at this i bet

Attached: Opus Magnum - Hangover Cure (105G, 181, 18, 2020-04-26-11-18-13).gif (826x647, 1.48M)

reminder to always first saturate your input when going for cycles


Attached: Opus_Magnum_-_Stamina_Potion_2018-06-17-17-02-29.gif (826x647, 1.93M)


Attached: Opus_Magnum_-_Rocket_Propellant_2018-06-17-17-34-18.gif (826x647, 2.09M)


And this.
Didn't save the rest of them.

Attached: Opus_Magnum_-_Health_Tonic_2018-06-17-16-26-07.gif (826x647, 1.21M)

Attached: Opus_Magnum_-_Precision_Machine_Oil_70G_303_21_2019-02-11-20-31-59.gif (826x647, 2.09M)

Opus Magnum thread?
It's been ages since i last played but still have a folder for some of my favourite.
As you can tell I pretty much exclusively went for cycles.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Alchemical Jewel (2017-12-02-23-51-42).gif (826x647, 3.2M)

Attached: Opus Magnum - Armor Filament (2017-12-02-03-00-37).gif (826x647, 1.28M)

Attached: Opus Magnum - Climbing Rope Fiber (2017-12-02-16-04-52).gif (826x647, 2.03M)

Attached: Opus Magnum - Golden Thread (2017-12-02-07-18-13).gif (826x647, 1.83M)

you can cut out 1-2 cycles by not dropping the metal

I always thought I could make this faster but I couldn't figure out how.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Life-Sensing Potion (2017-12-02-01-33-01).gif (826x647, 1.51M)

This is some factorio level shit

>unsaturated inputs

Again, not sure how to make it faster.

What does saturated inputs mean? Can you show an example?

Attached: Opus Magnum - Universal Solvent (2017-12-02-21-53-25).gif (826x647, 1.66M)

I'll post the ones I tried with a Low Cycle Run

Attached: 1 Stabilized Water.gif (826x647, 3.22M)

Probably my personal favourite.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Very Dark Thread (2017-12-02-02-36-19).gif (826x647, 1.59M)

Attached: 2 Refined Gold.gif (826x647, 2.45M)

With this being my sacond favourite.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Voltaic Coil (2017-12-02-15-54-33).gif (826x647, 3.59M)

Attached: 3 Face Powder.gif (826x647, 1.06M)

Attached: 4 Hangover Cure.gif (826x647, 2.53M)

I had got reasonably far in this game, but I lost my progress somehow that I can't remember. I tried going back and redoing everything, but I quickly lost interest. This is the only solution I have that is really worth posting.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Airship Fuel (560G, 26, 235, 2019-06-16-19-10-40).gif (826x647, 920.15K)

Could definitely have gotten fewer cycles but I really liked the elegance of it.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Water Purifier (2017-12-01-19-30-49).gif (826x647, 2.24M)

>What does saturated inputs mean?
It means drawing out as many elements per cycle as possible. only exception is if you've got an imbalance in input and output, eg 1 earth&air input, 2 earth & 1 air output. in such cases you balance against the element with the highest requirement, meaning that you don't have to draw the other as often.
what this means is that you first want to draw out elements every 2 cycles and then figure out what to do with them. Once you have a shitty model that works, you can start optimizing it.
That's how you get true minimum cycles most of the time. there are some evil ones where you need to get real creative from the start to shave off that one final cycle