Best Storylins in Gaming history

Are they right Yas Forums?

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Halo 2.


>No Ghost Trick
I'm thinkin' no

>chosen by editors at RPGfan

Attached: John Flynt Review.png (587x886, 159.04K)


This list is bad, really bad.

Asura's Wrath

> Sonyfags seething as always

Double Yikes
>Innocent Sin
>Nier Automata
>Night in the woods
Unironcally kill yourself
>Strange Journey Redux
>Steins Gate
Literally the only good thing was Innocent Sin.

>Most of the games are PlayStation games
Can't even shitpost right, retarded Nintendo fan

> Getting filtered this badly by Xeno & Nier

>last of us isn't on there
exceedingly based

A third of these games I've never heard of but I'll take their word over it over people who actually list trash like The Last of Us and Final Fantasy X.

Still, Silent Hill 2 should be on there and maybe The Darkness.

Attached: The-Darkness-Paulie.jpg (600x300, 26.94K)

>digital devil saga
>good storyline
It's just an acidtrip where the main character dies and becomes a tranny who kills god in the sun.

Is this dude a tranny with an agenda?

>Snatcher but no Metal Gear Solid
Based contrarian

Based NPC

I really like the story of Nwn: shadows of undrentide, the concept of discovering something amazing and defeating a villain but nobody know what you did or saw is pretty comfy.

No fucking way an MMO has one of the best storylines in video games.

not as generic as expected. Already better than 95% of other lists.

Positive: It isn't the exact same set of games everyone always says every single time.
Negative: The games chosen are shit for the most part.

>some weeb game
>implying FF 3 had a great story
>weeb game
>weeb game
>weeb game from a hack
>is this a porn game?
>implying VNs are games
>good pick
>good pick
>another porn game
>Witcher 2 not 1 lmao
>weeb game
>weeb game
>good pick
>good pick
>another weeb game with no name
>no idea what this is
>didn't play
>weeb game
>more weeb game
>lmao kill yourself
>commie propaganda

Why is Steins Gate listed twice?

>>implying FF 3 had a great story
FF3 is FF6 and it has a good story.

Steins Gate and its sequel.

>endless skies
How does it compare to Sunless Sea?

I see you let Yas Forums decide your opinions. Bold move.

>No Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft games
Baded. This industry would be nothing without the amazing 3rd party games

>all those women on the game covers

I wouldn't make fun of people for being predictable simpletons while using the same predictable meme format everyone posts in.

>The Witcher being listed
While I like the Witcher, it's just based off a "pretty ok" fantasy book series.

What does that say about video game stories when an above average story for the literary world is a masterpiece by video game standards?

>steins gate
Not vidya

It's pretty good but glaringly lacking Starcraft and Genealogy of the Holy War

What the fuck

The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are both amazing. The saga itself is shit, though.

What does that say about television stories when an above average story for the literary world is a masterpiece by television standards?

NWN expansions and Witcher 2 are good. everything else can fuck off.

>Nier Automata
I still haven't played it after I got the bug that makes you have to reset the entire game. Why don't those fucks patch it?

just because Disco Elysium has great writing doesn't mean the actual story is good, because the story itself is garbage.

That a medium that's only a few decades old can't really compare to one that is thousands of years old.