Why don't they make games?

Why don't they make games?

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Because we don't work for shit money.


I guarantor you've played an ausfag developed game and just not known it at the time

This but importantly the Australian government doesn't subsidize vidya development. Canada, France, and up until recently, the UK all do, hence why there's so many studios there. The US is really the only first world country that doesn't subsidize it and that's only because of our enormous talent pool.

There are several Australian indie games. If you're asking why there are no major Australian publishers I guess it's because most major publishers have built themselves up over decades and Australia's economy is too small to have achieved that yet.

Who cares

hollow knight?

untitled goose game
hollow knight

are the two notable games of recent history

please commit suicide

They do, for the most part some global publishers do or did have studios there.

please get a bigger penis

that's literally 3 people in an office building in Adelaide, they could have worked at home to be cheaper but for the sake of professionalism decided to pay out the rent jew.

see this >Liberal govt hates all arts, movies, vidya and actively tries to punish anyone who tries to make anything in Aus
>min wage is high, so investors would rather pay someone $1/month to make their vidya in Korea than in Aus
>high taxation
>server cost is too high
>highest housing prices in the world, so no-one who wants to start a games company can afford to buy/rent a space to do so
>highest electricity prices in the world, so running a room full of PCs, servers and other equipment way more expensive than in other countries
>shitty internet. Country is 60th in average internet speed, putting it behind a lot of 3rd world countries.
>internet still has monthly bandwidth restrictions
>Murdoch-controlled press doesn't like advertising anything that could possibly distract the masses from consuming more Murdoch press. Murdoch actively keeps the internet and other industries shit so people end up having to watch his cable TV networks to be entertained
>weak dollar and economy means less profits at the end of the day
>if selling physical copies, there's no factories or infrastructure to produce in Aus, so it's outsourced to china, shipped back to Aus and THEN distributed. Aus is in the ass end of nowhere so shipping to the US and EU takes forever and is heavily taxed.
>govt actively discourages job security by discouraging employers from hiring permanent staff. results in any and all staff being Casual Part-time so employers can get out of giving away costly benefits. This means all the talent ends up going overseas to find good, stable, reliable work because no-one'll hire or keep anyone over the age of 30 when they can just hire more Filipinos and 16 year old's instead.

what the fuck do you mean by that? Who cares how they live/work?

Damn, suddenly I don't feel so bad about living in Canada

Ausfag here,

Australia is fucking retarded. Imagine playing an RTS and all you do is harvest lumber, rocks and gold and trade it to your allies who then make shit with it which we then buy. That's Australia.

Australia is basically China

good summary, shit's fucked

This shit country doesn't make anything anymore. Ironic considering that for the past 7 years we've got the party that's supposedly supposed to be saving jobs and industries
all correct

sounds like every other 'first world' western country

I've made a couple. Shitty itch.io games probably don't count.

no but we sure as shit lick their boots like we are

>Imagine playing an RTS and all you do is harvest lumber, rocks and gold and trade it to your allies who then make shit with it which we then buy

Australia fucking sucks. Signed Canadachad.

You should. Trudeau is a clown.

Can confirm, I am a white minority in my electorate

I love Australia
t.3rd worlder that recently started living in Ausland
Also Hollow kniight is a great game

This thread gets made every fucking month. I'm thinking of making an easy collage of these games to reply to it.

OG Star Wars Battlefront
Goose Game
OG Syndicate
Golf Story
Hollow Knight
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Puzzle Quest
Hand of Fate
De Blob
Fallout Tactics
Game Dev Tycoon
Shadowrun Snes
LA Noir
Big chunks of the Bioshock games
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (unsurprising if you've played it)

Australia makes games and has been for 40 years. Thanks to several years of shit government dictated by the Murdoch press our triple-a development is dead outside of a few support studios in Melbourne and Sydney, but some of the biggest recent indie hits are Australian. Try using Google instead of maligning an industry you've never looked into.

Internet is too slow to make games

I don't feel like it.

weebs love Osu!

pic related was made by Australians

maybe if you bought it you'd get more based devs instead of sjw propaganda "indie" games

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I long for the day Murdoch is dead, the only person I genuinely wish death upon. I can only hope his 'influence' isn't as awful after he passes or whoever follows him is incompetent but also when he is dead I'm going to get black out drunk in celebration.

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Don't forget that the country is fuck huge but the population too small so even if you release locally you'll get a smaller market than some backwater european shithole which could then spread to others surrounding it easier than even traversing the eastern shore of aus. I fucking hate my country and how badly it fucked up it's fantastic starting position.

too busy getting swole and doing skitz shit

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go back whence you came

australia is full of nerds bro

He's got a whole dynasty of oligarch sons and relatives. The day Old Mate Rupert dies is far from the end of Murdoch influence. With him controlling government there's no chance they'll be regulated out of existence either. One of the many reasons why I'm moving to Yurop in a month's time. I may hate how EU politics is now but there's at least hope for change in the future.

by "australia" I assume you mean hellbourne and the people's republic of sydney

Nah bro, let's hang out cutie

imagine needing an entire wiki page dedicated to how many games your faggot government has banned

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we lowkey do, remotely, under contract for foreign studios (due to the tax subsidies previously mentioned).

I know user, it just saddens me. I love my country but to have said entire country in that man's control, and it not even be a conspiracy but blatant, and his government actively dismantling effective policies for profit.
I don't want to move from here but I might have too.

I'm more keen for Soros to finally die, tho unfortunately his money has financed so many globalist organisations that they are probably going to be going strong for decades.

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