What's wrong Yas Forums?

What's wrong Yas Forums?
Why did everyone forget about this piece of shit already? I thought you said it was better than 2016?

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Just a typical shitty overhyped FPS. It was just popular cus "muh edge", and "muh childhood". Underwhelming trite.

If you wanted a DOOM thread you didn’t have to be a contrarian faggot about it.

Lets be real here user DOOM Eternal isn't bad but its not good either

It's pretty good.

What kind of faggy non-opinion is this? The absolute state of this board.

>pretty good
is that a 6.5/10 or a 7/10

Dusk is better

Its a single-player game with a gimmicky multiplayer mode, This game is direly lacking in co-op or conventional deathmatch modes, Wish they at least brought snap-map back.

it's like DMCV. I remember people saying it was the greatest game ever then it died a couple of months after.

Novelty wore off and the limitations in the design are impossible to ignore.


It's not a non-opinion. user is clearly saying it is mediocre, average, non-offensively forgettable. You know, it's not bad, but it's not good.

why do you guys keep expecting games with sub-20 hour campaigns to be discussed forever


Because it's a single player shooter? People have already completed it dozens of times and there is nothing more to do. Move on with yore life and consume the next product faggot

2016 had consistent threads for nearly a year after it released. Zoomerternal is struggling to even get shit posts and it's been less than 40 days.

No it didn't. Doom posting only happened when doom news occurred. Like during e3 and quakecon. It didn't have a steady stream of daily shitposts, hell most games don't. This is the dumbest thread I've seen. It's like determining a games playerbase by twitch view count.

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It's legit pretty great. It's a much better game than 2016. More enemy diversity, better gun balance, more weapons, enemies are much more aggressive, more movement options, better variation in level locations.

DMCV is great though, and it got threads for months after it came out. DMCV is my personal GOTY that year.

I like Dusk a ton, but Eternal does enough differently to set itself apart from it and the other retro FPS throw back games. Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Fury, and Overload are all very solid games. Amid Evil is my favorite of the bunch, and I'd argue that Ion Fury is superior to Duke 3D.

Also this, a huge chunk of Yas Forums will only talk about a game series if it has waifus. ME2 had threads consistently for the game like 7 months after release, and they were all waifu threads.

That and Yas Forums has shit taste in games generally, trying to use this site as some sort of metric for whether a game is good or not is a huge sign that you're a newfag.

Only the best games get talked about twenty four fucking seven. Only the best games are so deep and philosophical that they can bear, nay, even encourage endless layers of discussion. Why aren't people talking more about the shooty shooty game where you literally just shoot people. What is it BAD?

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It's a non grindy single player game, everyone has finished it

Honestly if they just did a proper full slayer deathmatch with weapon & item pickups and no gimped loadout shit it would be more fun than Quake Champions I think.

Of course it'll never happen because Hugo is a consolefag and Bethesda are insistent on dragging around QC's dead corpse.


>Objective: Shoot a hole into Mars

I laughed

Doom Eternal is for the kinds of people who think that the only thing missing from Doom was tomes and tomes of lore and cut scenes, and constant extended first person platforming sequences.

Retards, basically.

There are like 3 cutscenes

Yas Forums only complains about things, and Doom Eternal is too good to complain about.

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>thought "mortally challenged" was just a one-off joke they threw in at E3 to create controversy
>they actually run with it the entire game

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at the end they're called demons it's kinda funny
anyway the game has zero replayability, can't be modded, and has shit multiplayer. it's a fun one time romp. for all of the high production values it's basically on the same level as marlow briggs or any other spectacle fighter.

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It's a single-player action game. Discussion naturally dies off after a little while because people run out of things to talk about.

>marlow briggs
>spectacle fighter

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