I'm enjoying the game so far but I heard it takes a huge nose dive after this point...

I'm enjoying the game so far but I heard it takes a huge nose dive after this point. Should I continue or spend more valuable time on a different FF or maybe DQ11?

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Bump for aesthetics

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she's cute who's the girl?

Why not just continue until its not fun for you any more? Why ask Yas Forums so you can try and pre-emptively stop?

in the same boat here, about 5hrs in, love its leisurely pace and gameplay. Definitely just not going to ignore Yas Forums, which is what you should do all the time

oops im too tired to type lol just ignore Yas Forums it's literally always wrong

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this is so fucking autistic
yes, you should stop playing something you are enjoying. Fucking idiot


Just play the game and form your own opinion retard.

>dat hoverhand
Why is he such a beta?

That's Prompto, you faggot

it's subjective whether it gets worse but it really does just become a completely different game

You see that mountain of muscle sitting opposite? That's her brother. Do I need to explain any further?

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how bout finishing the game and forming your own opinions?

cute... CUTE

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FFXV is kino, keep at it user

waifu material for sure

What the fuck, people hated this game? This is unbelievably sweet I want to play it now

The part where you actually travel with Iris is very small. You're artificially trapped in a certain area, you have limited control of the car, so you'll need to ride chocobos around everywhere, and there's only 1 dungeon she can accompany you to. Most of the rest of the time you're just with the boys. And once you drop Iris off is where the game goes completely linear and it becomes a race to the end.

And you just saved me money thanks user I understand the disdain now

i had fun for like 10 hours. then i realized every side quest is a copy paste, the world is empty, combat is worse than the witcher 3, and the game is only half finished despite having a 10 year development cycle.

The game is way better after that point. Story goes into overdrive.

Linearity is not a bad thing and you're also wrong. You can go back to the open world even after.

The game would have benefited a lot by having Iris, Lunafreya, Aranea, and maybe Cindy as regular playable characters you could swap in an out like a usual FF. Yeah, the boys had great camaraderie together, but beyond them most of the other characters got little attention or characterization.

it kinda take a nosedive, but again at the final part, it go up again.

You can go back, but it's only to finish up fetch quests. There's no story related reason to go back.

This. Why can't I just travel with my waifus all the time D:

>game come out people say its alright
>opinions shifts into it becoming shit.
>years later, all talk is overall negative
>new game comes out
>time passes
>"Y'know was x game REALLY that bad?"

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There are barely any story related reasons for any open world in any game. Even RDR2 and GTA5 become highly linear the moment the game shifts from freedom to narrative. But the open world is way more fun in end game as you track down the bigger optional monsters.

Also you should not miss out on the final chapter. FF15 has a lot of flaws but its final chapter is kino.

Only justice survives time, not lies

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Yeah once you go to the waterfall city the quality just DIPS. If you do decide to keep playing, choose the alternate path for Chapter 13, NOT Noctis' path.

>fantasy game
>main character dresses like jake paul

It's alright. The good parts can be amazing, the combat system is actually fun once you realize you can actually mash buttons instead of holding like the game tells you to. A bit on the easy side, but Final Fantasy games tend to be. The story really shits the bed in the second half though, it feels really rushed and cobbled together at that point. And the game feels like it's missing about an hour or two of introduction that should've been in the actual game instead of some gay anime and CG movie I'm not gonna watch.

dumb shit use healing skill on 90% hp

I was so disgusted with the previous chapters that by the time I got to the World of Ruin I just raced through it to the end. Not being able to encounter Iris, Cindy, or anyone else from the World of Balance other than that one kid all grown up was another piss off.