>Western European Server:teammates are nice and helpful and there is banter that doesn't go too far
>Eastern European server: Teammates are loud and aggressive and there is always one hacker in the server
why are they like this?
Western European Server:teammates are nice and helpful and there is banter that doesn't go too far
Complete opposite experience for me, anglocuck.
Eastern European players are the funniest fuckers
>playing with ESL trash
lmao imagine their squeaky effeminate accents on mic
>Eastern Europe
>Polish, Russians
>Western Europe
I'll go with East, no other nationality comes anywhere close to how obnoxious the French are, and it's not just the occasional French cockmongler, it's the exception if a French player isn't fucking retarded in every single way
>Bad at the game
>Immediately spergs out if confronted about it, even when it's helpful and much needed advice
>Will completely ignore any and all instructions
>Refuses to learn from mistakes, keeps making the same fuckup over and over as if on attempt 14 it will somehow work now
>When they get upset (always, over nothing) they throw the most childish fucking tantrums
>Teammate got into an argument with a Frenchie? Great, now that French fuck is actively sabotaging the entire team just to spite that one guy he's upset with
>Despite being the most obnoxious faggots in the world they always feel entitled and will scream that they are reporting you while persisting in actual bannable behavior
You cannot convince me there's a worse nationality than the French, I refuse to believe that's even possible.
No ethnicity is as annoying as anglos online.
>western european server: full of submissive, emasculated cucks
>eastern european server: men still have testosterone
Where are you from son? Just want to make sure I avoid spergs like you.
50 credits says he's an eastern euro slav living in a western european country
As far from the truth as it can be.
>Western European Server:
>Everyone thinking they play good, while being shit
>Autistic Germans calling everyone who killed them a jew
>British who fail miserably then proceed to blame Polacks
>French hwo just Moin Moin and refuse to communicate in english
>Italians who "play for fun" and "are not tryhards" ( 0 incentive to win ).
>Eastern European server:
>Polacks who are either godlike at the game, or absolutely shit because they just started
>Hungarians who are top tier teammates and cooperate with everyone
>Czech who are usually good at meta, although slightly autistic
>Slovaks who are possibly the nicest people on Earth
>Droves of russians who only speak in moonrunes but they serve as cannon fodder
I'll take Eastern thank You.
Playing with the virtue signaling faggots from West Europe is physically painful.
Don’t worry about it anglos, we avoid you so you’ll never be here.
Damn dude this post is pathetic, what the fuck is this babble?
>Polacks who are either godlike at the game, or absolutely shit because they just started
Like why the fuck are you making excuses for the Polish you bitch as nigger?
>Hating on Germans
Only group I've never seen go full retard, Germans are never worse than adequate and always ready to improve, when you tell a German they fucked up, they listen. Meanwhile most eastern Europeans either start meming or swearing profusely that you dared question their brilliance, no hint of improving their play but at least you can have some laughs.
This is wrong. French are generally god awful at vidya, refuse to speak english and shit up any pay to play MMO.
Germans actually can't speak english, are trash at CS and get just as mad as russians when they lose.
Spanish always have shit connections or stay among their kind.
The only good western european teammates are Benelux or UK.
>Basically just reposts the same garbage over and over with no thought put into it
I mean I imagine it must be tricky translating your retarded goblediegook into a real language but holy fuck dude put some effort into enunciating your bullshit.
Calm down Nigel
Yea. Run bitch.
Poland is not Eastern European we a Central European. Literally in the middle of the continent, it’s not hard.
The french are impressively bad at life
You're just projecting your propagandised infosphere onto everything. Its all the same in both west and east, you just been taught to notice bad in the east and good in the west.
Every time I see German fail they begin ranting spasmotically, half of the words being either "juden" or "whorehnsohn". They thing they deserve the victory just for being German.
>Like why the fuck are you making excuses for the Polish you bitch as nigger?
Excuses? lol. Don't know why You British and Germans have such a hard-on against Poland and demand everyone else hate them too.
Why are Poles so Autistic when it comes to this?
>Tries to randomly guess someones nationality and predictably fails
Why did you even attempt that you dumb fuck? You fancy yourself so clever or something? The fuck did you hope to accomplish with such a complete shot in the dark?
Also what the fuck kind of games do you play where you find these angst riddled Germans? FPS shit? Good luck finding literally ANYONE who isn't a total spastic playing that shit.
He's too ashamed to admit where he's from, because he's subhuman and knows it. Same reason he's so mad at ''anglos'' since their superiority makes him seethe 24/7
Because they want to feel superior to Eastern Europe and Western Europe repeatedly slapped the shit out of them.
It's why Poland's biggest friend in Europe is America. Everyone else fucking despises them.
Nice try but Germany is Central European, don't tell me you can look at Spain and then Russia and you somehow consider yourself in the fucking middle of the whole thing rather than being on the fucking east you retarded mongrel.
Or is this you tacitly admitting you actually were just German all along and we can go back to Danzig?
this, it's better to choose east just to avoid the french
>Why are Poles so Autistic when it comes to this?
What is Your reaction to an American calling Europe a country?
This is basically the same. Poland was throughout history, central. Neither truly west nor east, it took from both what it could to survive. Calling it eastern is the effect of bad education and cold-war era brainwashing.
I don't know what you are talking about. I still have nightmares from MHWorld where german would mean that person won't give a fuck about hunting and instead will just roam and gather resources. Seriously, only germans would join your game and be like that, absolutely disgusting.
Geographically speaking, they're both Central Europe
Poland was never central you dumb nigger, it has never moved anywhere near the center, it's always been to the fucking east of central Europe.
>join match
>Everybody speaks either Spanish or English
How do old worlders even compete?
Where do you think England and Spain are you retard?
By not living in fear of being Shot or stabbed every day
No such city, Hanz.
You occupied it for some time, but it was, it is, and it always will be Polish.
Low test lol
The fuck is Polish even other than the leftover scum from the boots of Russians and Germans that have repeatedly trampled them throughout history? Like holy fuck how can you look at the image you posted and not feel deep shame over your complete inability to defend yourselves?
>literally proving his point
Kek no wonder there were so many wars in europe
Everybody hates each other
Don't bulli the poles pls, they are pretty nice people.
No worries man, they're used to being abused from all sides :^)
It's a Nation of 1000 years of tradition that still has it's own independent Country even though Germans, Russians, and almost every other country tried to destroy them at some point.
I have no idea why are You so triggered by their existance, but remember that every single power that tried to destroy them do not exist anymore: from Teurtonic Order to USSR. And they are still here.
I suggest reading something about the history of Europe, and I suggest to read something more then some stormfag blogs trying to prove the nazis had flying saucers.